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oMapper.configure(Deserializati ...
jackson 抛出 bean 中没有定义字段的错误,只好用 gson -
public Bitmap decode(ImageDecod ...
android universalimageloader 几点改进 -
楼主你好, 请问这个库, 在大屏显示高清图片 ,listvie ...
android universalimageloader 几点改进 -
JIRA4.1 升级到 JIRA5.1 -
"Could NOT parse license t ...
JIRA4.1 升级到 JIRA5.1
可惜不支持 SC 代码格式,看看源码,想修改一下来支持,结果看到这是调用 mozilla 的 js.jar 包,没办法了,只能找其他的工具了,暂时用 aptana+sc 插件顶住。
JsDoc Toolkit就是这样一个自动化文档工具,它是发布在Google code上的一个开源项目,和其他语言的文档工具一样,它可以自动从Javascript代码中提取注释生成格式化文档。
JsDoc Toolkit是用Java开发的,运行时需要以下环境:
java version "1.6.0_03"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_03-b05)
2.Mac OS X 10.5
java version "1.5.0_19"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_19-b02-304)
其它版本的Java可能导致JsDoc Toolkit运行失败。
在运行之前,你需要把当前的工作目录切换到JsDoc Toolkit目录,并确保将java.exe所在目录添加到环境变量中。
java -jar jsrun.jar app\run.js -a -t=templates\jsdoc mycode.js
@echo off
set jsname=jquery.js
set jspath=C:\test\
echo start...
java -jar jsrun.jar app\run.js -a -e=utf-8 -t=templates\jsdoc "%jspath%%jsname%.js"
echo finished.
author 标识代码作者
class 标识该函数是一个类的构造函数
constant 声明常量
constructor 同class
default 默认值
deprecated 声明已弃用的对象
description 对象描述
event 事件函数
example 例子代码
fileOverview Javascript文件总体描述
ignore 忽略有这个标记的函数
link 与其他JsDoc对象关联
name 显示声明JsDoc不能自动检测的对象
namespace 声明命名空间
param 参数
private 声明私有对象
property 显式声明一个属性
public 声明公开对象
requires 声明所依赖的对象或文件
returns 返回值
see 声明可参考的其它对象
since 声明对象从指定版本开始生效
static 显式声明一个静态对象
throws 声明函数执行过程中可能抛出的异常
type 声明变量类型或者函数返回值类型
version 版本号
详细语法请参阅:JsDoc Toolkit Wiki
* @fileoverview This file is to be used for testing the JSDoc parser
* It is not intended to be an example of good JavaScript OO-programming,
* nor is it intended to fulfill any specific purpose apart from
* demonstrating the functionality of the
* <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsdoc'>JSDoc</a> parser
* @author Gabriel Reid gab_reid@users.sourceforge.net
* @version 0.1
* Construct a new Shape object.
* @class This is the basic Shape class.
* It can be considered an abstract class, even though no such thing
* really existing in JavaScript
* @constructor
* @throws MemoryException if there is no more memory
* @throws GeneralShapeException rarely (if ever)
* @return A new shape
function Shape(){
* This is an example of a function that is not given as a property
* of a prototype, but instead it is assigned within a constructor.
* For inner functions like this to be picked up by the parser, the
* function that acts as a constructor <b>must</b> be denoted with
* the <b>@constructor</b> tag in its comment.
* @type String
this.getClassName = function(){
return "Shape";
* This is a private method, just used here as an example
function addReference(){
// Do nothing...
* Create a new Hexagon instance.
* @extends Shape
* @class Hexagon is a class that is a <i>logical</i> sublcass of
* <a href="Shape.html#">Shape</a> (thanks to the <code>@extends</code> tag), but in
* reality it is completely unrelated to Shape.
* @param {int} sideLength The length of one side for the new Hexagon
function Hexagon(sideLength) {
* This is an unattached (static) function that adds two integers together.
* @param {int} One The first number to add
* @param {int http://jsdoc.sourceforge.net/} Two The second number to add
* @author Gabriel Reid
* @deprecated So you shouldn't use it anymore!
function Add(One, Two){
return One + Two;
* The color of this shape
* @type Color
Shape.prototype.color = null;
* The border of this shape.
* @type int
Shape.prototype.border = null;
* The assignment of function implementations for Shape, documentation will
* be taken over from the method declaration.
Shape.prototype.getCoords = Shape_GetCoords;
Shape.prototype.getColor = Shape_GetColor;
Shape.prototype.setCoords = Shape_SetCoords;
Shape.prototype.setColor = Shape_SetColor;
* These are all the instance method implementations for Shape
* Get the coordinates of this shape. It is assumed that we're always talking
* about shapes in a 2D location here.
* @requires Shape The shape class
* @returns A Coordinate object representing the location of this Shape
* @type Coordinate
function Shape_GetCoords(){
return this.coords;
* Get the color of this shape.
* @see #setColor
* @type Color
function Shape_GetColor(){
return this.color;
* Set the coordinates for this Shape
* @param {Coordinate} coordinates The coordinates to set for this Shape
function Shape_SetCoords(coordinates){
this.coords = coordinates;
* Set the color for this Shape
* @param {Color} color The color to set for this Shape
* @param other There is no other param, but it can still be documented if
* optional parameters are used
* @throws NonExistantColorException (no, not really!)
* @see #setColor
function Shape_SetColor(color){
this.color = color;
* Clone this shape
* @returns A copy of this shape
* @type Shape
* @author Gabriel Reid
Shape.prototype.clone = function(){
return new Shape();
* Create a new Rectangle instance.
* @class A basic rectangle class, inherits from Shape.
* This class could be considered a concrete implementation class
* @constructor
* @param {int} width The optional width for this Rectangle
* @param {int} height Thie optional height for this Rectangle
* @author Gabriel Reid
* @see Shape Shape is the base class for this
function Rectangle(width, // This is the width
height // This is the height
if (width){
this.width = width;
if (height){
this.height = height;
/* Inherit from Shape */
Rectangle.prototype = new Shape();
* Value to represent the width of the Rectangle.
* <br>Text in <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> and a
* link to <a href="http://sf.net">SourceForge</a>
* @private
* @type int
Rectangle.prototype.width = 0;
* Value to represent the height of the Rectangle
* @private
* @type int
Rectangle.prototype.height = 0;
* Get the type of this object.
* @type String
Rectangle.prototype.getClassName= function(){
return "Rectangle";
* These are all the instance method implementations for Rectangle
Rectangle.prototype.getWidth = Rectangle_GetWidth;
Rectangle.prototype.getHeight = Rectangle_GetHeight;
Rectangle.prototype.setWidth = Rectangle_SetWidth;
Rectangle.prototype.setHeight = Rectangle_SetHeight;
Rectangle.prototype.getArea = Rectangle_GetArea;
* Get the value of the width for the Rectangle
* @type int
* @see #setWidth
function Rectangle_GetWidth(){
return this.width;
* Get the value of the height for the Rectangle.
* Another getter is the <a href="Shape.html#getColor">Shape.getColor()</a> method in the
* <a href="Shape.html#">base Shape class</a>.
* @return The height of this Rectangle
* @type int
* @see #setHeight
function Rectangle_GetHeight(){
return this.height;
* Set the width value for this Rectangle.
* @param {int} width The width value to be set
* @see #setWidth
function Rectangle_SetWidth(width){
this.width = width;
* Set the height value for this Rectangle.
* @param {int} height The height value to be set
* @see #getHeight
function Rectangle_SetHeight(height){
this.height = height;
* Get the value for the total area of this Rectangle
* @return total area of this Rectangle
* @type int
function Rectangle_GetArea(){
return width * height;
* Create a new Square instance.
* @class A Square is a subclass of <a href="Rectangle.html#">Rectangle</a>
* @param {int} width The optional width for this Rectangle
* @param {int} height The optional height for this Rectangle
function Square(width, height){
if (width){
this.width = width;
if (height){
this.height = height;
/* Square is a subclass of Rectangle */
Square.prototype = new Rectangle();
* The assignment of function implementation for Shape.
Square.prototype.setWidth = Square_SetWidth;
Square.prototype.setHeight = Square_SetHeight;
* Set the width value for this Square.
* @param {int} width The width value to be set
* @see #getWidth
function Square_SetWidth(width){
this.width = this.height = width;
* Set the height value for this Square
* Sets the <a href="Rectangle.html#height">height</a> attribute in the Rectangle.
* @param {int} height The height value to be set
function Square_SetHeight(height){
this.height = this.width = height;
* Create a new Circle instance based on a radius.
* @class Circle class is another subclass of Shape
* @param {int} radius The optional radius of this Circle
function Circle(radius){
if (radius){
this.radius = radius;
/* Circle inherits from Shape */
Circle.prototype = new Shape();
* The radius value for this Circle
* @private
* @type int
Circle.prototype.radius = 0;
* A very simple class (static) field that is also a constant
* @final
* @type float
Circle.PI = 3.14;
Circle.createCircle = Circle_CreateCircle;
Circle.prototype.getRadius = Circle_GetRadius;
Circle.prototype.setRadius = Circle_SetRadius;
* Get the radius value for this Circle
* @type int
* @see #setRadius
function Circle_GetRadius(){
return this.radius;
* Set the radius value for this Circle
* @param {int} radius The radius value to set
* @see #getRadius
function Circle_SetRadius(radius){
this.radius = radius;
* An example of a class (static) method that acts as a factory for Circle
* objects. Given a radius value, this method creates a new Circle.
* @param {int} radius The radius value to use for the new Circle.
* @type Circle
function Circle_CreateCircle(radius){
return new Circle(radius);
* Create a new Coordinate instance based on x and y grid data.
* @class Coordinate is a class that can encapsulate location information.
* @param {int} x The optional x portion of the Coordinate
* @param {int} y The optinal y portion of the Coordinate
function Coordinate(x, y){
if (x){
this.x = x;
if (y){
this.y = y;
* The x portion of the Coordinate
* @type int
* @see #getX
* @see #setX
Coordinate.prototype.x = 0;
* The y portion of the Coordinate
* @type int
* @see #getY
* @see #setY
Coordinate.prototype.y = 0;
Coordinate.prototype.getX = Coordinate_GetX;
Coordinate.prototype.getY = Coordinate_GetY;
Coordinate.prototype.setX = Coordinate_SetX;
Coordinate.prototype.setY = Coordinate_SetY;
* Gets the x portion of the Coordinate.
* @type int
* @see #setX
function Coordinate_GetX(){
return this.x;
* Get the y portion of the Coordinate.
* @type int
* @see #setY
function Coordinate_GetY(){
return this.y;
* Sets the x portion of the Coordinate.
* @param {int} x The x value to set
* @see #getX
function Coordinate_SetX(x){
this.x = x;
* Sets the y portion of the Coordinate.
* @param {int} y The y value to set
* @see #getY
function Coordinate_SetY(y){
this.y = y;
* @class This class exists to demonstrate the assignment of a class prototype
* as an anonymous block.
function ShapeFactory(){
ShapeFactory.prototype = {
* Creates a new <a href="Shape.html#">Shape</a> instance.
* @return A new <a href="Shape.html#">Shape</a>
* @type Shape
createShape: function(){
return new Shape();
* An example of a singleton class
MySingletonShapeFactory = new function(){
* Get the next <a href="Shape.html#">Shape</a>
* @type Shape
* @return A new <a href="Shape.html#">Shape</a>
this.getShape = function(){
return null;
* Create a new Foo instance.
* @class This is the Foo class. It exists to demonstrate 'nested' classes.
* @constructor
* @see Foo.Bar
function Foo(){}
* Creates a new instance of Bar.
* @class This class exists to demonstrate 'nested' classes.
* @constructor
* @see Foo.Bar
function Bar(){}
* Nested class
* @constructor
Foo.Bar = function(){this.x = 2;}
Foo.Bar.prototype = new Bar();
Foo.Bar.prototype.y = '3';
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