Sometimes we need a true combobox for our projects but iPhone SDK does not have a native one (at least from what I know) and of course neither has Titanium.
So we will build one. A “true” iPhone or Ipad combobox that allows you to use the same textfield to input arbitrary text or select a value from a UIPicker element.
Updated with @CJ_Reed’s screenshot and code at the final of the tutorial.
Let’s see the video first, then we’ll get to work:
Ok, what do we need for this iPhone combobox ?
First of all we need a textField to accept input from the user. Titanium lets you set the leftButton and rightButton for this textField while constructing it. So we will take advantage of this and create a textField as it follows:
var my_combo = Titanium.UI.createTextField({
hintText:"write your name or select one",
Nothing special, a regular textField with a hint for the user that will disappear when the textField has a value.
Now we need to create the rightButton for it.
We will use a system button provided by Apple (Titanium.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.DISCLOSURE) only that we will rotate it 90 degrees to server our purpose. This is the code that creates the rightButton and the transformation applied to it.
var tr = Titanium.UI.create2DMatrix();
tr = tr.rotate(90);
var drop_button = Titanium.UI.createButton({
Now that we have the rightButton as we need it, the textField constructor becomes:
var my_combo = Titanium.UI.createTextField({
hintText:"write your name or select one",
Please note the rightButtonMode:Titanium.UI.INPUT_BUTTONMODE_ALWAYS declaration, it makes this button visible all the time.
This is how it looks:
Pretty sexy, isn’t it? Well we’re not done yet.
Building the modal picker
When the user focuses on the textField, the keyboard appears – so we will have to build our picker to emulate the same behaviour and to maximize the usability of our form. For this we will need a Picker and two buttons: Done and Cancel. These two buttons will be positioned in a Toolbar, again, to emulate as good as possible the keyboard behaviour.
Let’s build everything:
var picker_view = Titanium.UI.createView({
var cancel = Titanium.UI.createButton({
var done = Titanium.UI.createButton({
var spacer = Titanium.UI.createButton({
var toolbar = Titanium.UI.createToolbar({
var picker = Titanium.UI.createPicker({
var picker_data = [
The code is a little long but is not rocket science. Some stuff to talk about though:
Everyting is wrapped inside a view – picker_view – because we will have to animate like the keyboard does, so it’s faster to animate one element only.
The height of picker_view is the height of the toolbar (43px) + the height of the picker (208px). How do I know this? I just used a ruler
The combobox interface looks like this:
Creating the picker animation
We also need to create 2 animations: slide_in and slide_out. We will animate the bottom property of the picker_view. We will need to start with the picker_view off the screen, so we will build it with:
instead of 0 as it was initially.
var slide_in = Titanium.UI.createAnimation({bottom:0});
var slide_out = Titanium.UI.createAnimation({bottom:-251});
The logic behind the animations is this:
The user focuses the textField – the keyboard appears ( it’s done by the OS , no worries here) and if the picker_view is visible we need to hide it.
The user clicks the rightButton – we need to hide the keyboard and show the picker_view.
Here is the code:
my_combo.addEventListener('focus', function() {
drop_button.addEventListener('click',function() {
cancel.addEventListener('click',function() {
I also added the click event on the cancel button to hide the picker_view.
Filling the textField with the picker’s value
The only thing we have left is to actually put the value of the picker in the my_combo textField when the user clicks the done button and hide the picker_view.
done.addEventListener('click',function() {
my_combo.value = picker.getSelectedRow(0).title;
The getSelectedRow method of the picker is returning the selected row, and we use its title. The getSelectedRow argument is the index of the columns in the picker, and since we have only one, this is 0.
Download the project
The Resource folder of the project can be downloaded from here.
Everything is MIT licensed, but as usual, spread the word
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