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Designing a website with InfoGlue components
"Our current capital market is insufficient in meeting the funding needs of our companies," Wu Xiaoling said Wednesday at a conference in eastern China's Tianjin city. "Banks are institutions that manage risks anyway so they should be in the best position to judge the risks in these instruments."
Private-equity funds should be allowed to buy stakes in closely held Chinese companies before they go public, Wu said. They should then be given freedom to bring in overseas management expertise to help companies prepare for initial public offerings, she said.
China needs rules for private equity funds to exit from their investments, Wu said without elaborating. It also needs funds that specialize in investing in the country's currency, the yuan, she said Wednesday.
China Development Bank and Tianjin government plan to set up a 2 billion yuan ($262 million) fund to invest in venture capital firms, according to the city's deputy mayor, Cui Jindu.
Tianjin's Bohai Industrial Investment Fund, <nobr onmousemove="kwM(4);" onmouseout="kwL(event, this);" onmouseover="kwE(event,4, this);" oncontextmenu="return false;" target="_blank" onclick="return kwC();" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(102, 0, 255); font-size: 14px; text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(102, 0, 255); background-color: transparent;" id="key0">one</nobr> of the nation's private equity funds, has 20 billion yuan of investments. The fund was initiated by six mainland companies, including China Life Insurance Co.
China invested $3 billion in Blackstone Group LP's IPO last month to boost returns and diversify its $1.2 trillion of foreign exchange reserves into higher-yielding overseas assets than the U.S. Treasuries that make up much of its holdings.
Economic growth of more than 10 percent has intensified competition among private-equity firms for access to China, where the government in September imposed stricter rules on overseas buyouts. The value of announced foreign acquisitions in China fell 11 percent to $27.5 billion in 2006, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
Wu's comments follow a call earlier Wednesday by China's industry regulator for banks to triple the share of revenue they get from non-interest income over the next five to 10 years.
Fees and commissions from services such as insurance and mutual fund distribution should account for half of revenue at nationwide banks, up from the current 17 percent, Tang Shuangning, vice chairman of the banking watchdog, said in a statement.
Slowing Loan Growth
Tang's target would bring Chinese banks more in line with foreign rivals. Domestic banks get more than 90 percent of earnings from interest income -- the difference between what they pay depositors and charge on loans. That compares with 65 percent overseas, according to China Chengxin International Credit Ratings Co., a domestic credit rating company.
"Loan growth will start slowing over the next five to 10 years, so Chinese banks that are dependent on interest income won't have much room for expansion," Li Fuan, director of product innovation at the China Banking Regulatory Commission, said at a wealth management conference in Beijing Wednesday. It's "imperative" for banks to increase their investment product offerings, Li said.
China plans to <nobr onmousemove="kwM(2);" onmouseout="kwL(event, this);" onmouseover="kwE(event,2, this);" oncontextmenu="return false;" target="_blank" onclick="return kwC();" style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(102, 0, 255); font-size: 14px; text-decoration: underline; color: rgb(102, 0, 255); background-color: transparent;" id="key0">focus</nobr> on the "quality" rather than the "quantity" of investment from overseas buyout firms, the nation's top planning body said Nov. 9. That means importing more technology, management skills and research capabilities rather than just seeking capital, it said.
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The Business Case For E-Learning <br>by Tom M Kelly , Nader A Nanjiani <br>Paperback: 216 pages Publisher: Cisco Press (October 29, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 1587200864 ...
- fixed bug when cross tab cut the text in corner, when corner height greater than column height - [fs] improved script compilation - improved WatchForm TListBox changet to TCheckListBox - improved ...
HS bitrates > 1 Gbps, allowing for slightly greater conformance margins for these parameters, to better allow for process and manufacturing variations in these implementations. In some cases the ...
Coding for Linux- Master Linux and expand your programming skills-September 1, 2019 by James Gale.pdf-全彩版 September 1, 2019 Linux Author: James Gale Pub Date: 2019 ISBN: n/a Pages: 147 Language: ...
ARRAY LAYOUTS FOR COMPARISON-BASED SEARCHING*Paul-Virak Khuong† and Pat Morin‡March 14, 2017Abstract. We attempt to determine the best order and search algorithm to store n compa- rable data items ...
The buck–boost converter is a type of DC-to-DC converter that has an output voltage magnitude that is either greater than or less than the input voltage magnitude. It is equivalent to a flyback ...
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All constraints must be greater-than-equal-to type (g >= 0) and normalized (see the sample problem in prob1 in objective()). There are three sample input file (inp-r for real-coded variables only, ...
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Wireless networks are under constant pressure to provide ever higher data rates to increasing numbers of users with greater reliability. Space-time processing technology, which uses multiple antennas ...
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ARRAY LAYOUTS FOR COMPARISON-BASED SEARCHING∗Paul-Virak Khuong† and Pat Morin‡September 16, 2015Abstract. We attempt to determine the best order and search algorithm to store n compa- rable data ...
Added setFlashCallObject and setFlashCallListener methods to support the Flash ExternalInterface.call functionality (requires Flash 9 or greater) - Added callFunction method which can call Flash ...