Apache压力测试工具apache bench 简称ab.主要是从系统设计和开发的角度去评价系统在一定压力下的表现,就正如下面的介绍一样,看每秒系统能支持的并发请求.从而进行相关的调优操作. 下面是ab的官方介绍.
is a tool for benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) server. It is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache installation performs. This especially shows you how many requests per second your Apache installation is capable of serving.
ab [ -A auth-username:password ] [ -c concurrency ] [ -C cookie-name=value ] [ -d ] [ -e csv-file ] [ -ggnuplot-file ] [ -h ] [ -H custom-header ] [ -i ] [ -k ] [ -n requests ] [ -p POST-file ] [ -P proxy-auth-username:password ] [ -q ] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -t timelimit ] [ -T content-type ] [ -v verbosity] [ -V ] [ -w ] [ -x
-attributes ] [ -X proxy[:port] ] [ -y -attributes ] [ -z
-attributes ] [http://]hostname[:port]/path
-A auth-username:password
Supply BASIC Authentication credentials to the server. The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded. The string is sent regardless of whether the server needs it (i.e., has sent an 401 authentication needed).
-c concurrency
Number of multiple requests to perform at a time. Default is one request at a time.
-C cookie-name=value
Add a Cookie: line to the request. The argument is typically in the form of a name=value pair. This field is repeatable.
Do not display the “percentage served within XX [ms] table”. (legacy support).
-e csv-file
Write a Comma separated value (CSV) file which contains for each percentage (from 1% to 100%) the time (in milliseconds) it took to serve that percentage of the requests. This is usually more useful than the ‘gnuplot’ file; as the results are already ‘binned’.
-g gnuplot-file
Write all measured values out as a ‘gnuplot’ or TSV (Tab separate values) file. This file can easily be imported into packages like Gnuplot, IDL, Mathematica, Igor or even Excel. The labels are on the first line of the file.
Display usage information.
-H custom-header
Append extra headers to the request. The argument is typically in the form of a valid header line, containing a colon-separated field-value pair (i.e., "Accept-Encoding: zip/zop;8bit" ).
Do HEAD requests instead of GET .
Enable the HTTP KeepAlive feature, i.e., perform multiple requests within one HTTP session. Default is no KeepAlive.
-n requests
Number of requests to perform for the benchmarking session. The default is to just perform a single request which usually leads to non-representative benchmarking results.
-p POST-file
File containing data to POST.
-P proxy-auth-username:password
Supply BASIC Authentication credentials to a proxy en-route. The username and password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64 encoded. The string is sent regardless of whether the proxy needs it (i.e., has sent an 407 proxy authentication needed).
When processing more than 150 requests, ab outputs a progress count on stderr every 10% or 100 requests or so. The -q flag will suppress these messages.
When compiled in (ab -h will show you) use the SSL protected https rather than the http protocol. This feature is experimental and very rudimentary. You probably do not want to use it.
Do not display the median and standard deviation values, nor display the warning/error messages when the average and median are more than one or two times the standard deviation apart. And default to the min/avg/max values. (legacy support).
-t timelimit
Maximum number of seconds to spend for benchmarking. This implies a -n 50000 internally. Use this to benchmark the server within a fixed total amount of time. Per default there is no timelimit.
-T content-type
Content-type header to use for POST data.
-v verbosity
Set verbosity level – 4 and above prints information on headers, 3 and above prints response codes (404, 200, etc.), 2 and above prints warnings and info.
Display version number and exit.
Print out results in HTML tables. Default table is two columns wide, with a white background.
-x -attributes
String to use as attributes for . Attributes are inserted
here >.
-X proxy[:port]
Use a proxy server for the requests.
-y -attributes
String to use as attributes for .
String to use as attributes for
./ab -n number_of_total_requests -c number_of_simultaneous_requestshttp://your_web_server/your_php_app.php
例如:./ab -n 1000 -c 50 http://www.domain.com/myapp.php
Server Software: Apache/2.0.16 Server Hostname: localhost Server Port: 80 Document Path: /myapp.php Document Length: 1311 bytes Concurrency Level: 50 Time taken for tests: 8.794 seconds Complete requests: 1000 Failed requests: 0 Total transferred: 1754000 bytes HTML transferred: 1311000 bytes Requests per second: 113.71 Transfer rate: 199.45 kb/s received Connection Times (ms) min avg max Connect: 0 0 5 Processing: 111 427 550 Total: 111 427 555
myapp.php每秒钟可以处理的请求数为113.71个。将请求数增加,看看服务器能否处理更大的压力。你也需要调节Apache的 MaxClients,ThreadsPerChild,MaxThreadsPerChild等参数,基于你的httpd.conf中的MPM模块选择。
Apache 压力测试工具ab是一个非常实用的性能测试工具,专门用于评估Apache HTTP服务器的性能。通过模拟多个并发用户发送请求,ab可以帮助管理员了解服务器在高负载下的表现,包括处理速度、吞吐量和资源利用率等关键...
Apache ab压力测试工具是HTTP服务器性能评估的重要工具,主要用于测试Apache服务器在特定条件下的处理能力。这个工具简单易用,可以提供对服务器性能的详细分析,帮助管理员优化配置,提升服务器响应速度,确保在高...
Apache压力测试工具是一种用于评估服务器性能和稳定性的关键软件,主要针对Apache HTTP Server进行测试。...深入学习这些资料,将有助于你更好地掌握Apache压力测试工具的使用技巧,提高测试效率。
**压力测试工具ab详解** 压力测试是评估系统在高负载或大量并发请求下性能的重要手段。在IT行业中,尤其在服务器优化和应用性能管理中,压力测试工具扮演着至关重要的角色。"ab"(ApacheBench)就是这样一个简单而...
【Apache网站压力测试工具ab使用教程】 Apache HTTP服务器自带了一个名为`ab`(ApacheBench)的简单压力测试工具,用于评估Web服务器的性能。它能够模拟多个并发用户请求,以此来测试服务器在高负载下的响应时间和...
《压力测试工具ab使用详解》 在IT行业中,性能测试是评估系统稳定性和承载能力的重要环节,而压力测试工具则是实现这一目标的关键助手。本文将深入探讨一款名为“ab”的命令行工具,它是一个轻量级但功能强大的HTTP...
此外,我们再根据上面的用法介绍界面来详细了解每个参数选项的作用。 -n 即requests,用于指定压力测试总共的执行次数。 -c 即concurrency,用于指定的并发数。 -t 即timelimit,等待响应的最大时间(单位:秒)。 ...
apache benchmark 独立文件 ab.exe 可以直接使用 Version 2.3。一般用户压力测试用。参数如下 .\ab.exe --help Options are: -n requests Number of requests to perform -c concurrency Number of multiple ...
ApacheBench是一款由Apache HTTP服务器项目开发的压力测试工具,主要用于评估Web服务器的性能。它能够模拟多个并发用户向服务器发送请求,从而分析服务器在高负载情况下的响应速度和稳定性。这款小巧但强大的工具...
【标题】:“Windows下Web压力测试工具AB” 在Windows操作系统中,进行Web应用程序的压力测试是一项重要的任务,确保网站或服务在高并发访问时能够稳定运行。Apache HTTP Server提供了一个名为ApacheBench(简称ab...
Apache Tomcat AB工具是Web服务器和应用程序服务器性能评估的重要组件,尤其在进行负载和压力测试时,它扮演了不可或缺的角色。这个小巧但功能强大的工具,允许开发者和系统管理员通过简单的命令行界面,对Web服务...
NULL 博文链接:https://2279972332.iteye.com/blog/1989163
Apache AB工具是一款强大的性能测试工具,它用于评估Web服务器的性能和稳定性。这款工具随Apache HTTP服务器一起提供,可以帮助开发者和系统管理员理解服务器在高负载条件下的表现。AB工具能够模拟多个并发用户发送...
压力测试工具-ab工具是Apache HTTP服务器自带的一款压力测试工具,用于模拟多个并发用户对Web服务器的访问请求,以测试Web服务器的性能和稳定性。下面是关于ab工具的详细知识点: 1. ab工具的安装和配置 ab工具是...
在IT行业中,性能测试是评估系统稳定性和承载能力的重要环节,而`ab`(ApacheBench)就是一个广泛使用的轻量级压力测试工具。它由Apache HTTP服务器项目开发,主要用于测试Web服务器的性能。下面我们将深入探讨`ab`...
"ab压力测试工具"是Apache HTTP服务器项目的一部分,它是一个简单但功能强大的命令行工具,用于对Web服务器进行性能测试和负载测试。这个工具能够模拟多个并发用户向服务器发送HTTP请求,帮助管理员评估服务器在高...