java.lang.ClassFormatError: Extra bytes at the end of class file
byte buf[] = new byte[256];
while(fin.read(buf) != -1)
byte buf[] = new byte[256];
int len = 256;
while((len = fin.read(buf)) != -1)
thrown when applet runs
When running an applet in a browser using the Sun JVM, a ClassFormatError
is thrown by the ClassLoader
. The same applet runs under the Microsoft VM.
This error is caused by bytecodes generated from old JDK 1.0.2/1.1 compilers, or from a third-party obfuscator. In the past, many of these compilers and obfuscators generated bytecode that does not conform to the Java VM Specification. Because the verifiers in recent J2SE releases are much stricter about bad class format, the ClassFormatError
is thrown by the VM when these bad class files are loaded.
Some typical problems in some older class files are the following (note that this list is not exhaustive):
- There are extra bytes at the end of the class file.
- The class file contains method or field names that do not begin with a letter.
- The class attempts to access private members of another class.
- The class file has other format errors, including illegal constant pool indices and illegal UTF-8 strings.
- The class file produced by an early (third-party) bytecode obfuscator violates proper class-file format.
To allow some of the applets with bad class files to run in the Java 2 platform, Java Plug-in contains a bytecode transformer to transform some of the bad class files to good ones. Currently, only bad class files with the following problems may be transformed:
- Local variable name with a bad constant pool index
- Extra bytes at the end of the class file
- Code segment of the wrong length
- Illegal field/method name
- Illegal field/method modifiers
- Invalid start_pc/length in local var table
Unfortunately, the bytecode transformer cannot transform the following problems, which will still result in a ClassFormatError
- Illegal use of nonvirtual function call
- Arguments can't fit into locals
- Unsorted lookup switch
- Truncated class file
You can resolve these problems by simply recompiling your Java classes with the javac
compiler from the Java 2 SDK. If you choose to use a third-party obfuscator, be sure to use one that produces class files that respect proper class-file format.
相关资料: http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/guide/deployment/deployment-guide/upgrade-guide/article-01.html
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16. **ClassFormatError**:类格式错误,当类文件的格式不符合Java虚拟机规范时抛出。 17. **Error**:错误,表示严重的问题,如虚拟机错误、内存不足或内部错误等,通常不期望程序捕获。 18. **...
16. **类格式错误:ClassFormatError** - 当读取的类文件格式不正确,无法被Java虚拟机识别时,会抛出此异常。 17. **错误:Error** - 表示严重的运行时问题,通常不应该被捕获,而是需要立即终止程序。例如,`...
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4. ClassFormatError:类格式错误,当 Java 虚拟机试图从一个文件中读取 Java 类,而检测到该文件的内容不符合类的有效格式时抛出。 5. Error:错误,是所有错误的基类,用于标识严重的程序运行问题。 6. ...