用查询限制行数(Limiting Rows Using a Selection)
用where子句限制输出行(Restrict the rows returned by using the WHERE clause.)
SELECT *|{[DISTINCT] column|expression [alias],...} FROM table [WHERE condition(s)];
WHERE 限制查询满足条件的行
condition 由列名、表达式、常数和比较操作组成
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno =10;
--字符串和日期,在WHERE子句中字符串和日期必须包含在单引号 (‘ ’) 中。但是,数字常数不应该包含在单引号中
SELECT * FROM `dept` where loc ='new YORK';
比较条件(Comparison Conditions):
Operator Meaning
= 等于
> 大于
>= 大于等于
< 小于
<= 小于等于
<> 不等于
BETWEEN...AND... 在两个值之间
IN(SET) 在一堆值里
LIKE 找一个想象的值
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno >=10;
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno BETWEEN 10 AND 30;
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno IN (10,30);
SELECT * FROM `dept` where loc LIKE 'n%';
SELECT * FROM `dept` where loc IS NULL;
逻辑条件(Logical Conditions):
Operator Meaning
AND 两个条件都为真,返回"true"
OR 其中一个条件为真,返回“true”
NOT 条件为假,返回"false"
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno>=10 AND loc LIKE "%n%"
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno>=10 OR loc LIKE "%n%"
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno NOT IN(10,20)
--优先原则(Rules of Precedence),从前往后:
SELECT * FROM `dept` where deptno NOT IN(10,20) AND deptno>30
排序(order by):
默认的是升序(ascending order, default)
SELECT * FROM `dept` order by deptno
SELECT * FROM `dept` order by deptno DESC
SELECT * FROM `dept` order by deptno,dname DESC
oracle sql exam 1z0-061 practice exam chapter 3 - restricting & sorting data
2. **02 Restricting and Sorting Data.ppt**:在这个主题中,你会学习到如何使用WHERE子句来过滤查询结果,以及ORDER BY子句对查询结果进行排序,这些都是SQL查询中的核心部分。 3. **03 Single-Row Functions.ppt...
2. **Restricting and Sorting Data** - `WHERE`子句用于过滤数据,如`SELECT * FROM kong.authors WHERE au_id LIKE '1%'`。 - 数据类型如字符串和日期需要用单引号括起,且区分大小写。 - 比较运算符包括`=`, `...
1.2 Database, Database Server, and Database Language. . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 The Relational Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1.4 What Is SQL? . . . . . . . . . ...
总之,“Restricting Good Receipt Unless Production order confirmed”是一种定制化的SAP功能,它通过设置用户状态配置文件来限制未确认生产订单的收货操作,确保了生产流程的合规性和库存管理的有效性。...
See how programming paradigms impose discipline by restricting what developers can do Understand what’s critically important and what’s merely a “detail” Implement optimal, high-level structures...
Since this increase changes diffusion gradients between chamber air and soil air, a nonlinear increase is expected. Lateral gas flow and leakages also contribute to non linearity. Several models have...
sorting and grouping results; joining tables; managing users; other database elements such as triggers, stored procedures, functions, and events; and getting metadata information. Chapter 3, Using ...
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component separation, and data management, See how programming paradigms impose discipline by restricting what developers can do, Understand what’s critically important and what’s merely a “detail...
**Description:** The updated version of SQL*Plus includes enhancements such as support for large object (LOB) types and improved scripting capabilities. These improvements make SQL*Plus a more ...