You can install various fonts in Ubuntu 9.04, 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10 following the next easy tutorials.
If you want to install Microsoft Windows fonts, open your terminal (Applications/Accessories/Terminal) and enter:
sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
For Red Hat Liberation fonts use this terminal line: (This fonts are already installed on Ubuntu 10.04)
sudo apt-get install ttf-liberation
If you want to install any other fonts you can get from the net or use your font database follow this steps:
1. Go to your home folder
2. Enable “Show Hidden Files” option from Nautilus View menu
3. Then create new folder with name “.fonts” (with dot in front)
4. Now in new folder copy all your true type fonts. If you want to copy your Windows fonts, you can find it in WINDOWS/Fonts folder.
5. Now restart and new fonts will be in use.
This tutorials can be used for installing fonts in Ubuntu 8.10 also.
Check up our new – DetectorPRO tutorial for fine tuning your Ubuntu 9.10 system.
sudo apt-get install ttf-wqy-zenhei ttf-kochi-gothic ttf-unfonts-core ttf-indic-fonts ttf-thai-tlwg ttf-vijaya ttf-ancient-fonts ``` 这些字体包包含了多种语言的字体,有助于提高WPS Office对各种文档的...
在home目录下Ctrl+h 将显示.wine文件夹,把window系统中的C:\WINDOWS\Fonts文件夹直接copy到.wine/drive_c/windows 目录中并覆盖其Fonts目录即可。 将语言设置成英文也行 配置桌面快捷键 在终端执行:
在刚配置完嵌入式Linux的时候,我们的Qt库是没有字体存在的,所以我们要把字库安装在Qt要求的库文件下。这次我们安装开源字体...我的Qt字体要求安装的位置在/usr/local/qt5pi/lib/fonts 定位/usr/local/qt5pi/lib/到下
developed on Linux Ubuntu version 9.04, Microsoft Windows XP, and Windows 7. Who this book is for This book is for Python programmers wanting simple, clear examples of graphic programming using ...
当然,除了上面列出的字体外,压缩包里还有一些字体未列出来,如 Akkurat-Mono、Cousine、Crystal、Edlo、Hermit、Luculent、Menlo、Mplus-1mn、Oxygen-Mono、Pt-Mono、Ricty-Diminished、Ubuntu-Mono、Unifont 等...
font-awesome才能显示特殊字形: apt install fonts-font-awesome为Debian / Ubuntu apt install fonts-font-awesome警告: 某些脚本(例如显示)也会更改您的计算机行为! 将它们包含在i3block中时,请务必小心。...
使其更有趣sudo apt updatesudo apt install terminatorsudo apt install fonts-powerlineCopy and Paste following fancy prompt script in your .bashrc filehttps://raw.githubusercontent....在您的.bashrc文件中...
1. **下载并安装中文字体**:例如下载微软雅黑字体文件(msyh.ttf),将其放置于系统字体文件夹`/usr/share/fonts`中。 2. **修改Matplotlib配置文件**: - 打开配置文件`/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages...
例如,在Ubuntu上,你可以使用`sudo apt-get install fonts-liberation`命令来安装包含sans-serif字体的包。 2. **配置matplotlib**:你可以在matplotlib的配置中明确指定一个存在的字体。这可以通过创建...
**Linux 系统**:对于 Ubuntu/Debian Linux 系列的用户,可以通过一条简单的命令安装完成所有必要的组件: ``` sudo apt-get install apache2 php5-mysql libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server ``` 这条命令会自动安装 ...
首先,你需要在Ubuntu系统上安装必要的软件。LibreOffice是一个免费且开源的办公软件套件,它提供了将多种文档格式相互转换的功能,包括将Word文档转换为PDF。你可以通过以下命令来安装LibreOffice: ```bash sudo ...
Ubuntu and Linux Instructions .................................................................................................... 2 Starting Python.......................................................