This errata sheet applies to all printings. For printings prior to Spring, 2008, please see The First Errata Sheet.
Found an error not listed in the table below or in the First Errata Sheet? Please send email to ullman at gmail dt com.
Reported By
Date Reported
p. 3, l. 9 below the figure |
The intended meaning was that assembly code is easier to debug than machine code. |
Sukhbir Singh |
7/4/09 |
p. 6, l. -3 |
Comma needed after "60". |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 13, l. -9 |
Comma needed after "C". |
Lyle Goldman |
9/5/09 |
p. 18, l. -16 |
"removes" should be "remove". |
Lyle Goldman |
9/5/09 |
p. 28, l. 2 |
No comma after "variable". |
Lyle Goldman |
9/5/09 |
p. 36, l. -4 |
"and" needed before "profilers". |
Lyle Goldman |
9/5/09 |
p. 52, l. 6 |
1001 should be 1001. |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 73, l. 17 |
"while loop" should be "the while-loop". |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 81, l. 14 |
Comma needed after "lexer". |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 90, l. 13 |
Semicolon missing at end of line. |
Michael Leuschel |
2/12/08 |
p. 90, Fig. 2.38, l. -2, -1 |
The "}" at the end of the second-to-last line of the figure belongs at the end of the last line. |
Michael Dudley |
1/6/08 |
p. 91, l. 18 |
The production should have type id ; on the right. |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 95, l. -2 |
"a operator" should be "an operator". |
Han Lin |
12/29/08 |
p. 104, l. 13-14 |
Both commas on l. 13 should be omitted, and the words "is evaluated" should be added after "right operand" on l. 14. |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 106, l. -11 |
"construct" should be "constructs". |
Lyle Goldman |
10/17/09 |
p. 227, l. -5 |
Delete "the" after "its". |
Nish Sinnadurai |
10/24/08 |
p. 230, Fig. 4.22 |
In the row for E ', the productions should all have E ' rather than E on the left side. |
Lei Ju |
9/5/08 |
p. 230, first line below Fig, 4.22 |
The erroneous input on that line would actually cause a synch action immediately, popping the E off the stack and ending the parse. Thus, to match the more interesting behavior of Fig. 4.23, we change the ")" to "+" on l. 1 below Fig. 4.22, and also in the first line below the header in Fig. 4.23. |
Lei Ju |
9/15/08 |
p. 251, Fig. 4.36, l. -2 |
"break" should be in boldface. |
Michael Leuschel |
2/12/08 |
p. 254, l. -4 |
"Fig. 4.31" should be "Fig. 4.37". |
Daniel Mentz |
3/6/08 |
p. 263, middle, first item in set I0
S on the left should be S'. |
Michael Dudley |
2/12/08 |
p. 281, l. 2 |
E needed in front of →(E). |
Arto Kaarna |
3/31/08 |
p. 282, Fig. 4.50, Itemset I4
Add S → iS. |
Mike Polyakov |
7/28/08 |
p. 283, Fig. 4.52 |
The actions for lines (4) and (5) should be swapped. That is, the reduction occurs after line (4). |
Ciro D'Aniello |
2/27/08 |
p. 285, first line below Fig. 4.53 |
"right" should be "left". |
Lei Ju |
9/15/08 |
p. 286, Fig. 4.54, last two lines |
The Symbols on the stack should be E+E on the penultimate line and just E on the last line. |
Daniel Mentz |
3/6/08 |
p. 288, Example 4.69, l. 4 |
Delete one "with the". |
Kevin Schultz |
7/28/08 |
p. 289, l. -9 |
"token" should be "tokens". |
Kevin Schultz |
7/28/08 |
p. 299, l. 14 |
"below" should be "to the right". |
Heiner Marxen |
10/28/09 |
p. 352, l. 14 |
"top - 5" should be "top - 6". |
Daniel Mentz |
3/11/08 |
p. 359, caption of Fig. 6.3 |
"Dag" should be "DAG". |
Arto Kaarna |
1/23/08 |
p. 360, Fig. 6.4 |
A production similar to the first two for the operator * is needed. |
Ciro D'Aniello |
2/27/08 |
p. 372, 4 lines above Sect. 6.3.2 |
"dag" should be "DAG". |
Arto Kaarna |
3/31/08 |
p. 393, last line of box |
"In words" should be "In simpler words". |
Saeed Mehrabi |
1/7/09 |
p. 409, Exercise 6.6.4 |
x == 1 should be x = 1 in each of the three parts. |
Daniel Lucredio |
1/29/10 |
p. 545, l. 19 |
We must add a third step: Remove R from the address descriptors of variables other than x. |
Hao Dang |
12/12/09 |
p. 556, Fig. 8.18, the unnamed block at the far right |
ST a, R2 should be ST d, R2. |
Hans Ji |
7/26/08 |
p. 571, item 4, l. 3 |
r-j should be r-j+1. |
Hao Dang |
12/12/09 |
p. 594, Fig. 9.9. |
In box B5, t7 and t10 should be t2 and t4, respectively. |
Kevin Schultz |
5/9/08 |
p. 609, Example 9.13, l. 4-5 |
B2 does not define i or j, since they are used before definition (assuming no aliases). |
Michael Leuschel |
2/12/08 |
p. 617, Exercise 9.2.10, l. 3 |
genB should be useB. |
Gyun Woo |
3/22/08 |
p. 654, items 8(b) and 8(c) |
These items should be combined as:
8(b) For all blocks B such that x+y is in latest[B] intersect used[B].out:
- Add t=x+y at the beginning of B.
- Replace every original x+y by t.
Richard Yoo |
2/3/10 |
p. 689, l. -9 |
"line (4)" should be "line (3)". |
Gyun Woo |
10/24/08 |
p. 751, l. -11 |
n1 -> n2 should be n2 -> n1. |
Roger Liao |
4/3/10 |
p. 752, Fig. 10.27 |
Left box for c needs to be shaded. |
Roger Liao |
4/3/10 |
p. 788, l. 4 |
"row" should be "column", since row-major order is stipulated. |
Gyun Woo |
10/27/08 |
p. 792, items 2, 3, 4 above Example 11.8 |
B really has 2d rows, and b and 0 are of length 2d. |
Ge Gan |
10/24/08 |
p. 795, l. 2 |
Z[1,7] should be Z[7,1]. |
Jungwon Kim |
1/12/09 |
p. 807, l. -5 |
The first i should be 1. |
Gyun Woo |
11/4/08 |
p. 816, middle, inequalities (2a) and (2b) |
"+ b" is missing from the left side of (a) and "+ b'" is missing from the left side of (b). |
William Deng |
7/25/08 |
p. 819, l. 1-2 |
"read and write accesses" should be "two write accesses". |
Gyun Woo |
1/9/08 |
p. 836, item 5, line 2 |
"-1" should be "1". |
Gyun Woo |
11/4/08 |
p. 848, Scaling example, third line of code on the left |
2N should be 2*N. |
3/06/08 |
p. 849, Permuation example, second line on the right |
i++ should be q++. |
3/06/08 |
p. 861, l. -8 |
Remove the comma after "local". |
Gyun Woo |
2/18/08 |
p. 865, l. -2 |
"code in (b)" should be "code in (c)". |
Gyun Woo |
2/20/08 |
p. 899, l. -15 |
Reference [6] should be [10]. |
Shih-Wei Liao |
2/27/08 |
【C Primer Plus 第六版中文版勘误表】 在学习C语言的过程中,使用正确的教材是非常重要的,而《C Primer Plus》第六版是一本备受推崇的教程。然而,任何书籍都可能存在印刷错误,为了确保读者获取准确的信息,出版...
《C Primer Plus 中文第六版勘误表》是针对编程学习者的重要参考资料,尤其是对于正在研读《C Primer Plus》第六版中文版的读者来说,它具有极高的实用价值。这本书是C语言的经典教程,作者Stephen Prata以其深入浅...
《C Primer Plus 第6版中文版勘误表》是针对编程初学者和C语言爱好者的一份重要参考资料。这本书深入浅出地介绍了C语言的基础知识,包括语法、数据类型、控制结构、函数、数组、指针等核心概念。然而,任何书籍在...
通原习题集勘误表.doc 第26页3.13题 倒数第一行:“此结果显然是t的函数,故D(t)是非平稳过程”。实际上前面的结果是和t无关的,因此 是平稳过程。不过对平稳过程做时间平均也是可以的,如同对直流进行时间平均。其...
C++ Primer 中文版勘误表 C++ Primer 是一种广泛使用的 C++ 编程语言教程书籍,而中文版的 C++ Primer 也存在一些小错误。以下是 C++ Primer 中文版勘误表,总结了书中的一些错误和修订内容。 1. 第 79 页表 3-4 ...
标题《stm32f4 勘误表》所涉及的知识点主要包含以下几个方面: 1. 勘误表介绍 - 勘误表是针对STM32F4系列微控制器的重要文档,用于列出产品中的错误和限制,便于工程师在开发过程中避免或解决相关问题。 - 文档...
【单片机原理及应用--勘误表】 在学习单片机原理与应用的过程中,准确性至关重要,因为微小的错误可能导致整个系统运行不正常。这个勘误表旨在纠正教材或教程中的错误,确保读者能够获取准确的信息。以下是部分更正...
赠送1:计量经济学及stata应用课件及数据 第二版勘误表.pdf
北京邮电大学版《通信原理》勘误表 网上此物极其稀少~
勘误表是对原书内容进行修正的重要参考,以下是对书中部分错误及知识点的详细说明: 1. **原码除法**:在描述原码除法时,原文有误,正确做法是原码除以符号位外各位取反,然后在末位加1。这涉及到补码表示法中的加...
最后,勘误表提到了关于硅片问题的讨论,以及数据表澄清和修正将在第23页之后开始。这意味着数据手册的详细澄清和修正信息将在勘误表中紧跟硅片问题讨论之后进行详细说明。 通过这种详细的勘误表,Microchip为开发...
在《Vue.js权威指南》第1版第1次印刷中,可能存在一些技术性错误或表述不清的地方,因此出版方发布了勘误表来修正这些问题,确保读者能够获取最准确的信息。 该书的勘误表主要涵盖以下几个方面: 1. **语法错误**...
此外,勘误表中还出现了像“2x-2+3y-2z+3=0”和“2x+3y+6z+6=0”这样的线性方程组。在解析几何中,解这样的方程组通常意味着找到空间中满足所有方程的点集合,这些点的集合可能构成一个交点、一条线或一个面。 最后...
勘误表覆盖了以下修订版: - “A”:初始设备修订版。 - “B”:更新后的设备修订版。 ### 三、勘误表概述 勘误表分为功能问题、AC/DC偏差两个部分,并附有注释说明。每个偏差都有一个编号,其历史变更记录在文档...
今天,我们讨论的《模式分类(Pattern Classification)》英文版勘误表对于使用这本书进行研究和学习的人员至关重要。 首先,勘误表主要包含了对《模式分类》英文版中不同章节的错误进行纠正。例如,在第二章的页面...
勘误表的作用就是为开发者提供一个官方或非官方的参考,列出这些错误,并给出相应的解决建议。 在《细说PHP》勘误表.doc中,我们可以期待找到以下内容: 1. **错误分类**:勘误表可能会根据错误的类型进行分类,如...
STM32F101 STM32F103 等等的勘误表, 对照此可以规避硬件设计时带来的麻烦!
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