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Each element is passed to the block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is set to TRue if the iterator function never returns false or null.
Each element is passed to the block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is set to TRue if the iterator function never returns false or null.
The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator. This method assigns a new JavaScript Array to the JavaScript variable containing the results of executing the iterator function once for each element.
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to the first element for which the iterator function does not return false.
Passes each element to the block, which is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The iterator function is called once for each element.
A synonym for JavaScriptCollectionProxy#detect().
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to an Array of all elements for which the iterator function does not return false.
Each DOM element with a toString() matching the Regexp pattern is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to an Array containing the results of executing the iterator function once for each element.
This method isn't entirely useful in the context of RJS. Its only real use is matching DOM elements using the pattern based on their type, which is output by the toString() method. The toString() method outputs [object HTMLDivElement] for a <div> element. Use the FireBug console to view the toString() output for other elements.
Each element and the accumulator value memo is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The iterator function is called once for each element and the result is stored in memo. The result returned to the JavaScript variable is the final value of memo. The initial value of memo is set in one of two ways. The value of the parameter memo is used as the initial value if a non nil value is passed in to the method. Otherwise, the first element of the collection is used as the initial value.
Synonym for JavaScriptCollectionProxy#collect().
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to the largest value returned by the iterator function.
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to the smallest value returned by the iterator function.
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function and is executed once for each element. The JavaScript variable is set to an Array containing to Arrays. The first Array contains all of the elements for which the iterator function evaluated to true. The second Array contains all of the remaining elements.
Iterates through the collection creating a new Array from the value of the given property of each object without a function call. The resulting Array is assigned to the JavaScript variable.
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to an Array of all elements for which the iterator function returns false.
A synonym for JavaScriptCollectionProxy#find_all().
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. Assigns the JavaScript variable to an Array of the elements sorted using the result of the iterator function as keys for the comparisons when sorting.
Merges elements with the arrays passed as parameters. Elements in the corresponding index of each array form a new array. The resulting array of arrays is assigned to the JavaScript variable. If a block is provided it is converted to an iterator function and is applied to each resulting Array. The name of the parameter to the iterator function is array.
all(variable) {|value,index| block }
Each element is passed to the block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is set to TRue if the iterator function never returns false or null.
any(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is set to TRue if the iterator function never returns false or null.
collect(variable){|value, index| block }
The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator. This method assigns a new JavaScript Array to the JavaScript variable containing the results of executing the iterator function once for each element.
detect(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to the first element for which the iterator function does not return false.
each{|value, index| block }
Passes each element to the block, which is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The iterator function is called once for each element.
find(variable){|value, index| block }
A synonym for JavaScriptCollectionProxy#detect().
find_all(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to an Array of all elements for which the iterator function does not return false.
grep(variable, pattern){|value, index| block }
Each DOM element with a toString() matching the Regexp pattern is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to an Array containing the results of executing the iterator function once for each element.
This method isn't entirely useful in the context of RJS. Its only real use is matching DOM elements using the pattern based on their type, which is output by the toString() method. The toString() method outputs [object HTMLDivElement] for a <div> element. Use the FireBug console to view the toString() output for other elements.
inject(variable, memo){|memo, value, index| block }
Each element and the accumulator value memo is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The iterator function is called once for each element and the result is stored in memo. The result returned to the JavaScript variable is the final value of memo. The initial value of memo is set in one of two ways. The value of the parameter memo is used as the initial value if a non nil value is passed in to the method. Otherwise, the first element of the collection is used as the initial value.
map(variable){|value, index| block }
Synonym for JavaScriptCollectionProxy#collect().
max(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to the largest value returned by the iterator function.
min(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to the smallest value returned by the iterator function.
partition(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function and is executed once for each element. The JavaScript variable is set to an Array containing to Arrays. The first Array contains all of the elements for which the iterator function evaluated to true. The second Array contains all of the remaining elements.
pluck(variable, property)
Iterates through the collection creating a new Array from the value of the given property of each object without a function call. The resulting Array is assigned to the JavaScript variable.
reject(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. The JavaScript variable is assigned to an Array of all elements for which the iterator function returns false.
select(variable){|value, index| block }
A synonym for JavaScriptCollectionProxy#find_all().
sort_by(variable){|value, index| block }
Each element is passed to the given block. The block is converted to a JavaScript iterator function. Assigns the JavaScript variable to an Array of the elements sorted using the result of the iterator function as keys for the comparisons when sorting.
zip(variable, arg1, ...){|value, index| block }
Merges elements with the arrays passed as parameters. Elements in the corresponding index of each array form a new array. The resulting array of arrays is assigned to the JavaScript variable. If a block is provided it is converted to an iterator function and is applied to each resulting Array. The name of the parameter to the iterator function is array.
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**条码检测仪RJS D4000+中文操作说明书** 在信息技术高度发达的今天,条码作为数据传输和管理的重要工具,广泛应用于零售、物流、医疗等多个领域。条码检测仪,如RJS D4000+,是确保条码质量和效率的关键设备。本文...
**rjs技术** rjs,全称Ruby JavaScript,是一种在Ruby on Rails框架中结合JavaScript的编程方式,主要用于创建动态和交互式的网页应用。它允许开发者使用Ruby语法来编写JavaScript代码,使得JavaScript的编写更加...
根据给定的文件信息,关于RJS D4000+条码检测仪的中文设置操作手册,这里可以提炼出一系列相关知识点,帮助用户更好地理解和操作该款条码检测仪。以下知识点涵盖了从条码检测仪的基本概念、操作到维护保养等多方面的...
RJS D4000+条码检测仪分析结果说明书以及使用过程中注意事项。
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rjs:R中的建模。JavaScript中的交互性。 rjs旨在帮助您利用JavaScript的可视化库和R的建模包来构建量身定制的交互式应用程序。 (这是的重构版本,在很大程度上是向后兼容的。我不久jsReact教程rjs到rjs ,现在请...
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rjs:JavaScript中的R 在JavaScript中引入R,这是一种由支持的将R代码直接插入网站的。 您可以通过2个简单的步骤使用它。步骤1 在html文件的任意位置添加[removed][removed] (或在本地下载r.js )。第2步将class = ...
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