Table 6.0 |
Use Case name | Maintain Customer |
Description | This Use Case depicts full maintenance of customer from project "Data Entry". |
Scope and level | - Data Entry System (Internal)
- Credit Card System (External)
Level | User Goal Level (If this property is not understood, look at the reference for the book Writing Effective Use Cases (**PRE-PUB. DRAFT#3**): Alistair Cockburn Humans and technology) |
Primary and secondary actors | Data Entry operator. |
Stakeholders and interests | |
Trigger | Data entry operator clicks on menu: "Add New Customer" |
Preconditions | - Data entry operator should be logged in.
- Data entry operator should have access to Internet.
Assumptions | Customer information received is entered manually. No automated import routine is in the scope. |
Failed End condition | - Customer is not added to database and appropriate error message is displayed.
- Customer code already existing in the customer database.
- Customer code length limit is exceeded.
- Customer credit card limit is exceeded.
- Customer credit card validation failed with the payment gateway.
Action | Add new customer |
Main success scenario (or basic Flow): | - Data entry operator receives customer information.
- Data entry operator enters following information:
- Customer code
- Customer name
- Customer address
- Customer phone
- Customer code is checked if it exists in Customer table.
- If the customer code is existing then "Duplicate Customer Code" error is raised.
- If the customer code is more than 8 length, then "Customer code length limit crossed" error is raised.
- After step 3 is passed OK. Data entry operator enters credit card information. If the credit card length is more than 10 length, then "Credit card length limit crossed" error is raised.
- Credit card information is send to the external payment gateway. Appropriate APIs of the external payment gateway will be used for validity.
- External payment gateway returns "OK" if credit card is validated or else will return "NOT VALID" flag.
- Data entry operator then adds the customer in database.
Alternate scenario (Extensions): | Update Existing Customer - Data entry operator enters customer code to retrieve the customer who has to be updated.
- Data entry operator makes appropriate changes to the customer information. All steps and business validation from 1 to 6 of Add new Customer is repeated.
- Data Entry operator updates the customer information.
Alternate scenario (Extensions): | Delete Existing Customer - Data entry operator enters customer code to retrieve the customer who has to be deleted.
- Data entry operator deletes the customer. Data entry operator is alerted "Are you sure you want to delete the Customer?”
- If the data entry operator clicks "Yes", then the customer is deleted from the database.
- If the data entry operator clicks "NO", no action is taken.
Success Guarantee (Post conditions): | - Customer is added to Customer database.
- Customer is updated to Customer database.
- Customer is deleted from Customer database.
Special Requirements (including business rules): | |
Technology and Data Variations List: | If credit card payment gateway API changes, the interaction of the data entry customer module will have to be changed accordingly. |
Frequency of occurrence: | |
Notes and Open Issues: | |
【用例描述模板 V21】是一个用于规范和标准化IT项目中文档编辑和协作的工具,尤其适用于doc文档类型的文件管理。此模板旨在确保团队成员在编辑和更新文档时能够清晰地追踪修改历史,提高协作效率,同时也方便后期的...
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