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Install Subclipse in Eclipse 3.x

Step 1:

Begin the installation from the Eclipse Help menu item.

Install Subclipse in Eclipse 3.x

Step 1:

Begin the installation from the Eclipse Help menu item.

Install screen

Step 2:

This screenshot show the screen as it initially comes up. In this case you will need to change the radio button to indicate that this is a new install.

Install screen

Step 3:

This screen will vary depending on the features you have installed already. You want to click on the New Remote Site button. If you are behind a proxy and the Eclipse install mechanism does not work, then you can download a zipped version of the update site and then click the New Local Site button instead.

Install screen

Step 4:

This screen is showing the New Remote Site dialog, filled in with the correct information to install Subclipse

              Name: Subclipse 1.6.x (Eclipse 3.2+)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x
              Name: Subclipse 1.4.x (Eclipse 3.2+)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x
              Name: Subclipse 1.2.x (Eclipse 3.2+)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.2.x
              Name: Subclipse 1.0.x (Eclipse 3.0/3.1)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.0.x

Install screen

Step 5:

When you first come back to this screen, the site you added will NOT be selected. Be sure to select it before clicking Next.

Install screen

Step 6:

This next screen shows all of the features that are available to install.

Install screen

Step 7:

Click the button to accept the license agreement.

Install screen

Step 8:

Confirm the install location

Install screen

Step 9:

There is an Eclipse preference to turn off this next dialog. I have never seen a signed feature. Not even Eclipse.org nor IBM sign their features.

Install screen

Step 10:

Just a screenshot of the in-process installation.

Install screen

Step 11:

Eclipse needs to be restarted after installing Subclipse.

Install screen

Step 12:

Finally, after restarting Eclipse, the first thing you will typically want to do is open the Subclipse Repository perspective where you can define your repositories. Be sure to also check the online help as well as the Subclipse preferences located under Team -> SVN.

Install screen

Updating Subclipse in Eclipse 3.x

Eclipse 3.x has a feature in preference to automatically check for updates. Provided you are not behind a proxy that does not allow this feature, it should work for Subclipse. Otherwise just follow the instructions for installing Subclipse, except take the option to check for updates in Step 2.

If you are behind a proxy that does not work with Eclipse, then to install updates you just always follow the same instructions you used to install a new version. If you always unzip the site to the same local folder, you will not have to define the local site each time.

Step 2:

This screenshot show the screen as it initially comes up. In this case you will need to change the radio button to indicate that this is a new install.

Install screen

Step 3:

This screen will vary depending on the features you have installed already. You want to click on the New Remote Site button. If you are behind a proxy and the Eclipse install mechanism does not work, then you can download a zipped version of the update site and then click the New Local Site button instead.

Install screen

Step 4:

This screen is showing the New Remote Site dialog, filled in with the correct information to install Subclipse

              Name: Subclipse 1.6.x (Eclipse 3.2+)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x
              Name: Subclipse 1.4.x (Eclipse 3.2+)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.4.x
              Name: Subclipse 1.2.x (Eclipse 3.2+)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.2.x
              Name: Subclipse 1.0.x (Eclipse 3.0/3.1)
              URL:  http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.0.x

Install screen

Step 5:

When you first come back to this screen, the site you added will NOT be selected. Be sure to select it before clicking Next.

Install screen

Step 6:

This next screen shows all of the features that are available to install.

Install screen

Step 7:

Click the button to accept the license agreement.

Install screen

Step 8:

Confirm the install location

Install screen

Step 9:

There is an Eclipse preference to turn off this next dialog. I have never seen a signed feature. Not even Eclipse.org nor IBM sign their features.

Install screen

Step 10:

Just a screenshot of the in-process installation.

Install screen

Step 11:

Eclipse needs to be restarted after installing Subclipse.

Install screen

Step 12:

Finally, after restarting Eclipse, the first thing you will typically want to do is open the Subclipse Repository perspective where you can define your repositories. Be sure to also check the online help as well as the Subclipse preferences located under Team -> SVN.

Install screen

Updating Subclipse in Eclipse 3.x

Eclipse 3.x has a feature in preference to automatically check for updates. Provided you are not behind a proxy that does not allow this feature, it should work for Subclipse. Otherwise just follow the instructions for installing Subclipse, except take the option to check for updates in Step 2.

If you are behind a proxy that does not work with Eclipse, then to install updates you just always follow the same instructions you used to install a new version. If you always unzip the site to the same local folder, you will not have to define the local site each time.



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    在使用SVN的过程中,用户通常会在本地计算机上创建SVN配置文件,这些文件存储了与SVN仓库的连接信息和其他设置。然而,有时可能需要清理或删除这些配置,特别是在解决权限问题、更换工作环境或者卸载SVN客户端时。 ...


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    在安装SVN时,通常有两种方法: 1. **在线安装**:如果你的计算机能够连接到互联网,最简单的方式是通过在线安装程序进行安装。这通常涉及访问SVN的官方网站或提供相应软件包的第三方平台,下载最新的安装包,然后...


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