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package com.ccid.str;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class TestHqlString {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Date date1 = new Date();
Date date2 = new Date();
String[] baseArray = {"BusinessType","Methodology","CaseBase"};
String str1 = "参数1";
String str2 = "参数1 参数2 ";
String str3 = "参数1 参数2 参数3 ";
String str4 = "参数1 参数2 参数3 参数4 ";
public static String getKnowledgeBase(String searchStr, Date startDate, Date endDate,String[] baseArray){
String[] searchArray = searchStr.trim().split(" ");
String hqlStr = "from ";
String tableStr = "";
String whereStr = "";
SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
for (int m = 0; m < baseArray.length; m++) {
tableStr = tableStr + baseArray[m] + ", ";
String whereDateStr = "";
if (!baseArray[m].equals("CaseBase")) {
whereDateStr = baseArray[m] + ".createDate between " + f.format(startDate) + " and " + f.format(endDate) + " and ";
String whereLikeStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
whereLikeStr = whereLikeStr + baseArray[m] + ".name like '%" + searchArray[i] + "%' or ";
whereStr = whereStr + "(" + whereDateStr + "(" + whereLikeStr.substring(0, whereLikeStr.lastIndexOf("or") - 1) + ")) or ";
tableStr = tableStr.substring(0, tableStr.lastIndexOf(",") - 1);
whereStr = whereStr.substring(0, whereStr.lastIndexOf("or") - 1);
System.out.println(hqlStr + tableStr + " where " + whereStr);
// if (baseArray[m] == "BusinessType") {
// tableStr = tableStr + " BusinessType b";
// whereStr = whereStr + "((b.createDate between " + f.format(startDate) + " and " + f.format(endDate) + ") and ( ";
// for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
// whereStr = whereStr + "b.name like '%"+searchArray[i]+"%'";
// if (i != searchArray.length-1) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// whereStr = whereStr + " )) ";
// }
// if (baseArray[m] == "Methodology") {
// tableStr = tableStr + " Methodology m";
// whereStr = whereStr + "((m.createDate between " + f.format(startDate) + " and " + f.format(endDate) + ") and (";
// for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " m.name like '%"+searchArray[i]+"%' ";
// if (i != searchArray.length-1) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// whereStr = whereStr + " )) ";
// }
// if (baseArray[m] == "CaseBase") {
// tableStr = tableStr + " CaseBase c";
// whereStr = whereStr + " ( ";
// for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " c.name like '%"+searchArray[i]+"%' ";
// if (i != searchArray.length-1) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// whereStr = whereStr + " )";
// }
// if (m != baseArray.length-1) {
// tableStr = tableStr + ",";
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// hqlStr = hqlStr + tableStr + whereStr;
// System.out.println(hqlStr);
// System.out.println("################");
return hqlStr;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
public class TestHqlString {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Date date1 = new Date();
Date date2 = new Date();
String[] baseArray = {"BusinessType","Methodology","CaseBase"};
String str1 = "参数1";
String str2 = "参数1 参数2 ";
String str3 = "参数1 参数2 参数3 ";
String str4 = "参数1 参数2 参数3 参数4 ";
public static String getKnowledgeBase(String searchStr, Date startDate, Date endDate,String[] baseArray){
String[] searchArray = searchStr.trim().split(" ");
String hqlStr = "from ";
String tableStr = "";
String whereStr = "";
SimpleDateFormat f = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
for (int m = 0; m < baseArray.length; m++) {
tableStr = tableStr + baseArray[m] + ", ";
String whereDateStr = "";
if (!baseArray[m].equals("CaseBase")) {
whereDateStr = baseArray[m] + ".createDate between " + f.format(startDate) + " and " + f.format(endDate) + " and ";
String whereLikeStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
whereLikeStr = whereLikeStr + baseArray[m] + ".name like '%" + searchArray[i] + "%' or ";
whereStr = whereStr + "(" + whereDateStr + "(" + whereLikeStr.substring(0, whereLikeStr.lastIndexOf("or") - 1) + ")) or ";
tableStr = tableStr.substring(0, tableStr.lastIndexOf(",") - 1);
whereStr = whereStr.substring(0, whereStr.lastIndexOf("or") - 1);
System.out.println(hqlStr + tableStr + " where " + whereStr);
// if (baseArray[m] == "BusinessType") {
// tableStr = tableStr + " BusinessType b";
// whereStr = whereStr + "((b.createDate between " + f.format(startDate) + " and " + f.format(endDate) + ") and ( ";
// for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
// whereStr = whereStr + "b.name like '%"+searchArray[i]+"%'";
// if (i != searchArray.length-1) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// whereStr = whereStr + " )) ";
// }
// if (baseArray[m] == "Methodology") {
// tableStr = tableStr + " Methodology m";
// whereStr = whereStr + "((m.createDate between " + f.format(startDate) + " and " + f.format(endDate) + ") and (";
// for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " m.name like '%"+searchArray[i]+"%' ";
// if (i != searchArray.length-1) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// whereStr = whereStr + " )) ";
// }
// if (baseArray[m] == "CaseBase") {
// tableStr = tableStr + " CaseBase c";
// whereStr = whereStr + " ( ";
// for (int i = 0; i <searchArray.length; i++) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " c.name like '%"+searchArray[i]+"%' ";
// if (i != searchArray.length-1) {
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// whereStr = whereStr + " )";
// }
// if (m != baseArray.length-1) {
// tableStr = tableStr + ",";
// whereStr = whereStr + " or ";
// }
// }
// hqlStr = hqlStr + tableStr + whereStr;
// System.out.println(hqlStr);
// System.out.println("################");
return hqlStr;
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此外,为了提高代码的可读性,建议在运算符周围使用空格,尤其是在函数调用和拼接字符串时。虽然这不强制执行,但良好的编码风格会让代码更易于理解。例如: ```go title = "QAX" + "NB" // 阅读体验提升 ``` 在这个...
对于每个字符,我们可以单独进行转换,然后将结果拼接成最终的十六进制字符串。 2. **十六进制转字符串**:相反的过程需要先使用“十六进制到整数”函数将十六进制字符串转换为十进制,再用“整数到字符串”函数将...
1. **字符串拼接**:将多个字符串合并为一个,这通常通过`+`运算符或者`join()`方法来实现。 2. **字符串分割**:使用`split()`函数将字符串按照指定分隔符进行切割,返回一个字符串列表。 3. **查找与替换**:`find...
这可能包括创建字符串,拼接字符串,格式化数字,以及可能使用某些字符串函数。通过学习这个示例,你将能够更好地掌握MATLAB中的字符串处理技巧,这对于编写MATLAB程序来说是非常有用的。 总结,MATLAB的字符串处理...
例如,频繁使用`+`进行字符串拼接会创建大量中间字符串,此时使用`StringBuilder`类会更高效,因为它允许在内存中动态地构建和修改字符串(性能提示12.2)。 字符在C#中由`char`类型表示,它是单个Unicode字符。...
使用concat()方法拼接字符串的基本语法如下: string.concat(string2, string3[, ..., stringN]); 其中,string是原始字符串,string2到stringN是要拼接的其他字符串。方法返回的是一个新的字符串,其中包含了原始...
- **拼接**:可以使用`+`运算符或`std::string::append()`方法拼接字符串。 - **查找和替换**:`find()`用于查找子串,`replace()`用于替换子串。 - **拷贝和截取**:`substr()`可以截取字符串的一部分,`copy()`...
2. **字符串操作**:字符串操作包括拼接、截取、查找子串、替换子串、反转字符串等。例如,`strcat()`函数用于连接两个字符串,`strstr()`函数用于查找子串的位置,`strcpy()`用于复制字符串。 3. **字符串处理算法...
1. **拼接**:将两个或多个字符串连接成一个新的字符串,这通常通过`+`运算符或者`join()`方法实现。 2. **查找与替换**:使用`indexOf()`或`search()`来查找子字符串,用`replace()`或正则表达式进行替换操作。 3. ...
在处理大量字符串时,可以使用`StringBuilder`类,它提供了一个可变的字符序列,适用于构建或修改字符串,尤其在循环中拼接字符串时,性能优于多次调用`+`或`Concat()`。 在内存管理方面,数组和字符串都是引用类型...