固定链接: http://www.nethref.com/?p=281
potomac-framework源于目前多种技术的设计思想,类似于OSGI和Eclipse RCP技术,适合做企业级Flex模块块的开发,但目前最新版是Beta 0.8版,只建议学习研究,不做实际项目应用。
安装Java SDK
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安装好Flash Builder4或Eclipse

Create a Bundle
Potomac projects are composed of bundles (i.e. Potomac modules). Bundles are hosted within Flex Library Projects.
Create a new Flex Library Project.
Once the library project is created, you need to add the Potomac Bundle Nature to it.
Right-click on the project and select the new “Add Potomac Bundle Nature”.

When that is complete, you should notice that Potomac created a new file named “bundle.xml” in the project’s root folder.
Configure the Bundle
Now you’ll need to perform some standard configuration to the bundle. Open the bundle.xml file.
In the Bundle XML Editor, add the two Potomac bundles, potomac_core and potomac_ui, to the dependencies list. Click save.

Add a Sample Component
You’ll need to add at least on UI component to see anything on screen. Here’s a simple one you can cut-n-paste in called MyComponent.mxml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Canvas xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="400" height="300">
[Page(id="hellopage",title="Hello World")]
folder="default",title="Hello World")]
<mx:Label x="10" y="10" text="Hello World"/>
Create an Application
A Potomac application is a normal Flex Project with the Potomac Application Nature. Create a Flex Project, then right-click on the project and select “Add Potomac Application Nature”.

Configure the Application
Open the newly created appManifest.xml. This file is used to configure your Potomac application.
Add potomac_ui, potomac_ui_templates_dark, and your newly created bundle to the manifest’s bundle list.
Set potomac_ui and potomac_ui_templates_dark to load as RSLs.
Now select the potomac_dark template (it became available after we included the potomac_ui_templates_dark bundle). Click save.

Lastly, you’ll need one Potomac stub to the application’s main mxml file. Simply add an instance of the PotomacInitializer like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
layout="absolute" xmlns:derived="potomac.derived.*">
Run the Application
Now you’re ready to run the application

Importing the Sample Project
Potomac comes with a (hopefully) easy to follow sample project.
The sample project includes two bundles and one application.
To import the sample app into FlexBuilder, click on File – Import…
Select General – Existing Projects Into Workspace.
Select the “exampleApp” folder that was extracted from the potomac zip file for the root directory.
Check the “Copy projects into workspace” option.
Click Finish.

Once the projects import and rebuild, you should be able to run the sample appication.

源文固定链接: http://www.nethref.com/?p=281
Flex OSGi实现,以Potomac框架为例,是一种在富互联网应用程序(RIA)中集成模块化和动态性的方式。OSGi(Open Service Gateway ...通过学习和应用Potomac,开发者可以构建出更加动态、模块化的富互联网应用。
CPU-Z Readme file ------------------ Version 1.47 August 2008 ...CPU-Z is a freeware and can be freely distributed. ...The configuration file must be named cpuz.ini and be present at the same directory ...
CPU-Z 自读文件 ------------------ Version 1.56 版本号 1.56 October 2010 2010年10月 ...The configuration file must be named cpuz.ini and be present at the same directory level as cpuz.exe....
- **索引编制**:Potomac Indexing, LLC - **艺术家**:April Milne - **封面设计师**:Anna Ishchenko ### 分销与销售 本书由Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.在全球范围内分销至图书贸易市场。对于学术、企业或...
- **索引编制者**:Potomac Indexing, LLC - **艺术家**:April Milne - **封面设计师**:Anna Ishchenko #### 七、全球发行与销售 本书在全球范围内由Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.发行,公司地址位于233 ...
- **河流**:波多马克河(Potomac River),是美国东海岸的重要河流之一。 - **海峡**:白令海峡(Bering Strait),连接北冰洋和太平洋的重要水道。 4. **城市与地区**: - **美国主要城市**:华盛顿特区...
在研究方法上,本研究利用了西安联尔科和Potomac Bio-Tech公司生产的蛋白芯片检测系统,通过检测Hp的细胞毒素相关蛋白(CagA)、空泡毒素相关蛋白(VacA)以及尿素酶(Ure)等标志物来确定细菌的血清学分型。...