Why should I use MAMP? Isn't everything already installed in OS X?
At the moment, when using OS X, only Apache 1.3.x with PHP 4.3.2 is
pre-installed. PHP has to be activated by changing the configuration
files. The Apache/PHP versions provided by Apple are not always
up-to-date, and the Apache-PHP combination is quite slow. In addition,
MySQL has to be installed manually.
With one click, and in just a few minutes MAMP will install Apache 2,
current PHP 4, current PHP 5 and MySQL. Using the included eAccelerator,
PHP-scripts are executed up to ten times faster compared to Apple's
pre-installed Apache/PHP. When you use the MAMP programme, you can
easily start and stop the server. Thus, the server does not have to be
running in the background all the time, wasting precious resources. To
"uninstall" MAMP, you only have to delete the MAMP directory and
everything returns to the original state (MAMP does not alter anything
on the "normal" OS X).
MAMP pro for mac (PHP/MySQL开发环境)是本地服务器环境的os x软件.MAMP pro for mac (PHP/MySQL开发环境)这几个首字母代表苹果的OSX系统上的Macintosh.Apache.MySQL和PHP!MAMP pro for mac (PHP/MySQL开发环境)内含...
在Mac OSX系统下安装和配置PHP...总结来说,通过安装和配置MAMP,用户能够在Mac OSX上快速搭建起一个本地PHP开发环境,这极大地降低了进行Web开发的门槛,并提供了一个稳定且易于管理的环境来测试和开发Web应用程序。
MAMP这几个首字母代表苹果的OSX系统上的Macintosh、Apache、MySQL和PHP,顾名思义,你应该知道MAMP的强大功能 啦!MAMP 内含 Apache 伺服器、PHP 安装套件以及MySQL安装套件。只要轻松点选就能安装架站/讨论区/论坛...
本指南旨在详细介绍如何在Mac OS X操作系统上,利用MAMP(My Apache Mysql PHP)服务器环境与PhpStorm集成开发环境配置Xdebug进行调试。 #### 一、安装与配置Xdebug 1. **准备工作**: - 确保已安装MAMP服务器...
最新xampp集成环境,一件部署安装php环境,简单安装,可配置虚拟主机 XAMPP(Apache+MySQL+PHP+PERL)是一个功能强大的建站集成软件包。这个软件包原来的名字是 LAMPP,但是为了避免误解,最新的几个版本就改名为 ...
数据提取管理器和RDF索引管理器(DIM-RIM) 版权所有(C)2015 DISIT Lab 佛罗伦萨大学依存关系Apache Web服务器版本2和url重写模块MySQL 5.x PHP 5.x 经过测试的操作系统:Linux Ubuntu,Windows和OSx 还使用LAMP /...
Icaro云监控器(ICSM) 版权所有(C)2015 DISIT Lab 佛罗伦萨大学依存关系Apache Web服务器版本2和url重写模块MySQL 5.x PHP 5.x 经过测试的操作系统:Linux Ubuntu,Windows和OSx 还使用LAMP / XAMPP,MAMP或WAMP...
Puppet 确保安装 Apache 和 MySQL 之类的东西,作为服务运行,正确配置,并在必要时重新启动。 总之,这创建了一个 Ubuntu LAMP 网络服务器,可以在您当前的计算机上运行,无论是 Windows、Apple OSX 还是 ...