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A lot of functionality is shared among applications – like sending emails or preventing spam. In the spirit of reusing the wheel instead of reinventing it, here are nine free web libraries that you can use in your next program which will dramatically increase your efficiency.
The reCAPTCHA library allows you to integrate an advanced CAPTCHA system on your website, which helps keep spam bots from posting on your website. The visual CAPTCHA also includes a helpful audio feature.
In addition to the reCAPTCHA service, the library also includes an API for the “Mailhide” service which hides emails from spammers.
The API is free and easy to implement on your site and also gives back to the community as it translates scanned books.
Download ReCAPTCHA | Get an API Key | Documentation
2. Akismet
Akismet was covered in a previous NETTUTS article.
Akismet is a free service that can be used on most small sites – or used on larger sites for a small fee. The library works by comparing comments to a database of existing spam comments provided by other users. The library can then decide to flag the comment for moderation or allow it through. Everyday the library grows and the service improves.
Implement Akismet
3. Services_JSON
JSON is a handy format for transmitting human readable data. Not everyone has made the move to PHP5 which has included JSON support since version 5.2.0. This small library enables you to implement JSON functionality into your own applications if you are not using a recent version of PHP.
View Services_JSON
4. Smarty
Smarty is a template engine which was formally a sub-project of the PHP project. Smarty provides many powerful features such as loops, variables, and a great caching system. The library has many years under its belt and is nearing its version three release.
Download Smarty | View Documentation
5. pChart
In addition to displaying text data in your application, it can also be useful to show data in a more visual format. This can be done with a slew of options like pie charts and bar graphs. pChart is a script that allows you to create charts and graphs from SQL queries or manually provided details. The script is baked by GD to create the images. There is also a main focus on the aesthetics; so it creates some beautiful work.
Download pChart | View Documentation | View Demos
6. SimplePie
SimplePie is another article that been covered on NETTUTS a few times.
SimplePie allows you to easily pull in syndicated content (like RSS feeds). It’s also been integrated with a lot of different platforms and language sets; it should be able to deal almost any feed in a variety of ways.
Download SimplePie | View Documentation | Extending SimplePie to Parse Unique RSS Feeds
7. XML-RPC PHP Library
Applications sometimes use functionality to “ping” other sites when an action has occurred (known as trackbacks). This is done by using a protocol called XML-RPC. The XML-RPC PHP library also allows you to integrate the functionality into your website.
Download XML-RPC PHP | View Documentation
8. Amazon S3
Amazon provides a nice service to work in the cloud, called “S3″. Nettuts+ even uses it to store the images seen in each article. There is a nice Amazon S3 library that doesn’t require any third party tools and allows for large file uploads.
Download Amazon S3 PHP Class
9. PHPMailer
Most applications send out an email in some form, but usually rely on the basic php mail() function. PHPMailer is an existing powerful class that allows you to send different types of emails – from basic text to rich formatted emails. These emails can also include attachments or custom headers.
Download PHPMailer | View Documentation
这是一个强大的PHP库用于创建Word文件。事实上许多办公软件可以打开.docx文件(Office Open XML) 。利用这个库可以插入文本、Text分段、页分段、页头/页脚、表格、列表元素、超链接、并进行格式化。
【标签】"phpword" 指的是这个PHP库本身,"thinkphp+"表明了它是与ThinkPHP框架结合使用的,"phpoffice"则代表了这个库属于PHP Office套件的一部分,该套件还包括其他处理Excel、PowerPoint等Office文档的库。...
SEOstats, SEOstats是一个强大的开源PHP库,用于请求一系列的SEO相关指标 SEOstats: PHP的SEO度量库 SEOstats是开源的开源PHP库,可以获得seo相关的网站度量。SEOstats用于收集诸如详细的searchindex &反向链接数据...
"非常强大的PHP验证码"指的是一个高效的PHP验证码解决方案,它可能包含了各种安全特性和自定义选项,以提高网站的安全性和用户体验。 PHP是一种广泛使用的服务器端脚本语言,特别适合于Web开发。对于验证码,PHP...
下面将详细介绍几个常见的PHP库,以及它们在实际开发中的应用场景。 1. Composer:PHP的依赖管理工具,它允许开发者声明项目所依赖的库,并自动处理这些库的安装和更新,确保项目的依赖关系得以妥善管理。 2. ...
phpgeo-用于PHP的简单地理库phpgeo提供地理...phpgeo-适用于PHP的简单地理库需求文档安装许可功能示例/用法两个坐标之间的距离(Vincenty公式)简化多段线多边形包含一个点(例如“ GPS geofence”)坐标的格式化输出
Query,正如其名,是一个强大的数据处理和采集类库,它为PHP开发者提供了高效、灵活的方式来处理HTML文档,类似于jQuery在JavaScript中的作用。在这个名为"基于PHP的Query 强大的采集类库.zip"的压缩包中,很可能...
这个库的创建旨在为PHP开发者提供一个简单、强大的工具,以便他们能够轻松地在自己的项目中集成XMPP功能。 首先,让我们深入了解一下XMPPHP库的核心特性: 1. **连接任何XMPP1.0服务器**:XMPPHP库允许开发者连接...
2. `icudt49.dll`,`icuin49.dll`,`icuuc49.dll`,`icule49.dll`:这些是国际组件库(ICU,International Components for Unicode)的动态链接库文件,为PHP提供了强大的Unicode字符串处理和本地化功能。...
PHPOfice是一个功能强大的PHP库,它允许开发者在PHP脚本中轻松创建、读取、编辑和写入Microsoft Office文档,特别是Excel和Word文件。这个库基于PHPExcel和PHPWord的合并与优化,旨在提供一套统一且高效的工具集,以...
1. **php-excel**:一个功能强大的Excel文件读写库,支持多种文件格式。 2. **PHPExcelReader**:专门用于读取XLS文件中的数据。 #### 邮件发送类库 1. **SwiftMailer**:一个强大的邮件发送类库,支持多种邮件...
其中,`jpgraph`是一个强大的图形库,专为PHP设计,能够帮助开发者轻松创建各种图表,包括曲线图。本文将深入探讨如何利用`jpgraph`库来绘制曲线图,并通过300个实例进行实践解析。 `jpgraph`库是一个全功能的PHP...
FFmpeg 是一个强大的开源多媒体处理工具,用于处理音频和视频文件。它包含了多个库,如 libavcodec(编码器库)、libavformat(容器格式库)和 libavutil(通用工具库),以及 swscale(色彩空间转换库)等。在这个...
强大的是用于处理表单PHP库。 它解析HTML表单,并允许您从PHP代码中对其进行操作,然后进行呈现。 它是如何工作的? 步骤1:下载并安装Formidable 通过作曲家: { " require " : { " gregwar/formidable " : " ...