Good morning ,everyone! This semester has started officially today . Glad to see you here. Just an annucement ,say hi to the extension school students. Last time I say hi to New Zealand .Today we are saying hi to Ireland.
In terms of sectioning ,for the undergrads and graduate students here, you will get email from Sean tomarrow.And you'll put in the section preference.We are sectioning this weekend so it will be important to submit top preferences. And next week we are starting .
So last time ,if you remember question that we ask the guiding question was " why positive psychology" I mentioned three reasons: why we need it as a independent field that opposed to just being "well,let't do some studies on happiness,let's do some studies on relationships",as it is always being done. 不想像人们一贯人们做的那样
The reason why we need positive psychology is to to shift the pendulum from 1:21 ratio that we have today : for everyone one study on happiness and wellbeing. and 21 stuay on depression and anxiety.We want to shift the pendulum slightly.And I mention three reasons: why we want to shift this pendulum despite the fact that there are rising levels of depression around the world, that anxiety has become a epidemic globally——on college campuses in United States,china or Australia , UK. Despite that fact I argue that we need to shift the pendulum and do more "positive research",or in other words, research that focuses on what works. 尽管如此,我认为我们仍然需要去改变那个比例并且多做一些积极的研究,换句话说,几种研究可行的事。
And the reason is the first reason we gave and we are just finishing up is because the question that we ask, whether it's the research questons that we aske or the questions we ask of ourselves or our partners ,matter.If our only question,or primarily our questions are "what is not working "or "what's the problem","why are so many kids failing as a result of their circumstances? "If we only ask these questions,we will miss ,literally miss an important part of reality ,just like you missed the children on the bus in the exercise.
A seed, a strength, a virtue, a competence, that other teachers did not see. And when we don't see the seed of greatness. When we don't water it and shed a light on it, it withers and dies, which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential.
Questions make differences. 我觉得这句基本上是教授前到目前为止说的中心思想。
《CS229Andrew Ng网易公开课笔记》是针对斯坦福大学教授Andrew Ng开设的机器学习顶级课程CS229的详细学习记录。这门课程深入浅出地讲解了机器学习的基础理论、算法以及实践应用,旨在帮助学生掌握构建和应用机器学习...
公开课笔记3——局部加权回归、逻辑斯蒂回归、感知器算法 公开课笔记4——牛顿方法、指数分布族、广义线性模型 公开课笔记5——生成学习、高斯判别、朴素贝叶斯 公开课笔记6——NB多项式模型、神经网络、SVM初步 ...
本资源是关于斯坦福大学机器学习(Machine Learning)公开课的中文笔记,由著名华人学者吴恩达(Andrew Ng)教授主讲。吴恩达是深度学习领域的先驱,他的这门公开课在全球范围内广受欢迎,为无数人打开了机器学习的...
本次分享的公开课笔记,涵盖了机器学习中的重要概念和算法,特别关注了牛顿方法、指数分布族和广义线性模型这三部分,下面将详细介绍这些知识点。 首先是牛顿方法,这是一种寻找函数零点的方法,同样适用于机器学习...
微观经济学 一份具详细的一看就懂的学习笔记,课程From 网易公开课 可汗学院 公开课
这本“超详细MIT线性代数公开课笔记”无疑是学习该领域知识的宝贵资源。 线性代数主要研究向量、矩阵、线性方程组、行列式以及线性空间等概念。以下是一些关键知识点的详细说明: 1. **向量**:向量是具有大小和...
在本资源中,我们聚焦于斯坦福大学的机器学习(Machine Learning)公开课笔记,这些笔记以中文版的形式呈现,涵盖了课程的第12至15讲。这些笔记深入浅出地解析了多个关键的机器学习概念和技术,对于理解和掌握机器...
《网易公开课 机器学习 讲义习题课件》是一份综合性的学习资源,涵盖了机器学习领域的基础课程内容。这份资料由知名教育平台网易公开课提供,由安德鲁(可能是Andrew Ng,他是机器学习领域的大师)主讲,旨在帮助...