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code 没看仔细,所以在hbase 的mail list上面问了这么个问题。其实再仔细看一下big table的paper就知道肯定是open的。现在分析的结果是hbase random read的performance决定在几个方面:
1)HDFS的seek操作,平均每次random get导致几次seek?
2)memory copy; 这个问题尤其在data locality差的时候,比如datanode 和regionserver不在一个node上的时候;
3)block cache?
hi, I know generally regionserver manages HRegions and in the HDFS layer data in HRegion are stored as HFile format. I want to know whether HFiles are all open and things lke block index are all loaded first to improve lookup performance? If so, what will happen if exceeding memory limit?
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显示详细信息 1月13日 (6 天前)
Yes, all files are opened on startup and kept open. Open of an hbase
storefile/hfile includes loading up of the file index and metadata.
In our experience, this overhead has been small. Its currently not
accounted for in our general memory-counting. We should for sure add
storefile/hfile includes loading up of the file index and metadata.
In our experience, this overhead has been small. Its currently not
accounted for in our general memory-counting. We should for sure add
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显示详细信息 1月13日 (6 天前)
Thanks for your response, Stack. I have a further question when understanding hbase.
In my minds, I think a get is executed in the following process.
hbase client <=> RS <=> DN
1) hbase client finds the RS managing the key; 2) RS knows the hfile and fetches data from DataNode, this may be a pread + scanning in the hbase data block; 3) record result is returned to client.
Is this correct? So the most expensive operation is step 2? Any other time-consuming places?
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显示详细信息 1月13日 (6 天前)
retrieving data from disk is the most dominant element, until you are
fully cached in which case other factors inside the regionserver
become dominant. at this point copying memory, gc, algorithmic
complexity, etc become important.
fully cached in which case other factors inside the regionserver
become dominant. at this point copying memory, gc, algorithmic
complexity, etc become important.
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显示详细信息 1月14日 (4 天前)
is hdfs seek the most dominant in retrieving data? If records are small (~1k) and most requests are random Gets, how many seek will happen in average during a Get. Btw, what do you mean by memory copying? when will it cause large overhead? thanks.
2011/1/13 Ryan Rawson <ryanobjc@gmail.com>
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显示详细信息 3:08 (7 小时前)
There should be as many seeks as there is store files in the region
that's serving the data. There's also the family dimension e.g. if you
read from only 1 family then only those store files are read.
So on average, I'd say you'll do 3 seeks since you do a minor
compaction once you reach 4 store files in a family.
What he meant by memory copying is just that the data has to be copied
from the socket when you read from HDFS and then into the outbound
socket for the client after the region server does whatever processing
it needs to do. I guess the more data you read to longer it takes to
copy in RAM?
that's serving the data. There's also the family dimension e.g. if you
read from only 1 family then only those store files are read.
So on average, I'd say you'll do 3 seeks since you do a minor
compaction once you reach 4 store files in a family.
What he meant by memory copying is just that the data has to be copied
from the socket when you read from HDFS and then into the outbound
socket for the client after the region server does whatever processing
it needs to do. I guess the more data you read to longer it takes to
copy in RAM?
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HBase的核心组成部分包括HMaster、HRegionServer、Write-Ahead Logs (WALs)、HFiles、Store、MemStore和Region等。 ##### 1.2.1 HMaster - **监控RegionServer**:跟踪并管理活跃的RegionServer实例。 - **故障...
- **存储机制**: HBase使用HDFS存储WAL(Write-Ahead Log)和HFiles。默认情况下,HDFS不会实时同步数据到磁盘,而是写入临时文件后移动到最终位置,导致在断电情况下可能会丢失旧数据。 - **HDFS正确性设置**: - ...
FILE [INPUT_FILE ...]]] [-d [INPUT_DIR]] [-D OUTPUT_DIR] [--clear_output_dir] [-a] [--alv ABSTRACTION_LEVEL] [-N]A extractor used to extract all clang functions in specified file dir or .c/.hfiles....
在架构方面,HBase还支持高级功能,比如HBase Shell脚本编程、快速读取和写入HFiles、MapReduce作业中的数据操作以及HBase在批处理和流处理中的应用。 通过这篇文档,用户可以了解和掌握HBase的基本操作、数据模型...
- **区域服务器(RegionServer)的大小**,提供了调整RegionServer大小的建议和准则。 - **列族数量的影响**,讨论了列族数量对性能和存储的影响。 - **行键设计**,强调了行键设计对性能的重要性,并提供了一些设计...
3. **InputFormat类**:自定义的输入格式,允许程序直接读取HFile,而不是HBase的RegionServer。 4. **OutputFormat类**:定义如何将MapReduce作业的输出写回,可能不涉及写回HBase,而是生成报表或其他形式的输出。...
- **Region Server Sizing Rules of Thumb**(RegionServer容量规划准则):根据业务需求和硬件配置来合理规划每个RegionServer的容量。 - **On the Number of Column Families**(关于列族的数量):探讨了增加列...
在HBase中,Bulk Load是一种高效的数据加载方法,它允许我们预先将数据转换为HFile格式,然后直接加载到表中,避免了多次写入RegionServer的开销,从而提高了性能。本文将深入探讨如何使用Java API实现HBase的Bulk ...
6. **加载HFiles**:最后,通过HBase的Admin API或者HBase的`importtsv`命令,将HDFS上的HFiles加载到HBase表中。加载完成后,HBase会将这些HFiles合并到其内部的存储层,从而完成数据导入。 在实际开发过程中,你...
表->HTable,按RowKey范围分的Region->HRegion->RegionServers,HRegion按列族->多个HStore,HStore->memstore+HFiles(均为有序的KV),HFiles->HDFS。 HRegion是HBase中分布式存储和负载均衡的最小单元。不同的...
HFile查看工具可以帮助运维人员查看HBase中存储的数据文件(HFiles)。这些文件是HBase存储数据的基本单元,理解它们的内容对于调试和优化HBase性能至关重要。 ##### 1.1.4 CopyTable CopyTable是一种工具,用于...
使用 API 将数据放入工作中,但因为它必须遍历 HBase 的写入路径(即在将其刷新到 HFile 之前通过 WAL 和 memstore),它比您简单地绕过该批次并自己创建 HFiles 和将它们直接复制到 HDFS 中。 幸运的是 HBase 带有...
使用 API 将数据放入工作中,但因为它必须遍历 HBase 的写入路径(即在将其刷新到 HFile 之前通过 WAL 和 memstore),它比您简单地绕过该批次并自己创建 HFiles 和将它们直接复制到 HDFS 中。 幸运的是 HBase 带有...
hive.hbase.generatehfiles-生成HFiles为true hfile.family.path-HDFS中放置HFile的路径。 请注意,对于hfile.family.path,最后的su目录必须MATCH MATCH列族名称。 项目中的脚本可与Hortonworks沙盒一起使用,以...
批处理通常指的是使用HBase的Bulk Load功能,将预处理后的数据直接加载到HFiles,避免了中间的MemStore阶段,进一步提升了写入速度。 对于设备装置而言,HBase可能被集成到各种硬件系统中,如传感器网络、边缘计算...
对于MapReduce作业中HBase的使用,文档从HBase, MapReduce和CLASSPATH的配置到HBase作为MapReduce作业的数据源和数据接收器,再到批量导入期间直接写入HFiles,以及MapReduce作业中访问其他HBase表,还包括了推测...