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deeper into vudroid


i chose vudroid as my protypyte for android ebook app for the following reasons:

  • ambitious target(from issues)
  • still young(lots of func not provided)
  • pdf--still very popular

i planned to finish "reflow" function, but encounterd such a problem--pdf decoder is not java-based.

so i decided to:

  1. better understand basic Notepad tutorial(don't largh at me )
  2. construct an jni interface and use a stub to simulate native method return before get hand on the code
  3. aimed at annotation-related reflow func
  4. shift to ubuntu evn to develop in the benefit of source downloading and nature build(pdf decoder i mean)


before subclipse available in ubuntu, shoud install libsvn-java module first

source code download should refer to this blog


hope my effort will get payed for.





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