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Flex开发者需要知道的10件事 -
Some say that if a technology has a lot of frameworks, then it is a sign of maturity. You might argue with that, but still I think it is interesting to know what are the available frameworks in the Flex/Flash world.
This is work in progress, thus if you know other frameworks, please post a comment or send me an email.
MVC frameworks and Dependency Injection
- Cairngorm (Adobe Open Source) – MVC framework
- PureMVC (Open Source) – MVC framework
- Mate (Open Source) – Mate is a tag-based, event-driven Flex framework
- Swiz (Open Source) – Metadata-based Dependency Injection framework
- Spring ActionScript (Open Source) – Dependency Injection framework part of SpringSource
- Parsley (Open Source) – IOC Container (Configuration and Dependency Injection), MVC, and localization
- Robotlegs – automated metadata based dependency injection micro-architecture (framework) with a light footprint and limited scope
- HydraMVC – total rewrite of the PureMVC API exclusively for Flex
- dpHibernate – lazy loading across BlazeDS and Hibernate
- Flight Framework – MVC framework
Articles to get some idea about what these frameworks offer:
Testing frameworks and code coverage
- FlexUnit (Adobe Open Source) – conceptually based on famous JUnit
- FlexPMD (Adobe Technical Services) – tool for auditing AS3/Flex code against bad practices (anti-patterns, unused code, over-complex code, inefficient code). You can add rules and it can be used from Ant/Maven or Automator (Mac).
- Funit (Open Source) – Metadata Driven Unit Testing for Flex
- asUnit (Open Source) – Unit Testing Framework
- fluint (Open Source) – Unit Testing with further richer asynchronous support and support for integration-level testing
- FlexMonkey (Open Source) – UI testing, capture replay
- Selenium (Open Source) – API for Selenium
- FlashSelenium (Open Source) – Selenium RC Client driver extension
- HP QuickTest Professional 9.5 (Commercial License)
- mock-as3 (Open Source) – mock object library
- FlexCover (Open Source) – code coverage
- FunFX – functional testing framework
- Mock4AS – a simple Mock Object Library for ActionScript3
- ASMock – ActionScript 3 Mocking Framework
- Mockito – mocking framework for Flex
Building and Continue Integration
- Ant task (Adobe Open Source) – comes with Flex SDK
- flexmojos (Open Source) – Set of maven plugins for Adobe AIR and Flex development
- ServeBox (Open Source) – Flex maven plugin
- Flex Maven Reports (Open Source) – Maven reports for Flex
- Hudson (Open Source) – Continuous Integration engine
- CruiseControl.NET (Open Source) – Continuous Integration engine
- projectsprouts (Open Source) – cross-platform project generation and configuration tool for ActionScript 2, ActionScript 3, Adobe AIR and Flex projects
Flash 3D Engines
- AlternativaPlatform
- Papervision3D
- Away3D
- Sandy3d (OpenSource)
- Ambiera Coppercube – create your scene or import your 3D models into the CopperCube 3D editor, set camera controllers, materials and more, and click ‘publish’.
Server side libraries/frameworks for Flex
- Zend AMF – remoting library, part of the Zend Framework
- AMFPHP – remoting library
- WebORB for PHP – remoting and data messaging (producer/consumer)
- SabreAMF – remoting library
- LiveCycle Data Services ES (Adobe, commercial license) – remoting, data messaging, data management, proxy, real time data pushing and synchronization, paging
- BlazeDS (Adobe Open Source) – remoting, data messaging, proxy
- Graniteds (Open Source) – remoting, EJB 3 services, data push
- WebORB for Java – remoting, data management, real time data messaging, client synchronization and paging. Additionally, it supports streaming video, recording video and remote shared objects
- Pimento (Open Source) – data management
- LiveCycle Data Services ES (Adobe, commercial license) – remoting, data messaging, data management, proxy, data pushing and synchronization, paging
- BlazeDS (Adobe Open Source) – remoting, data messaging, proxy
- WebORB for .NET – data management, real-time messaging, remoting, MSMQ integration, client synchronization for data management, video streaming, remote shared objects
- FluorineFX – remoting, data messaging, data management (partial)
- Visual Studio plugins for Flex (you can use these plugins to develop Flex applications in the Microsoft Visual Studio; both are free):
Ruby on Rails:
- WebORB for Ruby on Rails – remoting
- RubyAMF (Open Source) – remoting
- PYAMF – remoting
- DjangoAMF – remoting
- AmFast – AMF0/AMF3 encoder/decoder for Python. Core encoder and decoder are written in C, so it’s around 18x faster than PyAmf
- as3corelib – library that contains a number of classes and utilities for working with ActionScript 3 (include classes for MD5 and SHA 1 hashing, Image encoders, and JSON serialization as well as general String, Number and Date APIs)
- as3xls – package to read and write Excel files (it supports reading text, numbers, formulas, and dates from Excel version 2.x-2003 and writing text, numbers, and dates)
- RIAlity – an advanced arquitecture for Flex and JEE with tooling (Eclipse Plugins) that allows to be more productive and deliver better RIA products
- Gaia Framework – open-source front-end Flash Framework for AS3 and AS2
- Degrafa (Open Source) – declarative graphics framework for Flex
- TLFX (MLP 1.1 license) - built on top of Text Layout Framework, it is a library for rendering HTML/CSS in Flash applications
- UML4AS – UML Editor for ActionScript and Flex. Support code generating, reverse engineering, round trips.
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Create a FlexUnit TestCase
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Mate flex framework在实际项目中的应用
Flex 开发基础包括 Flex framework 的组成部分、Flex Project 的结构、MXML 语言、ActionScript 语言等。Flex framework 的组成部分包括编译器、调试器、 SERVER 等。Flex Project 的结构包括 src 文件夹、bin ...
它与 FlexUnit 测试流程和 Flex Framework UI 组件完美配合。 Flash 有一项特殊能力——输出看起来总是一样的。 快速、轻便且易于使用 [ Test(async, ui) ] public function defaultColor() : void { var ...
Flex的主要组件包括Flex Builder(现已更名为Flash Builder)、Flex SDK以及Flex Framework。Flex SDK是一个开源工具集,包含了编译Flex应用程序所需的编译器、命令行工具和运行库。Flex Builder则是一个集成开发...
5. **Flex Framework**: Flex框架提供了一套丰富的预定义组件,如Button、TextInput、Canvas等,可以快速构建用户界面。 6. **数据绑定**: Flex支持双向数据绑定,使得视图和模型之间的同步变得简单,减少手动更新...
2. **Flex Framework**:Flex框架包括组件库、事件模型、数据绑定、样式系统等,它为开发者提供了一整套构建RIA的工具。例如,Flex组件库包含了许多预定义的UI组件,如按钮、列表、面板等,可以快速构建用户界面。 ...
- Flex Framework:一组预定义的UI组件和类库,如按钮、文本输入框、面板等,以及事件处理机制。 3. Flex应用案例 标题中提到的"Flex应用案例"可能包含了多种实际应用示例,这些示例可能涵盖以下几个方面: - 数据...
它包括编译器、Flex Builder插件、Flex Framework以及用于创建自定义组件和库的工具。 4. **Flex Component Kit**: 这是一组预先构建的UI组件,如按钮、文本输入框、数据网格等,开发者可以使用它们快速构建用户...
在Flex4的学习过程中,你可能还会接触到Flex SDK、Flex Framework、SWF格式、数据绑定、状态管理、动画和效果、以及与后端服务(如AMF通信)的集成等内容。 总的来说,"Flex4 一学就会"是一本引导初学者全面掌握...
Flex应用程序由Flex Framework、MXML、ActionScript、CSS、图形资源和数据六部分组成,其中,MXML是声明式编程语言,用于描述用户界面,ActionScript是脚本语言,负责实现逻辑,CSS用于样式控制,而数据则是驱动应用...
flex3开发者指南Flex3 developer guide.rar
- **Flex Framework**:包含一系列预定义的UI组件,如Button、List、Canvas等,以及事件处理和数据绑定机制。 - **Flex Ant Tasks**:使用Apache Ant构建系统,可以帮助自动化构建流程,如编译、打包和部署Flex...
它的主要组件包括Flex Builder(或现在的Adobe Animate CC)、Flex SDK以及Flex Framework,后者包含了一系列预定义的UI组件、数据绑定功能和事件处理机制,使得开发者可以快速创建美观且功能丰富的用户界面。...
1. **Flex Framework**:Flex框架包括一系列组件、服务和工具,用于构建用户界面。它提供了MXML,一种声明式语言,让开发者可以轻松布局和设计UI,同时结合AS3实现逻辑。Flex4引入了Spark组件模型,相比以前的MX组件...
Flex应用程序由Flex Framework、MXML、ActionScript、CSS、图形资源和数据六部分组成。MXML用于描述用户界面布局,ActionScript处理业务逻辑,CSS控制样式,图形资源用于美化界面,而数据则与服务器进行交互。 1.3...
2. **Flex Framework**:Flex SDK包含了一套丰富的预建组件,如按钮、表格、面板等,这些组件可以帮助开发者快速构建应用的外观和行为。此外,还有事件处理、数据绑定和状态管理等高级功能,极大地提高了开发效率。 ...
2. **Flex Framework**:包括一系列的库和组件,如Flex Core Components(基础组件)、Charts(图表组件)、Data Services(数据服务)等,提供丰富的UI元素和数据处理能力。 三、组件系统 1. **组件库**:Flex3内...
5. **Flex Framework**: Flex框架包含一组预定义的组件、服务和类,用于构建RIA。这些组件包括按钮、文本输入框、面板等,服务类则支持与服务器的数据通信,如AMF(Action Message Format)协议。 6. **数据绑定**:...
1. **Flex Framework**:包含了创建RIA所需的各种组件,如容器、控件、数据绑定等。 2. **MXML**:一种基于XML的标记语言,用于定义Flex应用程序的结构和布局。 3. **ActionScript 3.0**:基于ECMAScript的脚本...