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Join and Fetch



问题是我既想要hibernate默认的性能又想要临时的灵活性该怎么办?  这就是fetch的功能。我们可以把fetch与lazy="true"的关系类比为事务当中的编程式事务与声明式事务,不太准确,但是大概是这个意思。

Parent parent = (Parent)hibernateTemplate.execute(new HibernateCallback() {
public Object doInHibernate(Session session) throws HibernateException, SQLException {
                Query q = session.createQuery(
"from Parent as parent "+
" left outer join fetch parent.childs " +
" where parent.id = :id"
                q.setParameter("id",new Long(15));
return (Parent)q.uniqueResult();
        Assert.assertTrue(parent.getChilds().size() > 0);

你可以在lazy="true"的情况下把fetch去掉,就会报异常. 当然,如果lazy="false"就不需要fetch了




in and between may be used as follows:

from DomesticCat cat where cat.name between 'A' and 'B'
from DomesticCat cat where cat.name in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )
and the negated forms may be written

from DomesticCat cat where cat.name not between 'A' and 'B'
from DomesticCat cat where cat.name not in ( 'Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz' )
Likewise, is null and is not null may be used to test for null values.

Booleans may be easily used in expressions by declaring HQL query substitutions in Hibernate configuration:

<property name="hibernate.query.substitutions">true 1, false 0</property>
This will replace the keywords true and false with the literals 1 and 0 in the translated SQL from this HQL:

from Cat cat where cat.alive = true
You may test the size of a collection with the special property size, or the special size() function.

from Cat cat where cat.kittens.size > 0
from Cat cat where size(cat.kittens) > 0
For indexed collections, you may refer to the minimum and maximum indices using minindex and maxindex functions. Similarly, you may refer to the minimum and maximum elements of a collection of basic type using the minelement and maxelement functions.

from Calendar cal where maxelement(cal.holidays) > current_date
from Order order where maxindex(order.items) > 100
from Order order where minelement(order.items) > 10000
The SQL functions any, some, all, exists, in are supported when passed the element or index set of a collection (elements and indices functions) or the result of a subquery (see below).

select mother from Cat as mother, Cat as kit
where kit in elements(foo.kittens)
select p from NameList list, Person p
where p.name = some elements(list.names)
from Cat cat where exists elements(cat.kittens)
from Player p where 3 > all elements(p.scores)
from Show show where 'fizard' in indices(show.acts)
Note that these constructs - size, elements, indices, minindex, maxindex, minelement, maxelement - may only be used in the where clause in Hibernate3.

Elements of indexed collections (arrays, lists, maps) may be referred to by index (in a where clause only):

from Order order where order.items[0].id = 1234
select person from Person person, Calendar calendar
where calendar.holidays['national day'] = person.birthDay
    and person.nationality.calendar = calendar
select item from Item item, Order order
where order.items[ order.deliveredItemIndices[0] ] = item and order.id = 11
select item from Item item, Order order
where order.items[ maxindex(order.items) ] = item and order.id = 11
The expression inside [] may even be an arithmetic expression.

select item from Item item, Order order
where order.items[ size(order.items) - 1 ] = item
HQL also provides the built-in index() function, for elements of a one-to-many association or collection of values.

select item, index(item) from Order order
    join order.items item
where index(item) < 5
Scalar SQL functions supported by the underlying database may be used

from DomesticCat cat where upper(cat.name) like 'FRI%'




    WHERE t.cjr = u.id AND u.orgid = o.orgcode AND t.gx = 1 ORDER BY t.ID ) WHERE rn &gt; 10 AND rn ; 方法二:使用 INLINE VIEW 使用 INLINE VIEW 也可以解决排序问题。INLINE VIEW 是 Oracle 中的一种视图,它...


    需要注意的是,`fetch`连接不适用于滚动查询或迭代查询,且`full join fetch`和`right join fetch`通常没有实际意义。 4. **关联的处理**:HQL支持处理一对一、一对多、多对一和多对多的关联。例如,`from Cat as ...


    String hql = "FROM UserInfo u LEFT JOIN FETCH u.role r WHERE r.description = :roleDesc AND u.id IS NOT NULL"; Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setString("roleDesc", "role15"); List...

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    * AND:组合两个或两个以上的布尔表达式 * OR:组合两个或两个以上的布尔表达式 * FETCH:使用行限制子句限制查询返回的行数 * IN:确定值是否与列表或子查询中的任何值相匹配 * BETWEEN:基于一系列值(区间值...


    FETCH JOIN不同于普通的JOIN,它会立即加载关联的对象,而不是在需要时懒加载。这有助于减少额外的数据库查询并提高性能。 ### WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING - **WHERE**: 定义查询的过滤条件。 - **GROUP BY**: 将结果...

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    4. **结果处理**: `mysqli_fetch_assoc()`或`PDO::fetch()`获取查询结果并转化为关联数组。 5. **事务处理**: 在多条SQL语句之间确保数据的一致性,通过`START TRANSACTION`, `COMMIT`和`ROLLBACK`实现。 ### 安全...


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    19.1.2. Tuning fetch strategies 19.1.3. Single-ended association proxies 19.1.4. Initializing collections and proxies 19.1.5. Using batch fetching 19.1.6. Using subselect fetching 19.1.7. Using lazy ...

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    6. **查询优化**:在处理多对一关联时,我们需要关注HQL(Hibernate Query Language)或JPA的Criteria API,以及JOIN fetch,以避免过多的数据库查询。例如,通过`join fetch`可以一次性获取学生和其关联的教师信息...


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