mantis: A mantis can't stop a vehicle.
earbud,emanate from ,accommodate,partisan,para,sol,parasol,parity,
tattered and torn,
won't hurt a bit,
Fill in the empty bits to form inner peace.
stale,jelly,dough,doughnut,grease,greasy,snack,glazed,table up close,
come up some likely columns for the table,
patron: The student want to find a patron in American.
deposit: He's deposited a lot of money recently.
withdrawal: He has made several withdrawals from his bank account.
apostrophe: When I need to use an apostrophe?
leave out: He left that part of speech out.
Let's see all this in action with the doughnut data.
Say you were having trouble remembering what type of the doughnut a snack food on your list was just from its name,
you can create a table to save having to remember them instead.
jot ,jot down: He jotted down my name.
muck up:
fraternal: fraternal love; Shall we apply to fraternal factories for help?
mere: a small lake
infrastructure: Vast sums are needed to maintain the infrastructure.
mock: She mocked him as a country boy.
ongoing: the ongoing debate
maintenance: He has to pay maintenance to his ex-wife.
supplant: supplant a leader; In most offices, the typewriter has now been supplanted by computers.
diaper: a baby's diaper
stimulate: The art course stimulated me.
bond: Immediately after the birth the baby and its mother bond.
subscription: They decided to raise money by subscription.
terminology: He particularly criticized the terminology in the document.
inherit: If he dies without a will, his closest relative will inherit.
flat: We don't have flat land in this region.
flatten: to flatten a rough surface
asset: He is a great asset to our company. The bank has assets of more than $ 1 billion.
HCM: Human Capital Management
It's tough to do sth.
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