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引用Special cases aren't special ...
武汉大学开源技术俱乐部 技术交流 第1期 -
试了试 ,不行
Android Studio SDK Manager无法正常下载如何设置 -
更全面的文档:http://www.5wpc.info/it/ ...
Ruby正则表达式操作参考 -
Anddy 写道Anddy 写道tag是自动创建的吗? 能手动 ...
vim的跳转 -
Anddy 写道tag是自动创建的吗? 能手动创建吗? 在sh ...
Leverage the architecture of the brain to strengthen different thinking modes Avoid common "known bugs" in your mind Learn more deliberately and more effectively Manage knowledge more efficiently
内容简介: 本书解释了为什么软件开发是一种精神活动,思考如何解决问题,并就开发人员如何能更好地开发软件进行了评论。书中不仅给出了一些理论上的答案,同时提供了大量实践技术和窍门。 本书供各层次软件...
《程序员的思维修炼》(Pragmatic Thinking and Learning)由Andy Hunt撰写,是一部旨在帮助程序员提升思维能力、学习效率和工作效能的专业书籍。本书聚焦于如何优化个人的“湿件”——即大脑,通过一系列实用的方法...
作者: Dave Thomas / Chad Fowler / Andy Hunt<br><br>副标题: The Pragmatic Programmers' Guide, Second Edition<br>ISBN: 9780974514055 [十位: 0974514055]<br>定价: USD 44.95<br>出版社: Pragmatic ...
- **书名**:《Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware》(中文可译为“程序员思维修炼”) - **作者**:Andy Hunt - **出版社**:The Pragmatic Bookshelf - **定位**:该书专为希望提升思维能力...
UML Applied: A .NET Perspective 第一部分<br>Table of Contents <br> UML Applied—A .NET Perspective <br> Foreword <br> Introduction <br> Part One - UML and Five-Step UML: It's all About Communication ...
Each developer is unique, with individual strengths and weaknesses, preferences and dislikes. Over time, each will craft his or her own personal environment. That environment will reflect the ...
$ npm install -g now meteor-now创建now占$ now login> Enter your email: <your>> Please follow the link sent to <your> to log in.> Verify that the provided security code in the email matches Pragmatic ...
Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core process--taking a ...
"In this thoroughly revised edition, Jos and Anneke offer a concise, pragmatic, and pedagogic explanation of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) and its different applications. Their discussion of ...