
College english teaching in china


Much has been discussed recently on english teaching at college.Someone says that  it is a total failure.To some extent

it is reasonable to say so.for after ten-year english learning ,most graduates can't communicate properly with foreigners.

nor can they translate between languages.let alone write in english.where are the problems?

       To begin with,English teaching at college is,to a great extent ,teacher-centered,turning a language class into an infor

mation class.it is still very common in the classroom that the teacher explains every language  point in detail,while stud

ents take notes all the time.Secondly,culture is neglected in english teaching because of poor text design.some redundant unrealistic materials and a great of grammer and structure exercise in the text lead to students memorizing a large vocabulary and a lot of  english rules ,few students konw how,when and where to use them,finally ,test-oriented education

education.in a sense.misleads and impedes college english teaching in china .for example,college english test band

four six is so overemphasizedin some college that teachers teach to the test.sacrificing learning for the sake of test results,

and students only learn to pass the examination,as a result,students' actual language competence is weakened tough the

passing rate has increased.

     in conclusion.chinese english teaching is to be reformed.students should be centered on,culture knowledge should be

introduced in language teaching .and examinationshould be dealt with appropriately.



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