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其实查看源代码你可以发现 update其实是调用了execut ...
JdbcTemplate 中execute和update的区别: -
为绿色版NOTEPAD++添加右键菜单 -
java中this用法 -
kankan1218 写道風一樣的男子 写道出乎意料??
菜B ...
结果出乎大部分人的意料 -
引用java教程中的一段话:我们可以这样理解子类创建的对象:1 ...
更具if modified since更新图片,并且删除陈旧的图片:
# --------------------------------------------- # This method will get the document identified by $url and store it in file called $filename. # If the file already exists, then the request will contain an "If-Modified-Since" header matching the modification time of the file. # If the document on the server has not changed since this time, then nothing happens. # If the document has been updated, it will be downloaded again. # The modification time of the file will be forced to match that of the server. # The return value is the the response object. # Modify Log # 11/29/2010 edison create # --------------------------------------------- sub mirrorFile { my($this, $url, $file) = @_; my $browser = $this->{'browser'}; my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url); # If the file exists, add a cache-related header if ( -e $file ) {print "exist\n"; my ($mtime) = ( stat($file) )[9]; if ($mtime) { $request->header( 'If-Modified-Since' => HTTP::Date::time2str($mtime) ); } # use the current time to replace the last access time my $last_access_time = time(); utime $last_access_time, $mtime, $file; } my $tmpfile = "$file-$$"; # If a $tmpfile is provided with the :content_file option, then the response content will be saved here instead of in the response object. my $response = $browser->request($request, $tmpfile); if ( $response->header('X-Died') ) { die $response->header('X-Died'); } # Only fetching a fresh copy of the would be considered success. # If the file was not modified, "304" would returned, which # is considered by HTTP::Status to be a "redirect", /not/ "success" if ( $response->is_success ) {print "success\n"; my @stat = stat($tmpfile) or die "Could not stat tmpfile '$tmpfile': $!"; my $file_length = $stat[7]; my ($content_length) = $response->header('Content-length'); if ( defined $content_length and $file_length < $content_length ) { unlink($tmpfile); die "Transfer truncated: " . "only $file_length out of $content_length bytes received\n"; } elsif ( defined $content_length and $file_length > $content_length ) { unlink($tmpfile); die "Content-length mismatch: " . "expected $content_length bytes, got $file_length\n"; } # The file was the expected length. else { # Replace the stale file with a fresh copy if ( -e $file ) { # Some dosish systems fail to rename if the target exists chmod 0777, $file; unlink $file; } rename( $tmpfile, $file ) or die "Cannot rename '$tmpfile' to '$file': $!\n"; # make sure the file has the same last modification time # and use the current time to replace the last access time if ( my $lm = $response->last_modified ) { my $last_access_time = time(); utime $last_access_time, $lm, $file; } } } # The local copy is fresh enough, so just delete the temp file else { unlink($tmpfile);print "unsuccess\n"; } return $response; }
# --------------------------------------------- # Remove images which are not fresh enough to save disk space. # Modify Log # 11/30/2010 edison create # --------------------------------------------- sub removeStaleImages { my $this = shift; my $settedNotAccessDay = $this->{'config'}->{'image_not_access_day'}; if(!$settedNotAccessDay){ die "miss 'image_not_access_day' in base.conf file\n"; } if($settedNotAccessDay =~ /[^\d]/){ die "'image_not_access_day' in base.conf file should be numeric\n"; } my $deleteImageCount = 0; my $data_feed_path = $this->{'config'}->{'data_feed_path'}; my @fullPathImages = glob($data_feed_path.'/??/??/*'); foreach (@fullPathImages){ my @stat = stat($_) or die "Could not stat imagefile '$_': $!"; my $atime = $stat[8]; my $timeNotAccess = time()-$atime; if($timeNotAccess > $settedNotAccessDay*24*3600){ unlink $_; $deleteImageCount ++; } } Log::Write::setLog('A400004',{'COUNT'=>$deleteImageCount}); }
2011-02-15 14:47 18591 测试内容和常用模块 ... -
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perl ssh scp 操作远程机器进行验证
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How to deal with 'https'
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Mechanize 模块 可以提交form,实现登录功能
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用LWP简单编写WEB访问的应用 ----需要登陆的网站,保留服务器返回的cookie
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优化 Perl , 榨取代码的最大性能
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perl 模拟post提交
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Perl 的 utf8 与编码处理
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Perl Unicode全攻略
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perl 读写文件
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本文将深入探讨两个关键的缓存机制:Etag与If-None-Match以及Last-Modified与If-Modified-Since。 1. Etag与If-None-Match: Etag(Entity Tag)是一种用于标识资源版本的机制。服务器在响应头中设置Etag,它通常是...
可以设置`"If-Modified-Since"`为`"0"`或`"Cache-Control"`为`"no-cache"`,如下: ```javascript xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "0"); xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); ``` ...
https://www.cnblogs.com/pingjie/p/4146727.html 感谢这位大哥写的这篇文章。
signal controls using IF for verilog. it modified Xilinx. it use just red, yellow and green signals.signal controls using IF for verilog. it modified Xilinx. it use just red, yellow and green signals.
1. 使用ContentResolver:通过ContentResolver和MediaStore类,应用可以查询、插入、更新或删除媒体库中的图片。例如,要修改图片元数据,可以先查询图片的Uri,然后使用ContentResolver的update()方法。 ```java ...
Lenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_WL.exeLenovo ThinkPad x220_1.39 Modified_...
- **条件请求**:使用If-None-Match或If-Modified-Since头进行条件请求,如果服务器资源未改变,则返回304状态码,直接使用缓存。 6. **优化要点** - **图片压缩**:在显示图片前,根据ImageView的大小对图片进行...
add_header Access-Control-Allow-Headers 'DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type'; if ($request_method = 'OPTIONS') { return 204; } ...
客户端在下次请求时会携带之前的`ETag`和`If-Modified-Since`头,服务器比较这两个值来决定是否返回304状态码。 最后,要将HttpModule集成到你的MVC应用中,你需要在Web.config中配置模块: ```xml , ...
if (DateTime.TryParse(this.Request.Headers.Get("If-Modified-Since"), out IfModifiedSince)) { if ((DateTime.Now - IfModifiedSince.AddHours(8)).Seconds ) //缓存 10s { Response.Status = "304 Not ...
当客户端(浏览器)向服务器请求资源时,如果之前已经获取过该资源,它会在请求中包含一个 `If-Modified-Since` 头,带上上次获取资源时记录的 `Last-Modified` 时间戳。如果服务器发现资源自那时以来未被修改,它会...
例如,可以根据服务器返回的Last-Modified或ETag头部信息判断图片是否已更新,如果已更新,则重新下载并更新缓存。 在给定的文件`LibCacheBitmap_v1.4.jar`和`LibCacheBitmap_v1.4`中,可能包含了一个名为...
Unity3D Modified SpriteOutline.cs : http://pastebin.com/swHe5L8u Modified Sprites-Outline.shader : http://pastebin.com/zzbKVJBM 网络分流
然而,当浏览器缓存了文件并再次请求时,如IE和Edge,它们会在后续请求中添加"If-Modified-Since"字段,询问服务器文件是否自上次访问以来有所更改。File Service不支持这种类型的条件请求头,导致请求失败。 对比...
WPE PRO - modified.exe