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Show Directories For
Executable files
Directory settings displayed in the window are the directories that Visual Studio will search for executable files. Corresponds to environment variable PATH.
Include files
Directory settings displayed in the window are the directories that Visual Studio will search for include files referred to in your source code files. Corresponds to environment variable INCLUDE.
Reference files
Directory settings displayed in the window are the directories that Visual Studio will search for assembly and module (metadata) files referred to in your source code files via #using. Corresponds to environment variable LIBPATH.
Library files
Directory settings displayed in the window are the directories that Visual Studio will search for libraries, including run-time libraries. Corresponds to environment variable LIB.
Source files
Directory settings displayed in the window are the directories that Visual Studio will search for source files to use for IntelliSense.
Exclude Directories
Directory settings displayed in the window are the directories that Visual Studio will skip when searching for scan dependencies.
Note that the VCComponents.dat file contains user settings for the machine. If you uninstall Visual Studio and then reinstall it in a different directory or drive, you will first have to delete VCComponents.dat. Otherwise, your builds will fail. VCComponents.dat is located in \Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\VisualStudio\7.1.
To access this dialog box
From the Tools menu, click Options.
Expand the Projects and Solutions node.
Select the VC++ Directories property page.
To use the directory listing box
Use the up and down arrows to view additional directories in the list.
To add a directory to a list, click the folder button above the directory window. This will add a new line in the directory window. Then click the Ellipsis button on the new line to open a standard Windows dialog box where you can browse for a directory to add.
To remove a directory from a list, highlight it using your mouse, then click the delete button above the directory display.
For information on how to programmatically access the functionality of this dialog box, see VCPlatform.
You can use these macros anywhere in a project's Property Pages dialog box where strings are accepted. These macros are not case sensitive.
$(RemoteMachine) |
Set to the value of the Remote Machine property on the Debug property page. See Changing Project Settings for a C/C++ Debug Configuration for more information. |
$(References) |
A semicolon delimited list of references added to the project. |
$(ConfigurationName) |
The name of the current project configuration (for example, "Debug"). |
$(PlatformName) |
The name of current project platform (for example, "Win32"). |
$(Inherit) |
Specifies the order in which inherited properties appear in the command line composed by the project build system. By default, inherited properties appear at the end of the current property.1 |
$(NoInherit) |
Causes any properties that would otherwise be inherited, to not be inherited. To also prevent evaluation at the sibling level, use $(StopEvaluating) . The use of $(NoInherit) causes any occurrences of $(Inherit) to be ignored for the same property.1 |
$(StopEvaluating) |
Immediately stops the evaluation of a macro in the evaluation chain. Any values that appear after $(StopEvaluating) will not appear in the evaluated value of the macro. If $(StopEvaluating) precedes $(Inherit) , the inherited value at the current location in the evaluation chain will not be concatenated to the macro value. $(StopEvaluating) is a superset of the functionality of $(NoInherit) . |
$(ParentName) |
Name of the item containing this project item. This will be the parent folder name, or project name. |
$(RootNameSpace) |
The namespace, if any, containing the application. |
$(IntDir) |
Path to the directory specified for intermediate files relative to the project directory. This resolves to the value for the Intermediate Directory property. |
$(OutDir) |
Path to the output file directory, relative to the project directory. This resolves to the value for the Output Directory property. |
$(DevEnvDir) |
The installation directory of Visual Studio .NET (defined as drive + path); includes the trailing backslash '\'. |
$(InputDir) |
The directory of the input file (defined as drive + path); includes the trailing backslash '\'. If the project is the input, then this macro is equivalent to $(ProjectDir). |
$(InputPath) |
The absolute path name of the input file (defined as drive + path + base name + file extension). If the project is the input, then this macro is equivalent to $(ProjectPath). |
$(InputName) |
The base name of the input file. If the project is the input, then this macro is equivalent to $(ProjectName). |
$(InputFileName) |
The file name of the input file (defined as base name + file extension). If the project is the input, then this macro is equivalent to $(ProjectFileName). |
$(InputExt) |
The file extension of the input file. It includes the '.' before the file extension. If the project is the input, then this macro is equivalent to $(ProjectExt). |
$(ProjectDir) |
The directory of the project (defined as drive + path); includes the trailing backslash '\'. |
$(ProjectPath) |
The absolute path name of the project (defined as drive + path + base name + file extension). |
$(ProjectName) |
The base name of the project. |
$(ProjectFileName) |
The file name of the project (defined as base name + file extension). |
$(ProjectExt) |
The file extension of the project. It includes the '.' before the file extension. |
$(SolutionDir) |
The directory of the solution (defined as drive + path); includes the trailing backslash '\'. |
$(SolutionPath) |
The absolute path name of the solution (defined as drive + path + base name + file extension). |
$(SolutionName) |
The base name of the solution. |
$(SolutionFileName) |
The file name of the solution (defined as base name + file extension). |
$(SolutionExt) |
The file extension of the solution. It includes the '.' before the file extension. |
$(TargetDir) |
The directory of the primary output file for the build (defined as drive + path); includes the trailing backslash '\'. |
$(TargetPath) |
The absolute path name of the primary output file for the build (defined as drive + path + base name + file extension). |
$(TargetName) |
The base name of the primary output file for the build. |
$(TargetFileName) |
The file name of the primary output file for the build (defined as base name + file extension). |
$(TargetExt) |
The file extension of the primary output file for the build. It includes the '.' before the file extension. |
$(VSInstallDir) |
The directory into which you installed Visual Studio .NET. |
$(VCInstallDir) |
The directory into which you installed Visual C++ .NET. |
$(FrameworkDir) |
The directory into which the .NET Framework was installed. |
$(FrameworkVersion) |
The version of the .NET Framework used by Visual Studio. Combined with $(FrameworkDir), the full path to the version of the .NET Framework use by Visual Studio. |
$(FrameworkSDKDir) |
The directory into which you installed the .NET Framework SDK. The .NET Framework SDK could have been installed as part of Visual Studio .NET or separately. |
$(WebDeployPath) |
The relative path from the web deployment root to where the project outputs belong. Returns the same value as RelativePath . |
$(WebDeployRoot) |
The absolute path to the location of <localhost>. For example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot. |
$(SafeParentName) |
The name of the immediate parent in valid name format. For example, a form is the parent of a .resx file. |
$(SafeInputName) |
The name of the file as a valid class name, minus file extension. |
$(SafeRootNamespace) |
The namespace name in which the project wizards will add code. This namespace name will only contain characters that would be permitted in a valid C++ identifier. |
$(FxCopDir) |
The path to the fxcop.cmd file. The fxcop.cmd file is not installed with all Visual C++ editions. |
1. Use the Command Line Property Page for the property to see how properties are inherited. See Specifying Project Settings with Property Pages for more information on property inheritance. See Using $(Inherit) and $(NoInherit) for usage examples.
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### VC6.0路径设置详解 #### 一、概述 微软Visual C++ 6.0(简称VC6.0)是一款广泛使用的C/C++编译器及开发环境,尤其受到初学者的喜爱。然而,在安装完成后,为了更好地进行项目开发与管理,用户往往需要对VC6.0...
通过设置`lpszPath`为`szDir`,我们就能成功获取到Program Files目录的路径。 综上所述,通过使用VC提供的API函数,我们可以方便地获取到Windows系统中的各种关键目录路径,这对于进行系统级编程、文件操作以及环境...
例如,你可以用这个路径来保存文件、读取文件,或者设置程序的工作目录。 为了实现这一功能,你需要按照以下步骤操作: 1. 定义`BROWSEINFO`结构,并初始化其成员,如对话框标题、初始文件夹、回调函数等。 2. ...
在VC6.0的目录设置中,需要添加以下路径: - \MicrosoftVisualStudio\VC98\LIB - \MicrosoftVisualStudio\VC98\MFC\LIB 4. 源文件目录(Source files) 源文件目录并不是用来设置编译环境的,而是用来让VC6.0...
4. **版本控制**:在团队协作中,确保所有成员的VC列表目录路径设置一致,可以避免因个人环境差异导致的编译问题。 5. **自动化脚本**:对于大型项目,可以通过编写自动化脚本来管理和更新这些路径,提高效率并减少...
在C++编程中,获取文件路径是一项常见的任务,特别是在开发涉及文件操作的程序时。文件路径可以是绝对路径,从根目录开始,也可以是相对路径,相对于当前工作目录。本篇将详细介绍几种在C++中获取文件路径的方法。 ...
《VC弗洛伊德最短路径+图形》 在计算机科学中,特别是在图论和算法设计领域,弗洛伊德最短路径算法是一种用于解决所有对之间最短路径问题的有效方法。这个算法由美国数学家E. Dijkstra的同事Warren H. Floyd提出,...
VC 获取当前程序文件的路径、文件名以及路径+文件名 在 VC++ 中,获取当前程序文件的路径、文件名以及路径+文件名是一个非常常见的问题,本文将为大家介绍两种经典的解决方案。 方法 1:使用 ...
### 在VC6.0中配置OpenCV路径 #### 背景介绍 OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一款开源的计算机视觉库,被广泛应用于图像处理、视频分析等领域。Visual C++ 6.0(简称VC6.0)作为一款经典的集成...
### vc++6.0的路径设置 在进行vc++6.0开发时,正确的路径设置对于项目的编译、链接以及运行至关重要。本文将详细介绍如何在vc++6.0环境中正确配置各类路径,确保项目的顺利进行。 #### 背景介绍 在使用vc++6.0...
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在计算机科学领域,最短路径查询是图论中的一个核心问题,广泛应用于网络设计、物流规划、地图导航等。本文将深入探讨如何使用VC++(Visual C++)和MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)库来实现这个功能。 首先,...
【VC 最短路径演示程序源代码】是一种基于Microsoft Visual C++ (VC++) 开发的MFC应用程序,用于直观地展示图论中的最短路径算法。MFC(Microsoft Foundation Classes)是微软提供的一套C++类库,用于简化Windows...
VC include 路径解析 什么是当前路径?什么是相对路径?什么是绝对路径?什么是系统工作路径?“.\\”和“..\\”的区别?