我想让In Place Editing 调用完后台数据库后去render一个rjs。
一开始不知道默认In Place Editing 在Ajax调用完后,会使用返回的值去更新
try { Element.show("roll_products_list"); } catch (e) { alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString()); alert('Element.show(\"roll_products_list\");'); throw e }
后来看了In Place Editing with RJS一文才知道需要加上一个参数
def editable_content(options)
options[:content] = { :element => 'span' }.merge(options[:content])
options[:ajax] = {
:evalScripts=>true,:okText => "'Save'",
:cancelText => "'Cancel'",:submitOnBlur => true,
:okButton => false,:cancelLink => false,
:highlightcolor=>"''"}.merge(options[:ajax] || {})
script = Array.new
script << "new Ajax.InPlaceEditor("
script << " '#{options[:content][:options][:id]}',"
script << " '#{options[:url]}?_method=put',"
script << " {"
script << options[:ajax].map{ |key, value| "#{key.to_s}: #{value}" }.join(", ")
script << " }"
script << ")"
) + javascript_tag( script.join("\n") )
本文提出了一种名为PISE(Person Image Synthesis and Editing)的新颖两阶段生成模型,能够生成具有期望姿势、纹理或语义布局的逼真人物图像。 PISE的核心创新在于使用了一个解析生成器和一个图像生成器。首先,...
Video editing with Python
【Visual ChatGPT】是微软亚洲研究院开发的一个创新系统,它结合了视觉基础模型,如Visual Transformers和Stable Diffusion,扩展了ChatGPT的功能,使其不仅能够处理和生成语言,还能处理和生成图像。...
之前我发了数篇系列博文来仔细研究Poisson Image Editing算法,每次重新审视和深入,仿佛都能有更为深刻的认识和很大的收获。这应该算是我这个系列的完结篇,会用用Matlab代码一点一点的演示,原文作者到底是如何...
在《Editing In ArcMap》这本书中,作者详细阐述了如何使用ESRI的桌面GIS软件ArcMap进行地理数据的创建和编辑。ArcMap不仅是一个用于地图制作和分析的强大工具,还提供了对地理数据和表格数据的管理和编辑功能。 在...
Fashion Editing with Multi-scale Attention Normalization Region Normalization for Image Inpainting Coherent Semantic Attention for image inpainting Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief ...
《iOS中的Photo Editing Extension开发详解》 在移动设备上,照片编辑已经成为日常操作的一部分,而iOS平台提供了强大的扩展机制,让开发者能够自定义照片编辑体验。"Photo Editing Extension Demo"是苹果官方提供...
Fixed : Issue with editing cell functionality while selecting all cells in TTMSFMXGrid v1.8.0.2 Fixed : Issue with peristing column states Fixed : Issue with printing DPI on different real and ...
【标题】"Film Editing.zip" 是一个专门针对影视剪辑的教育资源,主要以PPT的形式呈现,适合初学者快速入门。这个压缩包包含了丰富的影视剪辑知识,通过精美的画面和配套的剪辑视频,让学习者能在较短的时间内(15-...
**波西米亚编辑器工具BI EDITING TOOLS详解** BI EDITING TOOLS是由波西米亚互动(Bohemia Interactive)开发的一款专业级游戏编辑工具,主要用于游戏模组制作、资源打包和3D模型创建。这个强大的工具集是专为那些...
Usingviyou can insert newtextany place in the file quite easily.Most of the commands tovimove the cur- sor around in the file.There are commands to move the cursor forward and backward in units of ...
《Peachpit.Press.Editing.with.Avid.Media Composer.5.Sep.2010》是一本关于使用Avid Media Composer 5进行视频编辑的专业教程。Avid Media Composer是电影和电视行业广泛使用的非线性视频编辑软件,以其强大的功能...
Industry terminology involved in digital audio editing, synthesis, sampling, analysis and processing The work process which comprises a fundamental digital audio editing, analysis, and effects ...
Samsung Editing Assets2.2.82.5.apk
Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL 2.0 teaches OpenCL and parallel ...Example code covering image analytics, web plugins, particle simulations, video editing, performance optimization, and more
《WAVCRAFT: AUDIO EDITING AND GENERATION WITH LARGE LANGUAGE MODEL》是一篇研究文章,介绍了WavCraft系统——一种利用大型语言模型(LLMs)连接多种任务特定模型进行音频内容创建和编辑的方法。该系统能够将原始...
In this new and updated edition, you’ll also get to grips with the latest VR and AR features available. By the end of this book, you will have the skills you need to program effectively in C++17. ...