
linux kernel analysis references


office address:http://www.tldp.org/LDP/tlk/tlk.html  ;chinese translation:http://linux.chinaitlab.com/manual/tech/lyceum/linuxK/tlk.html


and the old linux website:http://www.oldlinux.org/index_cn.html + 《Linux内核0.11(0.95)完全注释》


and http://wiki.osdev.org/Main_Page


plus my college book. It should be enough.






when reading the linux office address,understanding the theory,you can refer to the web site:http://wenku.baidu.com/view/f02c7574f46527d3240ce0c7.html;






    Linux内核设计与实现 第三版 pdf 英文版Linux Kernel Development (3rd Edition)

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    References, 13 2 MASSIVE DATA IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, COMMERCE, 14 NATIONAL DEFENSE, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, AND OTHER ENDEAVORS Where Is Massive Data Appearing?, 14 Challenges to the Analysis of Massive ...


    Linux性能优化-内存篇 在Linux系统中,性能优化是系统管理员和开发者最关心的问题之一。...* 《Linux内存管理》 by Linux Kernel Documentation * 《Understanding Linux Virtual Memory》 by IBM DeveloperWorks


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    real and complex analysis-Walter rudin

    In this book I present an analysis course which I have teach to first year graduate students at the Univereity of Wisconsin since 1962. The course was developed for two reasons. The first was a belief...

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    notes at the end of each chapter that provide references to recent research and topics not covered in the text, linked to a bibliography of more than 1,200 sources; and, a supplementary website ...

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    Asset Cleaner PRO - Clean - Find References

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    解决方法:在 drivers/char/nvram.c 中查找 rtc_lock 的定义,在 include/linux/mc146818rtc.h 中发现了 rtc_lock 的定义,但是有一个 __KERNEL__ 的条件编译选项,去掉这个条件编译选项,再 make zImage。...

    (AIX 5L Version 5.2)Technical Reference: Kernel and Subsystems, Volume 1

    About This Book <br>This book provides information on application programming interfaces to the operating... Any specific references to this maintenance package are indicated as AIX 5.2 with 5200-04.


    References: (1) R.A. Horn & C.R. Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1985. (2) R.A. Horn & C.R. Johnson, Topics in Matrix Analysis, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1991.

    Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MatLab

    A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of ...

    Opencv References

    这份“Opencv References”压缩包包含了18个详尽的PDF文档,涵盖了OpenCV库的多个关键模块,旨在为开发者提供全面的参考和指导。 1. **Cv和CvCAM模块**: 这些是OpenCV早期版本中的核心模块,Cv主要处理图像和基本的...


    note that topics such as the Linux kernel or device drivers are absent. This was intentional, and while they’re fascinating topics in their own right, they are rarely necessary to develop ...



    Python库 | wagtail_references-0.0.2.tar.gz

    python库。 资源全名:wagtail_references-0.0.2.tar.gz

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