
jQuery Selectors


 To select elements using jQuery, we wrap the selector in $(), as in  $("p a.specialClass").


The  $() function (an alias for the  jQuery() function) returns a special Java-Script object containing an array of the DOM elements that match the selector. 


(一).using basic css selectors, examples:


(二). Using child, container, and attribute selectors




input[type=text] //This selector matches all input elements with a type of text

div[title^=my]  //This selects all <div> elements with title attributes whose value begins with my

a[href$=.pdf]   //This  selects all <a>  elements with href attributes whose value ends with .pdf

a[href*=jquery.com]  //This selects all <a> elements with href attibutes whose value contain string"jquery.com" anywhere

p > a    //this selects only links that are direct children of a <p> element

li:has(a)  //This selector matches all <li> elements that contain an <a> element. It's different with "li a"


(三). Selecting by position



note: eq is 0-based, but :nth-child is 1-based


(四) .Using custom jQuery selectors




We can combine selector filters too. For example, if we want to select only enabled and checked check boxes, we could use  "checkbox:checked:enabled".


To select non-check box <input> elements, we use  "input:not(:checkbox)".




filter selectors are easily identified because they all begin with a colon character (:) or a square bracket character ([).

Any other selector can’t be used inside the :not() filter.


All the materials come from "jQuery in action".



 jQuery allows us to treat the wrapped set as a JavaScript array.

eg: $('img[alt]')[0]



    jQuery Selectors Refcard

    ### jQuery Selectors Refcard #### 什么是 jQuery 选择器? jQuery 选择器是 jQuery 库中最核心的功能之一,它利用 CSS 熟悉的语法帮助网页开发者快速且准确地定位到文档对象模型(DOM)中的元素集合。通过理解并...

    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(二、层次篇)

    在"jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(二、层次篇)"中,我们将探讨与元素层级相关的选择器,这些选择器帮助我们基于元素之间的关系来选取元素。 1. **后代选择器(Descendant Selector)** 后代选择器使用空格分隔两...


    《jQuery Selectors 源码解析》 jQuery 是一个广泛使用的JavaScript库,它极大地简化了JavaScript的DOM操作、事件处理和动画制作。其中,选择器(Selectors)是jQuery的核心功能之一,它允许开发者以CSS样式的方式...


    We start off with a quick glance through the basics of JQuery, followed by the explanation of JQuery selectors, filters, and DOM element manipulation. After this, you will learn how events and ...

    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(四-五、内容篇可见性篇)

    本系列文章分为:基本篇、层次篇、简单篇、内容篇、可见性篇、属性篇、子元素篇、表单篇、表单对象属性篇共9篇文章。 本篇讲解::contains(text),:empty,...jQuery-Selectors-4 .div { width:95%; margin-left:15px;

    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(六、属性篇)


    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(一、基本篇)

    我的学习方法:先入门,后进阶!本系列文章分为:基本篇、...jQuery-Selectors .div { width:95%; margin-left:15px; margin-top:15px; margin-right:15px; padding-left:5px; padding-top:5px; padding-botto

    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(七、子元素篇)


    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(九、表单对象属性篇)


    jQuery Selectors(选择器)的使用(四-五、内容篇&amp;可见性篇)


    Manning jQuery in Action.pdf

    - **Custom jQuery Selectors**: jQuery also provides methods for creating custom selectors that can match elements based on more complex conditions. **5. Generating New HTML (Chapter 2.2)** Creating ...




    更多选择器信息可参考 [jQuery Selectors文档](http://docs.jquery.com/Selectors)。 ### 事件处理 (Event Handling) jQuery对事件处理进行了封装,使得绑定和解绑事件更加简单。常见的事件绑定方法有: 1. `.on...


    jqueryselectors. 基础入门

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