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MongoDB Schema Design(MongoDB模式设计)



Schema Design

  • Introduction
  • Embed vs. Reference
  • Use Cases
  • Index Selection
  • How Many Collections?
  • See Also


With Mongo, you do less "normalization" than you would perform designing a relational schema because there are no server-side "joins". Generally, you will want one database collection for each of your top level objects.

You do not want a collection for every "class" - instead, embed objects. For example, in the diagram below, we have two collections, students and courses. The student documents embed address documents and the "score" documents, which have references to the courses.




Compare this with a relational schema, where you would almost certainly put the scores in a separate table, and have a foreign-key relationship back to the students.

Embed vs. Reference

The key question in Mongo schema design is "does this object merit its own collection, or rather should it embed in objects in other collections?" In relational databases, each sub-item of interest typically becomes a separate table (unless denormalizing for performance). In Mongo, this is not recommended - embedding objects is much more efficient. Data is then colocated on disk; client-server turnarounds to the database are eliminated. So in general the question to ask is, "why would I not want to embed this object?"

So why are references slow? Let's consider our students example. If we have a student object and perform:


print( student.address.city );


This operation will always be fast as address is an embedded object, and is always in RAM if student is in RAM. However for


print( student.scores[0].for_course.name );


if this is the first access to scores[0], the shell or your driver must execute the query

// pseudocode for driver or framework, not user code

student.scores[0].for_course = db.courses.findOne({_id:_course_id_to_find_});


Thus, each reference traversal is a query to the database. Typically, the collection in question is indexed on _id. The query will then be reasonably fast. However, even if all data is in RAM, there is a certain latency given the client/server communication from appserver to database. In general, expect 1ms of time for such a query on a ram cache hit. Thus if we were iterating 1,000 students, looking up one reference per student would be quite slow - over 1 second to perform even if cached. However, if we only need to look up a single item, the time is on the order of 1ms, and completely acceptable for a web page load. (Note that if already in db cache, pulling the 1,000 students might actually take much less than 1 second, as the results return from the database in large batches.)

Some general rules on when to embed, and when to reference:

  • "First class" objects, that are at top level, typically have their own collection.
  • Line item detail objects typically are embedded.
  • Objects which follow an object modelling "contains" relationship should generally be embedded.
  • Many to many relationships are generally by reference.
  • Collections with only a few objects may safely exist as separate collections, as the whole collection is quickly cached in application server memory.
  • Embedded objects are harder to reference than "top level" objects in collections, as you cannot have a DBRef to an embedded object (at least not yet).
  • It is more difficult to get a system-level view for embedded objects. For example, it would be easier to query the top 100 scores across all students if Scores were not embedded.
  • If the amount of data to embed is huge (many megabytes), you may reach the limit on size of a single object.
  • If performance is an issue, embed.

Use Cases

Let's consider a few use cases now.

  1. Customer / Order / Order Line-Item
  • orders should be a collection. customers a collection. line-items should be an array of line-items embedded in the order object.
  1. Blogging system.
  • posts should be a collection. post author might be a separate collection, or simply a field within posts if only an email address. comments should be embedded objects within a post for performance.

Index Selection

A second aspect of schema design is index selection. As a general rule, where you want an index in a relational database, you want an index in Mongo.

  • The _id field is automatically indexed.
  • Fields upon which keys are looked up should be indexed.
  • Sort fields generally should be indexed.

The MongoDB profiling facility provides useful information for where an index should be added that is missing.

Note that adding an index slows writes to a collection, but not reads. Use lots of indexes for collections with a high read : write ratio (assuming one does not mind the storage overage). For collections with more writes than reads, indexes are very expensive.

How Many Collections?

As Mongo collections are polymorphic, one could have a collection objects and put everything in it! This approach is taken by some object databases. For performance reasons, we do not recommend this approach. Data within a Mongo collection tends to be contiguous on disk. Thus, table scans of the collection are possible, and efficient. Collections are very important for high throughput batch processing.

See Also




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