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反编译工具 jad简单使用

  • Java
/*通常人们习惯把jad放到 jdk安装目录的bin下面(显然classpath中包含了该路径),这样就可以在命令行窗口直接使用jad命令了。
把名字叫xxx.class 反成xxx.java,放到与xxx.class的package定义一样的目录里面去。
xxx.class 可以使用通配符,例如 *.class, My*.class ... 

jad -t -r -dead -sjava xxx.class
//-------1.先把jar包解压.使用jar -h 可以查看jar其它的命令参数
jar -xvf demo.jar  -C targetDir

//-------2. 执行反编译
jad -r -t -sjava targetDir/**/*.class

To decompile a single JAVA class file 'example1.class'
type the following:

     jad example1.class

This command creates file 'example1.jad' in the current directory.
If such file already exists Jad asks whether you want to overwrite it or not.
Option -o permits overwriting without a confirmation.

You can omit .class extension and/or use wildcards in the names of
input files.

Option -s <ext> allows to change output file extension:

     jad -sjava example1.class

This command creates file 'example1.java'. Be careful when using
options -o and -sjava together, because Jad can accidentally overwrite
your own source files.

Jad uses JAVA class name as an output file name. For example, if class
file 'example1.class' contains JAVA class 'test1' then Jad will create
file 'test1.jad' rather than 'example1.jad'. If you want to specify
your own output file name use the output redirection:

   jad -p example1.class > myexm1.java

Option -d allows you to specify another directory for output files,
which are created, by default, in the current directory. For example:

   jad -o -dtest -sjava *.class

   (or jad -o -d test -s java *.class, which has the same effect)

This command decompiles all .class files in the current directory
and places all output files with extension .java into directory 'test'.

If you want to decompile the whole tree of JAVA classes,
use the following command:

   jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc tree/**/*.class
   jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc_o classes_o/**/*.class
   jad -o -r -sjava -dcom_src com/**/*.class
   jad -o -r -sjava -djavax_src javax/**/*.class

This command decompiles all .class files located in all
subdirectories of 'tree' and creates output files in subdirectories
of 'src' according to package names of classes. For example, if file
'tree/a/b/c.class' contains class 'c' from package 'a.b', then
output file will have a name 'src/a/b/c.java'.

Note the use of the "two stars" wildcard ('**') in the previous
command. It is handled by Jad rather than the command shell, so on
UNIX the last argument should be single-quoted:

   jad -o -r -sjava -dsrc 'tree/**/*.class'

In a case you want to check the accuracy of the decompilation or just
curious, there is an option -a which tells Jad to annotate the output
with JAVA Virtual Machine bytecodes.

Jad supports the inner and anonymous classes.
When Jad expands wildcards in the input file names,
it automatically skips matching inner classes.
On UNIX Jad skips inner classes if there is more than
one class specified in the command line.
Jad looks for inner classes in the directory of their top-level
container class.

3. List of the command-line options.

Jad accepts the following options:

   -a       - annotate the output with JVM bytecodes (default: off)
   -af      - same as -a, but output fully qualified names when annotating
   -clear   - clear all prefixes, including the default ones (can be abbreviated as -cl)
   -b       - output redundant braces (e.g., if(a) { b(); }, default: off)
   -d <dir> - directory for output files (will be created when necessary)
   -dead    - try to decompile dead parts of code (if any) (default: off)
   -disass  - disassemble method bytecodes (no JAVA source generated)
   -f       - output fully qualified names for classes/fields/methods (default: off)
   -ff      - output class fields before methods (default: after methods)
   -i       - output default initializers for all non-final fields
   -l<num>  - split strings into pieces of maximum <num> chars (default: off)
   -lnc     - annotate the output with line numbers (default: off)
   -lradix<num> - display long integers using the specified radix (8, 10 or 16)
   -nl      - split strings on newline character (default: off)
   -nocast  - don't generate auxiliary casts
   -nocode  - don't generate the source code for methods
   -noconv  - don't convert Java identifiers (default: convert)
   -noctor  - suppress the empty constructors
   -nodos   - do not check for class files written in DOS mode (CR before NL, default: check)
   -nofd    - don't disambiguate fields with the same names by adding signatures to their names (default: do)
   -noinner - turn off the support of inner classes (default: on)
   -nolvt   - ignore Local Variable Table information
   -nonlb   - don't output a newline before opening brace (default: do)
   -o       - overwrite output files without confirmation (default: off)
   -p       - send decompiled code to STDOUT (e.g., for piping)
   -pi<num> - pack imports into one line after <num> imports (default: 3)
   -pv<num> - pack fields with identical types into one line (default: off)
   -pa <pfx>- prefix for all packages in generated source files
   -pc <pfx>- prefix for classes with numerical names (default: _cls)
   -pf <pfx>- prefix for fields with numerical names (default: _fld)
   -pe <pfx>- prefix for unused exception names (default: _ex)
   -pl <pfx>- prefix for locals with numerical names (default: _lcl)
   -pm <pfx>- prefix for methods with numerical names (default: _mth)
   -pp <pfx>- prefix for method parms with numerical names (default: _prm)
   -r       - restore package directory structrure
   -radix<num> - display integers using the specified radix (8, 10 or 16)
   -s <ext> - output file extension (by default '.jad')
   -safe    - generate additional casts to disambiguate methods/fields (default: off)
   -space   - output space between keyword (if/for/while/etc) and expression (default: off)
   -stat    - display the total number of processed classes/methods/fields
   -t       - use tabs instead of spaces for indentation
   -t<num>  - use <num> spaces for indentation (default: 4)
   -v       - display method names being decompiled
   -8       - convert UNICODE strings into 8-bit strings
              using the current ANSI code page (Win32 only)
   -&       - redirect STDERR to STDOUT (Win32 only)

All single-word options have three formats:

  -o    - 'reverses' value of an option
  -o+   - set value to 'true' or 'on'
  -o-   - set value to 'false' or 'off'

You can specify the options you want to be set by default in the environment variable
JAD_OPTIONS. For example:

JAD_OPTIONS=-ff+ -nonlb+ -t+ -space+

Copied fromjad jadReadme.txt, modified a little for readbilities.


    java反编译工具 jad

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    这种灵活性使得Jad不仅仅是一个简单的反编译工具,还是一种强大的代码分析和研究工具。 在实际使用中,Jad 可以与IDE(如Eclipse或IntelliJ IDEA)集成,通过插件形式提供更方便的操作。这些插件通常会提供图形化...




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    ### 反编译工具jad简单用法 #### 一、简介 JAD是一款非常流行的Java反编译工具,能够将Java字节码(.class文件)转换回接近原代码的源代码形式。它不仅可以帮助开发者更好地理解和调试代码,还能够在源代码丢失的情况...

    java反编译工具jad 1.5.8g(可以反编译jdk1.5,1.6)

    反编译工具jad简单用法 以下假设jad.exe在c:\java目录下 一、基本用法 Usage: jad [option(s)] (s)&gt; 直接输入类文件名,且支持通配符,如下所示。 c:\java\&gt;jad example1.class c:\java\&gt;jad *.class 结果是...

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    反编译工具jad简单用法  以下假设jad.exe在c:\java目录下  一、基本用法  Usage: jad [option(s)]  直接输入类文件名,且支持通配符,如下所示。  c:\java\&gt;jad example1.class  c:\java\&gt;jad *....


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    java 反编译工具 jad和 用法

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    java 反编译工具 jad




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