这里列一下他的目录来至于 http://soabook.com/toc.html 书名: < SOA Using Java?Web Service> by Mark D. Hansen
Foreword .......... xv<o:p></o:p>
Preface .......... xix<o:p></o:p>
Acknowledgments .......... xxvii<o:p></o:p>
About the Author .......... xxix<o:p></o:p>
Chapter 1: Service-Oriented Architecture with Java Web Services .......... 1<o:p></o:p>
- 1.1 Am I Stupid, or Is Java Web Services Really Hard? .......... 2
- 1.2 Web Services Platform Architecture .......... 8
- 1.3 Java Web Services Standards: Chapters 2 through 8 .......... 18
- 1.4 The SOAShopper Case Study: Chapters 9 and 10 .......... 21
- 1.5 SOA-J and WSDL-Centric Development: Chapter 11 .......... 22
Chapter 2: An Overview of Java Web Services .......... 25<o:p></o:p>
- 2.1 The Role of JWS in SOA Application Development .......... 26
- 2.2 A Quick Overview of the Ease-of-Use Features .......... 36
- 2.3 JAX-WS 2.0 .......... 43
- 2.4 JAXB 2.0 .......... 54
- 2.5 WS-Metadata 2.0 .......... 73
- 2.6 WSEE 1.2 .......... 80
- 2.7 Impact of Other Java EE 5 Annotation Capabilities .......... 82
- 2.8 Conclusions .......... 84
Chapter 3: Basic SOA Using REST .......... 85<o:p></o:p>
- 3.1 Why REST? .......... 85
- 3.2 XML Documents and Schema for EIS Records .......... 88
- 3.3 REST Clients with and without JWS .......... 97
- 3.4 SOA-Style Integration Using XSLT and JAXP for Data Transformation .......... 114
- 3.5 RESTful Services with and without JWS .......... 125
- 3.6 Conclusions .......... 136
Chapter 4: The Role of WSDL, SOAP, and Java/XML Mapping in SOA .......... 137<o:p></o:p>
- 4.1 The Role of WSDL in SOA .......... 138
- 4.2 The Role of SOAP in SOA .......... 145
- 4.3 Dispatching: How JAX-WS 2.0 Maps WSDL/SOAP to Java Invocation .......... 151
- 4.4 Working around Some JAX-WS 2.0 Dispatching Limitations .......... 166
- 4.5 SOA Often Requires $(CSt(Bart from WSDL and Java$(D .(B......... 175
- 4.6 Working around JAXB 2.0 Java/XML Mapping Limitations .......... 182
- 4.7 Conclusions .......... 194
Chapter 5: The JAXB 2.0 Data Binding .......... 195<o:p></o:p>
- 5.1 Binding versus Mapping .......... 195
- 5.2 An Overview of the Standard JAXB 2.0 Java/XML Binding .......... 199
- 5.3 Implementing Type Mappings with JAXB 2.0 .......... 209
- 5.4 A Recursive Framework for Type Mappings .......... 217
- 5.5 Implementing Type Mappings with JAXB 2.0 Annotations .......... 224
- 5.6 Implementing Type Mappings with the JAXB 2.0 Binding Language .......... 235
- 5.7 Implementing Type Mappings with the JAXB 2.0 XmlAdapter Class .......... 245
- 5.8 JAXB 2.0 for Data Transformation (Instead of XSLT) .......... 256
- 5.9 Conclusions .......... 262
Chapter 6: JAX-WS 2.0 Client-Side Development .......... 265 <o:p></o:p>
- 6.1 JAX-WS Proxies .......... 265
- 6.2 XML Messaging .......... 285
- 6.3 Invocation with Custom Java/XML Mappings: An Example Using Castor Instead of JAXB .......... 292
- 6.4 Asynchronous Invocation .......... 297
- 6.5 SOAP Message Handlers .......... 304
- 6.6 Conclusions .......... 310
Chapter 7: JAX-WS 2.0 Server-Side Development .......... 311 <o:p></o:p>
- 7.1 JAX-WS Server-Side Architecture .......... 311
- 7.2 Start from WSDL Using a Service Endpoint Interface (SEI) .......... 316
- 7.3 Providers and XML Processing without JAXB .......... 320
- 7.4 Deploying Web Services Using Custom Java/XML Mappings .......... 325
- 7.5 Validation and Fault Processing .......... 329
- 7.6 Server-Side Handlers .......... 343
- 7.7 Java SE Deployment with javax.xml.ws.Endpoint .......... 347
- 7.8 Conclusions .......... 355
Chapter 8: Packaging and Deployment of SOA Components (JSR-181 and JSR-109) .......... 357<o:p></o:p>
- 8.1 Web Services Packaging and Deployment Overview .......... 359
- 8.2 Deployment without Deployment Descriptors .......... 376
- 8.3 Using Deployment Descriptors .......... 384
- 8.4 Automatic Deployment with GlassFish .......... 402
- 8.5 Web Services Security .......... 405
- 8.6 OASIS XML Catalogs 1.1 .......... 407
- 8.7 Wrapping Up .......... 409
Chapter 9: SOAShopper: Integrating eBay, Amazon, and Yahoo! Shopping .......... 411<o:p></o:p>
- 9.1 Overview of SOAShopper .......... 411
- 9.2 SOAShopper SOAP Services .......... 417
- 9.3 An SOAShopper RESTful Service and the Standard XML Schema .......... 423
- 9.4 Service Implementation .......... 431
- 9.5 eBay and Amazon Services (SOAP) .......... 434
- 9.6 Yahoo! Services (REST) .......... 444
- 9.7 SOAShopper API and the Integration Layer .......... 450
- 9.8 Conclusions about Implementing Real-World SOA Applications with Java EE .......... 460
Chapter 10: <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ajax</st1:place></st1:city> and Java Web Services .......... 463<o:p></o:p>
- 10.1 Quick Overview of <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ajax</st1:place></st1:city> .......... 464
- 10.2 <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ajax</st1:place></st1:city>Together with Java EE Web Services .......... 468
- 10.3 Sample Code: An <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ajax</st1:place></st1:city>Front-End for SOAShopper .......... 470
- 10.4 Conclusions about <st1:city w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Ajax</st1:place></st1:city> and Java EE .......... 479
Chapter 11: WSDL-Centric Java Web Services with SOA-J .......... 481<o:p></o:p>
- 11.1 SOA-J Architecture .......... 483
- 11.2 WSDL-Centric Development with SOA-J .......... 486
- 11.3 Invocation Subsystem .......... 493
- 11.4 Serialization Subsystem .......... 503
- 11.5 Deployment Subsystem .......... 514
- 11.6 Conclusions .......... 519
Appendix A: Java, XML, and Web Services Standards Used in This Book .......... 523<o:p></o:p>
Appendix B: Software Configuration Guide .......... 525<o:p></o:p>
- B.1 Install Java EE 5 SDK .......... 526
- B.2 Install Apache Ant 1.7.x .......... 527
- B.3 Install Apache Maven 2.0.x .......... 527
- B.4 Install the Book Example Code .......... 528
- B.5 Configure Maven .......... 528
- B.6 Configure Ant .......... 530
- B.7 Starting and Stopping the GlassFish Server .......... 532
- B.8 Test the Installation by Running an Example .......... 532
- B.9 Build and Deploy the SOAShopper Case Study (Chapters 9 and 10) .......... 534
- B.10 Build and Deploy the SOA-J Application Framework (Chapter 11) .......... 535
- B.11 Install Java SE 6 (Optional) .......... 535
Appendix C: Namespace Prefixes .......... 537<o:p></o:p>
Glossary .......... 539<o:p></o:p>
References .......... 555<o:p></o:p>
Index .......... 561<o:p></o:p>
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以深入探讨“使用Java Web服务实现SOA(面向服务的架构)”这一主题中的关键知识点。下面将详细阐述与标题、描述以及部分内文相关的SOA及Java Web服务的重要概念和技术。 ### 面向服务的...
- **使用JAX-WS(Java API for XML Web Services)**:JAX-WS是Java SE 6引入的一个API,用于开发、部署和消费Web服务。它提供了一个简单的编程模型,可以轻松地创建和访问Web服务。 - **使用Apache CXF框架**:...
【标题】"SOA Using java web servcice 随书源码"涉及的核心知识点主要集中在面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)以及Java Web服务的开发与实现上。面向服务架构是一种设计和构建分布式系统的方法论...
《SOA 使用 Java Web 服务》一书由 Mark D. Hansen 撰写,于2007年出版,深入探讨了面向服务架构(SOA)与Java Web服务的结合应用,为读者提供了全面理解和服务导向架构在企业级应用中的实践指南。 ### 面向服务...
通过阅读《SOA using Java Web services》,读者将能够深入了解SOA的原理和实践,以及如何利用Java Web服务构建健壮、可扩展的分布式系统。书中的知识点涵盖了从基础理论到高级实践的方方面面,对于希望在SOA领域...
根据提供的文件信息,我们可以推断出这是一本关于面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)结合Java Web Services的书籍。以下是对该书可能涵盖的一些关键知识点的概述: ### 1. 面向服务架构(SOA)...
在本篇内容中,我们将深入探讨《使用Java EE实施SOA》这一主题,解析其核心概念、技术背景以及实现过程中的关键步骤和技术要点。 ### 一、SOA与Java EE概述 #### 1.1 SOA(面向服务的架构) SOA是一种软件设计方法...
Java Web服务是基于Java平台的一种实现SOA的方法。它利用了Java技术的强大功能以及广泛的应用基础来创建和部署Web服务。Java Web服务允许不同平台之间的应用程序通过标准的HTTP协议进行通信,从而极大地提高了系统的...
【标题】"SOA Using Java in Webservice" 指的是使用Java技术在Web服务中实现面向服务架构(Service-Oriented Architecture, SOA)的一种方法。SOA是一种设计原则,它强调通过独立、可重用的服务来构建分布式系统,...
### SOA与多渠道服务:理解Eric Newcomer原著《Using SOA with Web Services》第五章节 #### 一、全新服务与合成服务的概念 在第五章“SOA与多渠道服务”中,Eric Newcomer深入探讨了面向服务架构(Service-...
《使用Java EE实施SOA》一书由B.V. Kumar、Prakash Narayan和Tony Ng共同撰写,由Addison-Wesley出版社出版。该书属于The Java™ Series系列,这一系列书籍得到了Sun Microsystems的支持和认可,是Java技术创造者们...
《SOA Using Java Web Services》一书由Mark D. Hansen编写,该书深入探讨了如何利用Java、EJB和Web服务等技术来构建SOA系统,并提供了大量的实践案例和技术细节。 #### 二、SOA的概念与特点 SOA是一种将应用程序的...
总结来说,"SOA Using"可能涵盖了使用Java JAX-RS来设计和实现RESTful服务,这是一种常见的构建面向服务架构的方式。通过阅读"RestfulJavaWithJaxRS.pdf",读者可以深入理解RESTful服务的原理和实践,掌握构建高效、...
are associated with web services and service-oriented architecture(SOA). The testing aspect of web services in particular is one of the key topics which needs to be discussed when you work with web ...
本次大会的重点之一是"Services SOA Platform and Middleware Services",即服务导向架构(SOA)、平台以及中间件服务。这些主题在现代企业级应用开发中具有至关重要的地位。 首先,我们来看一下"Case Study: ...