Apart from installation and setting up of documentum server and client
environment, there are many important tasks which needs to be handled by an Administrator in order for smooth and proper functioning of the set up.
Some of the tasks are mentioned below:
1. Modifying the configurations of servers, docbroker.
2. Creating new Docbases.
3. Maintaining Docbases.
4. Configuring, starting and shutting down servers.
5. Changing session configuration.
6. Managing content storage areas and content files.
7. Managing users and groups.
8. Managing security.
Utilities for Easy Handling of Administrative Task:
1.dm_error utility
We encounter various content server errors with just with an error code
without much information about it. Documentum has defined all the errors
with an expanded statement of the error, possible causes of it and
prescribes possible solutions for the error. Utility should be executed in the
command prompt of the content server.
Syntax: dm_error <error_code>

2.PreLoad Utility
Administrator operations include activities called Dumping and Loading Docbase.Dump and Load operations can be used to do the following activities:
a. Move a Docbase to one location to another.
b. Duplicate a Docbase.
c. Duplicate or move some portion of the Docbase.
A dump operation creates a binary file of objects dumped from a Docbase. If a dumped object has associated content files, the content files are either
referenced by full path or included directly in the dump file. The load operation loads the objects and content files into another Docbase.
PreLoad utility can be run on a dump file created to tell what all objects that
should be created in the new Docbase before loading the dump file. Utility can also be used to create a DQL script that you can edit and then run to create the needed objects.
preload docbase [-Uusername] -Ppassword -dump_file filename [-
script_file name]
The docbase is the name of the Docbase into which you are loading the dump
file. Filename is the name of the dump file, and name defines a name for the
output DQL script. If you do not include a username, the current user is
Note: This utility does not report all storage areas in the source Docbase, but
only those that have been copied into the dump file.
3.dmclean Utility
Every Docbase requires a scheduled clean up need to be performed by
administrator. One such clean up includes removing orphaned content files.
When users delete a document, or any object that has a content file associated with it, the system deletes the object and marks the content as an orphan. The system does not delete the actual content file. This must be done using the dmclean utility. Dmclean can be run using:
a. Documentum Administrator.
b. A DQL EXECUTE statement.
EXECUTE do_method
WITH method = ’dmclean’,
arguments = ’-no_content -no_note -no_wf_template’
c. An Apply method
apply,session,NULL,DO_METHOD,METHOD,S,dmclean, ARGUMENTS,S,’-no_content -no_note -no_wf_template’
d. From Content Server command prompt
dmclean -docbase_name docbase -init_file init_file_name
-no_content -no_note -no_wf_template
Where wheredocbase is the name of the Docbase and init_file_name
is the name of the server.ini start up file for the Docbase’s server.
4.dmfilescan Utility
This utility is used to scan the one or more storage area and find any content
files that do not have associated content objects. The utility scans for orphaned files which are over 24 hours old.
Running the utility using EXECUTE statement:
EXECUTE do_method WITH method = ’dmfilescan’,
[arguments = ’[-s storage_area_name] [,-from directory1]
[,-to directory2]’]
The utility automatically saves the output to a document that is stored in
the Temp cabinet. FALSE.) The output is a generated script that includes
the informational messages generated by the utility.
Running the utility using Content Server command prompt:
dmfilescan -docbase_name name -init_file init_file_name
[-s storage_area_name][-from directory1][-to directory2]
The init_file_name is the name of Content Server’s server.ini file. This is
one of the server start up files.
5.dm_crypto_change_passphrase Utility
Every installation of a Content Server creates a key called Administration
Encryption Key (AEK). This is used to encrypt:
a. The Docbase keys.
b. Documentum passwords, such as those used by Content Server to
connect to the RDMS or any other Docbase.
This AEK is stored at: %DOCUMENTUM%\dba\secure\aek.key and this key also are encrypted using a default passphrase provided by Documentum. It is always advisable to change the default passphrase. To change the default passphrase we can use dm_crypto_change_passphrase Utility.
dm_crypto_change_passphrase [-location location][-passphrase
[old_passphrase]][-newpassphrase [new_passphrase]][-noprompt][-help]
Location is the place where AEK is placed for which we need to change the
old_passphrase is the old passphrase name.
new_passphrase is the new passphrase name.
-noprompt should be used if any one the argument mentioned above is not
used. It’s like the end specify mentioning the end of arguments.
-help returns help information for the utility.
6.IAPI Utility
IAPI Utility is used to issue direct method call to the server.
Running the utility from the server command prompt:
iapi32 [-Uusername|-ENV_CONNECT_USER_NAME]
[-Pos_password|-ENV_CONNECT_PASSWORD] [-Llogfile] [-X][-E]
[-V-][-Q] docbase|-ENV_CONNECT_DOCBASE_NAME [-Rinputfile]
Order of the parameter does not hold importance.
Username- Identifies the name who is starting the session.
ENV_CONNECT_USER_NAME- User name in looked in the environment
variable DM_USER_NAME.
Password- User’s operating system password.
ENV_CONNECT_PASSWORD- Password is looked in the environment
variable DM_PASSWORD.
-Llogfile – Directs the server to start a log file for the session.
You must include the file name with the argument. You can specify a
full path.
-X Allows prompt for domain.
-E Turns on echo.
-V- Turns verbose mode off. The utility runs in verbose
mode by default. If you turn verbose mode off, the
system does not display the IAPI prompt, error
messages, or any responses to your commands
(return values or status messages).
-Q Directs the utility to provide a quick connection test. The utility attempts to connect and exits with a status of zero if successful or non-zero if not.
It provides error messages if the attempt is not successful.
Docbase- Docbase name which is intended to access.
ENV_CONNECT_DOCBASE_NAM – finds the name of the docbase
from environment variable DM_USER_NAME.
-Rinputfile input file with API methods.
-Ftrace_level Turns tracing on.
-Sinit_level Defines the connection level established when you
start the API session.
-Iescape_character Defines an escape character for certain symbols
such as a forward slash (/).
-zZ Specifies Windows NT Unified Logon.
7.IDQL Utility
IDQL is also a useful as a tool for testing and other tasks that support an
application or installation because it allows you to run scripts and batch files.
Running the utility from the server command prompt:
idql32 [-n] [-wcolumnwidth]
docbase|-ENV_CONNECT_DOCBASE_NAME [-Rinput_file]
The parameter being the same as mentioned in above utility.
【转自 http://hkishan.wordpress.com】
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