1 Search Material, Plant and Material Description.
Read the material number, plant and material description from join of MARA, MARC and MAKT using the following conditions:
Material Number (MARA-MATNR) in input material (select-options) and
Plant (MARC-WERKS) in input plant (select-options) and
Material type (MARA-MTART) in input material type (select-options).
Note: Proceeding to Step 2 or 3 or 4 depends on the input radio button for Production or Engineering or ALL BOM option.
2. Search for BOM – Engineering.
BOM link search from MAST -
Select material numbers and BOM link from MAST based on the material numbers selected above using the following conditions:
Material (MAST-MATNR) = Materials selected above and
Plant (MAST–WERKS) = As in input and
BOM usage (MAST-STLAN) = 2 (Engineering usage).
Read BOM Header and Item.
Read BOM Header details as per data mapping (Section 5.2) from table STKO using the
BOM Number (STKO-STLNR) = BOM number got in previous step and
BOM alternative (STKO-STLAL) = BOM alternative got in previous step.
Read Item details as per data mapping from STOP using the conditions :
Read BOM text from table STZU.
3. Search BOM – Production.
BOM link search from MAST -
Select material numbers and BOM link from MAST based on the material numbers selected above using the following conditions:
Material (MAST-MATNR) = Materials selected above and
Plant (MAST–WERKS) = As in input and
BOM usage (MAST-STLAN) = 1 (Production usage).
Read BOM Header and Item.
Read BOM Header details as per data mapping (Section 5.2) from table STKO using the
BOM Number (STKO-STLNR) = BOM number got in previous step and
BOM alternative (STKO-STLAL) = BOM alternative got in previous step.
Read Item details as per data mapping (Section 5.2) from table STOP using the
Read BOM text from table STZU.
Search for Resource / Production Version (Production BOM’s only)
Read Production Version and Resource as per data mapping (Section 5.2) from table MKAL using the conditions:
Material number (MKAL–MATNR) = Material number from above selection (MAST) And
Plant (MKAL–WERKS) = Plant from above selection (MAST)
Alternative BOM (MKAL-STLAL) = Alternative BOM from above selection (MAST)
BOM Usage (MKAL-STLAN) = 1 (Production BOM).
1. If no production version exists for any of the BOM’s write such records at the bottom of the report under the heading “No Production Version Exists (Production BOM’s)”.
2. Sort the output on Plant, Usage and then on Material.
3. If multiple plants then the report will be displayed Plant wise.
• Header to be displayed for Production / Engineering BOM option.
4. Material BOM Comparison.
Search for BOM’s
BOM link search from MAST -
Select material numbers and BOM link from MAST based on the material numbers selected above using the following conditions:
Material (MAST-MATNR) = Materials selected above and
Plant (MAST–WERKS) = As in input.
Read BOM Header’s
Read BOM Header details as per data mapping (Section 5.2) from table STKO using the
BOM Number (STKO-STLNR) = BOM number got in previous step and
BOM alternative (STKO-STLAL) = BOM alternative got in previous step.
Read Item details as per data mapping from STPO using the conditions:
MAST Material BOM
STPO BOM Positions (detail)
MAPL Assignment fo Task Lists to Materials
PLKO Routing Group Header
PLSO Routing Group Sequence
PLPO Routing Group Operations
AFKO Production Order Header
AFPO Production Order Position (details)
### SAP BOM展开知识点解析 #### 一、SAP BOM(Bill of Materials)概念介绍 在SAP系统中,BOM(物料清单)是一种重要的技术文档,它详细记录了一个产品(父项)由哪些零部件(子项)组成,以及这些零部件的数量、...
- **批量下载功能**:通过循环遍历物料清单,读取并存储BOM信息。 - **数据处理**:对获取到的BOM数据进行必要的处理,如过滤、排序等。 - **数据输出**:将处理后的数据输出为用户友好的格式,例如CSV或Excel文件。...
### SAP BOM 详细解析 #### 一、物料清单(Bill of Material, BOM)概述 物料清单(BOM)是一种记录产品结构的关键文档,在制造业中尤为重要。它详细列出了制造一个特定产品所需的所有原材料、零部件、子组件以及...
SAP PMC BOM用量及公斤数转换(更新2)-通知
SAP_BOM(物料清单)和工艺路线是SAP系统中用于管理生产流程的核心组成部分。BOM定义了一个产品由哪些组件或子部件组成,而工艺路线则规定了这些组件如何被组装成最终产品的顺序和步骤。 SAP_BOM的创建过程通常包括...
### SAP 批量BOM反查 #### 背景介绍 在SAP系统中,物料清单(BOM, Bill of Materials)是生产计划与控制(MRP, Material Requirements Planning)的重要组成部分,它详细列出了制造一个产品所需的全部或部分组件、原...
SAP BOM详细解析 SAP BOM(Bill of Material)是一份重要的文件,详细记录产品的原材料、零配件、组合件,以便在制造过程中进行计算和管理。BOM 是 MRP(Material Requirements Planning)的基础,也是计算产品成本...
1. 源码:在开发自定义SAP解决方案时,可能需要编写源码来扩展或优化BOM功能,例如通过ABAP编程实现特定的BOM管理逻辑。 2. 工具:利用SAP提供的工具,如SE16(数据库表浏览器)、ME54N(采购订单创建)等,可以更...
sap bussiness one bom query code
SAP 批量导出BOM的代码实现 本文档介绍了使用ABAP语言编写的批量导出BOM的代码实现,涵盖了物料号、物料描述、基本数量、物料单位、替代BOM、可选文本等功能。该代码使用了SAP系统的相关表和结构,例如STKO、STPO、...
在物料主数据的MRP3视图中,需要设置策略组为25,这个策略组在SAP中通常与特定的配置处理逻辑相关联。 第四步是创建配置文件(Configuration Profile)。配置文件用于定义如何将物料主编号与配置相关联,包括如何...
在SAP系统中,销售BOM(Bill of ...综上所述,SAP销售BOM配置涉及的方面包括物料关系、库存管理、信贷控制、订单处理逻辑和价格计算等多个关键环节。理解并配置好这些参数对于确保销售过程的顺畅和准确至关重要。
《SAP批输入方法导BOM教材》是一个深入解析SAP系统中批量处理物料清单(Bill of Materials, BOM)的教程。SAP是全球领先的业务软件解决方案提供商,其批输入方法是提高企业数据处理效率的关键工具,尤其在管理复杂...
对于SAP ABAP开发者来说,在设计和实现BOM展开逻辑时,应优先考虑使用循环方法,特别是当处理的BOM结构复杂或层级较深时。这种方法不仅可以提高系统的整体性能,还可以降低维护难度,确保代码的健壮性和稳定性。 ...
在系统“生产”模块增加BOM版本管理功能;版本化管理各成品、半成品物料清单;引入激活时间,支持与系统自带“物料清单”的手动推送和自动同步,其它具体功能可查看资源中说明文档。 说明: 1.本Addon仅供学习和...
标题"SAP读取Access数据"涉及的是在SAP系统中如何与Microsoft Access数据库进行交互,以便获取、处理或更新Access数据库中的数据。这篇博客文章可能提供了实现这一目标的代码示例和技术指南。以下是对这个主题的详细...
sap abap 编写的 BOM拆分程序