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- 来自: 杭州
好熟悉的数据库字段啊, 上家公司做的项目每天都跟这些字段打招呼 ...
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quxiaoyong 写道遇到个问题,网上一搜,全他妈这篇文章 ...
数据库连接错误ORA-28547 -
数据库连接错误ORA-28547 -
关于version count过高的问题,不知博主是否看过ey ...
某客户数据库性能诊断报告 -
invalid 写道写的不错,我根据这个来安装,有点理解错误了 ...
AIX 配置vncserver
据同事反应安装升级期间一切正常,未报任何错误。装好进行数据库测试,发现在本地端连接数据库一直挂在那里。sqlplus "sys/oracle@orcl as sysdba"。检查了listener.ora,sqlnet.ora都没问题,动用了我所知道的一切技能(比如换端口,换监听名字,换静态注册,重配监听,换网卡等等),错误依旧。在sqlnet.log中报如下错误,这个错误太没个性了,网上一查,一大堆无用资料。。。
主机名: HZMC-13E8D6B47E
OS 名称: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
OS 版本: 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 Build 3790
OS 名称: Microsoft(R) Windows(R) Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
OS 版本: 5.2.3790 Service Pack 2 Build 3790
据同事反应安装升级期间一切正常,未报任何错误。装好进行数据库测试,发现在本地端连接数据库一直挂在那里。sqlplus "sys/oracle@orcl as sysdba"。检查了listener.ora,sqlnet.ora都没问题,动用了我所知道的一切技能(比如换端口,换监听名字,换静态注册,重配监听,换网卡等等),错误依旧。在sqlnet.log中报如下错误,这个错误太没个性了,网上一查,一大堆无用资料。。。
Fatal NI connect error 12560, connecting to:
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Time: 29-11月-2010 16:21:41
Tracing not turned on.
Tns error struct:
ns main err code: 12560
TNS-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误
ns secondary err code: 0
nt main err code: 0
nt secondary err code: 0
nt OS err code: 0
Fatal NI connect error 12560, connecting to:
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Windows NT TCP/IP NT Protocol Adapter for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
Time: 29-11月-2010 16:21:41
Tracing not turned on.
Tns error struct:
ns main err code: 12560
TNS-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误
ns secondary err code: 0
nt main err code: 0
nt secondary err code: 0
nt OS err code: 0
29-11月-2010 15:07:32 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=)(USER=Administrator))(COMMAND=services)(ARGUMENTS=64)(SERVICE=LISTENER)(VERSION=169870336)) * services * 0
29-11月-2010 15:08:46 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=orcl)(CID=(PROGRAM=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=DBCOOKER-PC)(USER=Administrator))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * orcl * 0
29-11月-2010 15:08:46 * (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVER=DEDICATED)(SID=orcl)(CID=(PROGRAM=D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=DBCOOKER-PC)(USER=Administrator))) * (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= * establish * orcl * 0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] New trace stream is D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\ADMIN\client_7680_1.trc
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] New trace level is 16
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION FOLLOWS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] Attempted load of system pfile source D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] Parameter source loaded successfully
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187]
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Attempted load of local pfile source D:\sqlnet.ora
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Parameter source was not loaded
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188]
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] -> PARAMETER TABLE LOAD RESULTS FOLLOW <-
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Successful parameter table load
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] -> PARAMETER TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS <-
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = 16
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] trace_directory_client = D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\ADMIN
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = CLIENT
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION ENDS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Log stream will be "D:\sqlnet.log"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Log stream validation not requested
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nlstdipi: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nlstdipi: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nigini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nrigbi: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nrigbni: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nrigbni: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nrigbi: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nigini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niqname: Inserting CID.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: niotns: setting up interrupt handler...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: Not trying to enable dead connection detection.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: Calling address: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=DBCOOKER-PC)(USER=Administrator))))
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nscall: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: 212 bytes at 0x763720
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nscall: connecting...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladget: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladget: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsc2addr: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsc2addr: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=DBCOOKER-PC)(USER=Administrator))))
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nttbnd2addr: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nttbnd2addr: using host IP address:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nttbnd2addr: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsc2addr: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsopen: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: 772 bytes at 0x756160
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopenmplx: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: 1644 bytes at 0x75f060
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsiorini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbgetfl: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x756090
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsiorini: exit (0)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nscpxget: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nscpxget: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopenalloc_nsntx: nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=756160, nsntx=75f060
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopenmplx: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopen: opening transport...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcon: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcon: toc = 1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcnp: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcnp: creating a socket.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:191] nttcnp: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:191] nttcni: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:191] nttcni: trying to connect to socket 300.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] snlinGetNameInfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] snlinGetNameInfo: Using numeric form of host's address
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] snlinGetNameInfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcni: connected on ipaddr
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcni: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcon: NT layer TCP/IP connection has been established.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcon: set TCP_NODELAY on 300
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcon: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsopen: transport is open
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0x0, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0x0, gbl[1]=0x0, cha=0x0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnainit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnainit: call
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnadct: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnadct: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnasvnainfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnasvnainfo: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nainit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nagblini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gin: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gparams: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_required" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gbp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gparams: Using default value "FALSE"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gslf: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "sqlnet.authentication_services" parameter
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: Found 1 items
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_services" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gnsp: Found value "NTS"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gslf: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gparams: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gin: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nagblini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] na_saveprot: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] na_saveprot: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nacomin: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nas_init: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nas_init: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_ini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: using authentication adapter table "nautab"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: nautab contains the following services:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: KERBEROS5
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_gettab: NTS
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_gettab: RADIUS
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_gettab: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_sini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_sini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_ini: connection type: "standard"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_ini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeeinit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.FIPS_140" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gbp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_CLIENT" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_CLIENT" parameter
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: These are the encryption algorithms that the client will accept:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 0: no algorithm; encryption inactive
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 1: 'AES256' (ID 17)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 2: 'RC4_256' (ID 6)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 3: 'AES192' (ID 16)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 4: '3DES168' (ID 12)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 5: 'AES128' (ID 15)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 6: 'RC4_128' (ID 10)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 7: '3DES112' (ID 11)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 8: 'RC4_56' (ID
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 9: 'DES' (ID 2)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 10: 'RC4_40' (ID 1)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 11: 'DES40' (ID 3)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeeinit: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naecinit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_CLIENT" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_CLIENT" parameter
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: These are the checksumming algorithms that the client will accept:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: Choice 0: no algorithm; checksumming inactive
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: Choice 1: 'SHA1' (ID 3)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: Choice 2: 'MD5' (ID 1)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naecinit: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nainit: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nagetctxinfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nagetctxinfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: NS Connection version: 313
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: inf->nsinfflg[0]: 0x61 inf->nsinfflg[1]: 0x61
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
"and" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsopen: global context check-in (to slot 0) complete
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsopen: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x0, tdu=32767, sdu=2048
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsdo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=65, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x2
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: nsctx: state=7, flg=0x4001, mvd=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x767e40
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x7686c0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsopen: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=67, *bl=210, *what=8, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: nsctx: state=14, flg=0x4005, mvd=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nscon: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nscon: doing connect handshake...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nscon: sending NSPTCN packet
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: plen=268, type=1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nttwr: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nttwr: socket 300 had bytes written=268
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nttwr: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: packet dump
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 01 0C 00 00 01 00 00 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 01 39 01 2C 00 00 08 00 |.9.,....|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 7F FF C6 0E 00 00 01 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 D2 00 3A 00 00 02 00 |...:....|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 61 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 |aa......|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 00 28 44 45 53 43 52 |..(DESCR|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 49 50 54 49 4F 4E 3D 28 |IPTION=(|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 41 44 44 52 45 53 53 3D |ADDRESS=|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 28 50 52 4F 54 4F 43 4F |(PROTOCO|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 4C 3D 54 43 50 29 28 48 |L=TCP)(H|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 6F 73 74 3D 31 37 32 2E |ost=172.|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 31 36 2E 34 2E 31 37 33 |16.4.173|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 29 28 50 6F 72 74 3D 31 |)(Port=1|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 35 32 31 29 29 28 43 4F |521))(CO|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 4E 4E 45 43 54 5F 44 41 |NNECT_DA|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 54 41 3D 28 53 45 52 56 |TA=(SERV|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 45 52 3D 44 45 44 49 43 |ER=DEDIC|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 41 54 45 44 29 28 53 49 |ATED)(SI|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 44 3D 6F 72 63 6C 29 28 |D=orcl)(|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 43 49 44 3D 28 50 52 4F |CID=(PRO|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 47 52 41 4D 3D 44 3A 5C |GRAM=D:\|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 6F 72 61 63 6C 65 5C 70 |oracle\p|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 72 6F 64 75 63 74 5C 31 |roduct\1|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 30 2E 32 2E 30 5C 64 62 |0.2.0\db|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 5F 31 5C 62 69 6E 5C 73 |_1\bin\s|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 71 6C 70 6C 75 73 2E 65 |qlplus.e|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 78 65 29 28 48 4F 53 54 |xe)(HOST|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 3D 44 42 43 4F 4F 4B 45 |=DBCOOKE|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 52 2D 50 43 29 28 55 53 |R-PC)(US|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 45 52 3D 41 64 6D 69 6E |ER=Admin|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 69 73 74 72 61 74 6F 72 |istrator|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 29 29 29 29 |)))) |
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 268 bytes to transport
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nscon: exit (0)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=68, *bl=512, *what=9, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: nsctx: state=2, flg=0x4005, mvd=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nscon: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nscon: recving a packet
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsprecv: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsprecv: reading from transport...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nttrd: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] New trace stream is D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\ADMIN\client_7680_1.trc
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] New trace level is 16
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] --- TRACE CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION FOLLOWS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] Attempted load of system pfile source D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\admin\sqlnet.ora
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187] Parameter source loaded successfully
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:187]
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Attempted load of local pfile source D:\sqlnet.ora
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Parameter source was not loaded
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188]
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] -> PARAMETER TABLE LOAD RESULTS FOLLOW <-
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Successful parameter table load
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] -> PARAMETER TABLE HAS THE FOLLOWING CONTENTS <-
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] TRACE_LEVEL_CLIENT = 16
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] trace_directory_client = D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\network\ADMIN
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES = (NTS)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] TRACE_FILE_CLIENT = CLIENT
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] --- PARAMETER SOURCE INFORMATION ENDS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOLLOWS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Log stream will be "D:\sqlnet.log"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] Log stream validation not requested
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] --- LOG CONFIGURATION INFORMATION ENDS ---
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nlstdipi: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nlstdipi: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nigini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nigini: Count in the NL global area is now 1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nigini: Count in NI global area now: 1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nrigbi: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:188] nrigbni: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nrigbni: Unable to get data from navigation file tnsnav.ora
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nrigbni: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nrigbi: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nigini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niqname: Hst is already an NVstring.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niqname: Inserting CID.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: niotns: setting up interrupt handler...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: Not trying to enable dead connection detection.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] niotns: Calling address: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=DBCOOKER-PC)(USER=Administrator))))
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nscall: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: 212 bytes at 0x763720
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nscall: connecting...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladget: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nladget: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsc2addr: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsc2addr: (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\bin\sqlplus.exe)(HOST=DBCOOKER-PC)(USER=Administrator))))
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nttbnd2addr: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinGetAddrInfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinGetAddrInfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nttbnd2addr: using host IP address:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinFreeAddrInfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] snlinFreeAddrInfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nttbnd2addr: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsc2addr: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsopen: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: 772 bytes at 0x756160
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:189] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopenmplx: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: 1644 bytes at 0x75f060
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsiorini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbgetfl: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x756090
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsbal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsiorini: exit (0)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nscpxget: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nscpxget: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopenalloc_nsntx: nlhthput on mplx_ht_nsgbu:ctx=756160, nsntx=75f060
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopenmplx: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nsopen: opening transport...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcon: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcon: toc = 1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcnp: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:190] nttcnp: creating a socket.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:191] nttcnp: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:191] nttcni: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:191] nttcni: trying to connect to socket 300.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] snlinGetNameInfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] snlinGetNameInfo: Using numeric form of host's address
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] snlinGetNameInfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcni: connected on ipaddr
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcni: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcon: NT layer TCP/IP connection has been established.
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcon: set TCP_NODELAY on 300
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nttcon: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsopen: transport is open
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0x0, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0x0, gbl[1]=0x0, cha=0x0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsoptions: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnainit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnainit: call
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnadct: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnadct: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnasvnainfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nsnasvnainfo: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nainit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:391] nagblini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gin: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gparams: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_required" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gbp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gparams: Using default value "FALSE"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gslf: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "sqlnet.authentication_services" parameter
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: Found 1 items
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gic: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "sqlnet.authentication_services" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nam_gnsp: Found value "NTS"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gslf: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gparams: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gin: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nagblini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] na_saveprot: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] na_saveprot: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nacomin: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nas_init: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nas_init: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_ini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nauss_set_state: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] naugcp_get_connect_parameters: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: using authentication adapter table "nautab"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: nautab contains the following services:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:392] nau_gettab: KERBEROS5
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_gettab: NTS
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_gettab: RADIUS
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_gettab: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_sini: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_sini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_ini: connection type: "standard"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nau_ini: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeeinit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gbp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.FIPS_140" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gbp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_CLIENT" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.ENCRYPTION_TYPES_CLIENT" parameter
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] nam_gic: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: These are the encryption algorithms that the client will accept:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 0: no algorithm; encryption inactive
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 1: 'AES256' (ID 17)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 2: 'RC4_256' (ID 6)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 3: 'AES192' (ID 16)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 4: '3DES168' (ID 12)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 5: 'AES128' (ID 15)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 6: 'RC4_128' (ID 10)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 7: '3DES112' (ID 11)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 8: 'RC4_56' (ID

[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 9: 'DES' (ID 2)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 10: 'RC4_40' (ID 1)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: Choice 11: 'DES40' (ID 3)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:393] naeshow: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeeinit: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naecinit: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gnsp: Reading parameter "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_CLIENT" from parameter file
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gnsp: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naequad: Using default value "ACCEPTED"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: Counting # of items in "SQLNET.CRYPTO_CHECKSUM_TYPES_CLIENT" parameter
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: Parameter not found
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nam_gic: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naesno: Using default value "all available algorithms"
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: These are the checksumming algorithms that the client will accept:
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: Choice 0: no algorithm; checksumming inactive
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: Choice 1: 'SHA1' (ID 3)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: Choice 2: 'MD5' (ID 1)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naeshow: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] naecinit: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nainit: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nagetctxinfo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nagetctxinfo: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: NS Connection version: 313
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: inf->nsinfflg[0]: 0x61 inf->nsinfflg[1]: 0x61
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: "or" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
"and" info flags: 0x61 Translations follow:
native service(s) is (are) wanted
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsnainit: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsopen: global context check-in (to slot 0) complete
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsopen: lcl[0]=0xf4ffefff, lcl[1]=0x102000, gbl[0]=0xfabf, gbl[1]=0x0, tdu=32767, sdu=2048
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:394] nsdo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=65, *bl=0, *what=0, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x2
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: nsctx: state=7, flg=0x4001, mvd=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x767e40
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbgetfl: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: 84 bytes at 0x7686c0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsmal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsbal: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsopen: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=67, *bl=210, *what=8, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: nsctx: state=14, flg=0x4005, mvd=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nscon: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:395] nscon: doing connect handshake...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nscon: sending NSPTCN packet
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: plen=268, type=1
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nttwr: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nttwr: socket 300 had bytes written=268
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nttwr: exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: packet dump
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 01 0C 00 00 01 00 00 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 01 39 01 2C 00 00 08 00 |.9.,....|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 7F FF C6 0E 00 00 01 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 D2 00 3A 00 00 02 00 |...:....|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 61 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 |aa......|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 00 00 28 44 45 53 43 52 |..(DESCR|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 49 50 54 49 4F 4E 3D 28 |IPTION=(|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 41 44 44 52 45 53 53 3D |ADDRESS=|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 28 50 52 4F 54 4F 43 4F |(PROTOCO|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 4C 3D 54 43 50 29 28 48 |L=TCP)(H|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 6F 73 74 3D 31 37 32 2E |ost=172.|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 31 36 2E 34 2E 31 37 33 |16.4.173|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 29 28 50 6F 72 74 3D 31 |)(Port=1|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 35 32 31 29 29 28 43 4F |521))(CO|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 4E 4E 45 43 54 5F 44 41 |NNECT_DA|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 54 41 3D 28 53 45 52 56 |TA=(SERV|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 45 52 3D 44 45 44 49 43 |ER=DEDIC|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 41 54 45 44 29 28 53 49 |ATED)(SI|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 44 3D 6F 72 63 6C 29 28 |D=orcl)(|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 43 49 44 3D 28 50 52 4F |CID=(PRO|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 47 52 41 4D 3D 44 3A 5C |GRAM=D:\|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 6F 72 61 63 6C 65 5C 70 |oracle\p|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 72 6F 64 75 63 74 5C 31 |roduct\1|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:396] nspsend: 30 2E 32 2E 30 5C 64 62 |0.2.0\db|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 5F 31 5C 62 69 6E 5C 73 |_1\bin\s|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 71 6C 70 6C 75 73 2E 65 |qlplus.e|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 78 65 29 28 48 4F 53 54 |xe)(HOST|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 3D 44 42 43 4F 4F 4B 45 |=DBCOOKE|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 52 2D 50 43 29 28 55 53 |R-PC)(US|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 45 52 3D 41 64 6D 69 6E |ER=Admin|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 69 73 74 72 61 74 6F 72 |istrator|
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 29 29 29 29 |)))) |
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: 268 bytes to transport
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nspsend: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nscon: exit (0)
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: normal exit
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: cid=0, opcode=68, *bl=512, *what=9, uflgs=0x0, cflgs=0x3
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: rank=64, nsctxrnk=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: nsctx: state=2, flg=0x4005, mvd=0
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsdo: gtn=10, gtc=10, ptn=10, ptc=2011
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nscon: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nscon: recving a packet
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsprecv: entry
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nsprecv: reading from transport...
[29-11月-2010 15:48:39:397] nttrd: entry
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TNS-12541: TNS: 无监听程序 TNS-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误 TNS-00511: 无监听程序 文章转自:http://www.luocs.com/archives/464.html 此文版权归作者 – yaogang所有,转载请注明yaogang©www.luocs.com。 ...
BLOG_【故障处理】Oracle_lhr_TNS-12518、TNS-00517和 Linux Error:32:Broken pipe.pdfBLOG_【故障处理】Oracle_lhr_TNS-12518、TNS-00517和 Linux Error:32:Broken pipe.pdf
### ORA-12560 TNS 协议适配器错误详解 #### 一、概述 在Oracle数据库管理过程中,经常会遇到各种各样的错误提示,其中“ORA-12560 TNS: 协议适配器错误”是较为常见的一种。这种错误通常发生在客户端尝试连接到...
但是,查看listner.log文件,发现了多个类似的错误记录,提示TNS-12500错误,TNS-12540错误,TNS-12560错误,TNS-00510错误,32-bit Windows Error: 8: Exec format error等。这些错误信息表明,系统资源耗竭是导致...
实验得来的,不是随便copy的, ORA-12560TNS协议适配器错误,这个问题可定可以解决
### ORA-12560 错误解决方法 #### 概述 ORA-12560 是一个常见的 Oracle 数据库错误代码,通常在尝试连接到 Oracle 实例时出现。该错误提示可能出现在使用 Oracle 的不同版本(如 Oracle Enterprise Edition 8.1.7...
【标题】"lcd.rar_TNS-G11232FGURN-1W _tns" 涉及的是一款名为 TNS-G11232FGURN-1W 的LCD显示器,该显示器由TN(Twisted Nematic)技术提供支持,这种技术是液晶显示(LCD)领域中的基础类型之一。"tns"可能是制造商...
解决ORA-12560 TNS 协议适配器错误
协议适配器错误解决方法 协议适配器错误是指在数据库管理系统中,协议适配器无法正常工作,导致数据库无法启动或连接失败。这种错误可能是由于多种原因引起的,如监听服务没有启动、数据库实例没有启动、注册表问题...
### TNS-G12864FGDFN用户手册知识点概览 #### 一、物理参数及外形尺寸 - **模块尺寸**:该模块的尺寸为46.0mm(宽)×36.0mm(高)×2.85mm(最大厚度),这一尺寸适合用于多种设备上,确保了其在空间受限的应用...
在ORACLE测试服务器上还原恢复了一个数据库后,启动监听服务时出现了TNS-12541, TNS-12560,TNS-00511之类的错误,具体情况如下所示: [oracle@getlnx01 admin]$ lsnrctl status LSNRCTL for Linux: Version 10.2...
ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error Cause: A generic protocol adapter error occurred. Action: Check addresses used for proper protocol specification. Before reporting this error, look at the error ...
### TNS- 无法解析指定的连接标识符 在Oracle数据库管理中,遇到“TNS- 无法解析指定的连接标识符”这类错误是较为常见的现象。本文将深入探讨这一问题的原因及其解决方法。 #### 问题概述 此错误通常发生在尝试...
TNS-12560: TNS:协议适配器出现错误 TNS-00511: 无监听器 32-bit Windows Error: 61: Unknown error 然后,使用LSNRCTL start命令来启动监听器,如下所示: LSNRCTL> start 启动tnslsnr:请稍候... Failed to ...
【TNS-中国移动XXXX年客户满意度研究项目建议书】是中国移动与TNS RI合作的一份重要文档,旨在探讨如何提高中国移动的客户满意度。TNS RI是隶属于WPP集团的全球知名市场研究公司,具备丰富的行业经验和全球网络,...
在Oracle数据库系统中,用户有时会遇到“ORA-12560:TNS:protocol adapter error”这一类错误提示,通常这类错误提示与网络连接问题相关联。根据提供的部分描述来看,这个问题发生在Windows平台上,并且涉及到Oracle ...
该存储库已弃用,当前tns-template-blank-svelte软件包的来源为halfnelson / svelte-native-template 带Svelte本机空白模板的NativeScript 应用程序模板可帮助您使用内置的UI元素和最佳实践来快速启动本机跨平台...