采样自: yui
, closure
, kissy editor
,一般 button 分为四种 : button , toogle button , menu button , split button 。


kissy editor

toogle button


kissy editor

menu button


kissy editor

split button


kissy editor
1. 抽象,组件架构 . ( YUI , closure ,kissy TODO)
2.键盘鼠标互操作性 . ( YUI , closure , kissy TODO)
3. wai-aria fully support ( YUI , closure , kissy TODO)
3.1 Aria 属性与组件状态同步
3.2 http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/

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Overview A simple , safe and easy softKeys ( navigation bar). This project just was used for my device to solve hardware button problem. If you have any idea for any thing, please let me know! ...
5. Widget Overview Casting Widget Hierarchy Widgets Without Windows 6. The Button Widget Normal Buttons Toggle Buttons Check Buttons Radio Buttons 7. Adjustments Creating an Adjustment Using ...
Overview NGUI is a powerful UI system and event notification framework for Unity (both Pro and Free) written in C# that closely follows the KISS principle. It features clean code and simple, ...
The "Hello World" example serves as a starting point for understanding how to create simple GUI applications using Perl/Tk. This includes creating a window, adding text, and handling basic user ...
The Button Control 477 The Label and LinkLabel Controls 480 The TextBox Control 481 The RadioButton and CheckBox Controls 491 The RichTextBox Control 498 The ListBox and ...
The first program typically involves creating a simple application, such as a form with a button. When the button is clicked, a message appears. ##### 3. Practical Application - **Designing the User ...
5. A couple of simple demo applications. History ------- RX 2.75 (Oct,12,1999). Delphi 5.0 & C++Builder 4.0 compatibility. Bug fixes for RX 2.60. RX 2.60 (Jan,27,1999). New components ...
RX Library 2.75 =============== The Set of Native Delphi Components for Borland Delphi versions 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 and Borland C++ Builder 1, 3 & 4. ...5. A couple of simple demo applications.
The chapter provides examples of how to build simple 3D scenes and apply materials and lights. #### Silverlight (Chapter 24) Chapter 24 provides an overview of Silverlight, a cross-platform version ...
Simple Frame Subclassing a Control Protecting the Innocent What's in the Project? COleControl Properties Stock Properties Adding and Managing Properties Storing and Loading the Properties ...
A Simple mod_perl Content Handler Section 2.8. Is This All We Need to Know About mod_perl? Section 2.9. References Chapter 3. Installing mod_perl Section 3.1. Configuring the...
- **A simple sample**:提供了一个简单的程序示例,演示了内存映射文件的基本用法。 #### 十二、UNIX套接字 - **Overview**:概述UNIX域套接字的概念及其应用场景。 - **What to do to be a Server**:指导如何...
Simple straightforward optimization. Optimization with performance monitoring. Pentium test functions. Pentium JTAG boundary scan test. Detecting internal errors. Detecting bus faults. Execution...
9.4. Zend_Date API Overview 9.4.1. Zend_Date Options Selecting the date format type DST and Date Math Month Calculations Speed up date localization and ...
Button control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 CheckBox control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....