
Document/Object store path


Document/Object store path


(R_OBJECT_ID)090003ec8002034f  --> 09(TYPE)   0003ec(repository id, PATH1)    8002034f(unique id )
(DMR_CONTENT.DATA_TICKET)-2147402421 -->16进制路径80013D4B

path:  0003ec\80\01\3D\4B.extention


dmr_content.parent_id represents the sys.r_obj_id,

sysobj.r_id <----> contents_id - --->data_ticket----> real file.


Very useful guide for troubleshooting after migration:

accessories,consistencyCheckeyJob troubleshooting guide.



To move the contents of one filestore to another you can use the MIGRATE_CONTENT method
EXECUTE migrate_content
WITH source_store='filestore_01',

Update the object type so that any new objects created are stored in the new filestore.
update dm_document(all) objects set a_storage_type = 'your_new_filestore'
where a_storage_type = 'filestore_01';

You can finally delete the old filestore.




  • 大小: 77.8 KB


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