package com.inetpsa.mau.util;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
public class HTML2WordML {
* need jericho-html-2.4.jar
* Convert HTML code to WordML code
* @param src
* @return
public static String convert(String src){
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(src)) return "";
if (!src.startsWith("<p")) src = String.format("<p>%s</p>", src);
src = getOneLevelPTag(src);
Source source = new Source(src);
List<Element> elementList = source.findAllElements();
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (Element element : elementList) {
if (element.getDepth() == 0)
out.append(walkElement(src, element, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), -1));
String outStr = out.toString();
if (!outStr.startsWith("<w:p")) outStr = String.format("<w:p>%s</w:p>", outStr);
int index = outStr.indexOf("</w:p>");
while(index != -1) {
//<w:br /><w:r><w:rPr><w:sz w:val='13.8'/><w:sz-cs w:val='13.8'/><w:i /></w:rPr><w:t></w:t></w:r></w:p>
//no have <w:p>
if( outStr.substring(index+6).startsWith("<w:br />")) {
index += 8;
if( outStr.substring(index+6).startsWith("<w:r>")) {
outStr = outStr.substring(0,index+6) + "<w:p>" + outStr.substring(index+6);
index = outStr.indexOf("</w:p>",index+6);
index = outStr.indexOf("<w:p>");
while(index != -1) {
if( index != 0 && outStr.substring(index-6,index).endsWith("w:r>")) {
outStr = outStr.substring(0,index) + "</w:p>" + outStr.substring(index);
index = outStr.indexOf("<w:p>",index+5);
if( !outStr.endsWith("</w:p>")) {
outStr += "</w:p>";
return outStr;
* Visit all element and apply conversion with current context
* @param str
* @param element
* @param context
* @param level
* @return
public static String walkElement(String source, Element element, List<String> pStyle, List<String> context, int level) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer paragraphContent = new StringBuffer();
List<String> styles = new ArrayList<String>(context);
String tagName = element.getStartTag().getName();
boolean pTagClose = false;
// Add Paragraph
// ----------------------------
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("p") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("li") ){
// ==> Particularité : Les ul>li imbriqués necessitent la fermeture prematuré du paragraphe (ils ont leur propre paragraphe avec un niveau différent..)
if (level > 0) {
pTagClose = true;
pStyle = new ArrayList<String>();
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("ul")){
// Apply styles
// ----------------------------
applyStyle(out, element, pStyle, styles, level);
// Recurse into child element
// ----------------------------
int begin = element.getContent().getBegin();
int end = element.getContent().getEnd();
for (Element child : (List<Element>) element.getChildElements()) {
end = child.getStartTag().getBegin();
if (end > begin){
// Get word and write it
String word = source.substring(begin, end);
paragraphContent.append(write(word, styles, true));
if (child.isEmptyElementTag()){
begin = child.getStartTag().getEnd();
}else if (child.getEndTag() != null){
begin = child.getEndTag().getEnd();
// walk child
if (child.getStartTag().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("br")) {
paragraphContent.append("<w:br />");
paragraphContent.append(walkElement(source, child, pStyle, styles, level));
end = element.getContent().getEnd();
if (end > begin){
if( tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) {
paragraphContent.append(" <w:rPr>\n");
for (String style : styles) {
out.append(String.format("\t%s\n", style));
paragraphContent.append(" </w:rPr>\n");
paragraphContent.append(" <w:t></w:t>\n");
String wLink = "<w:hlink w:dest='%s'><w:r><w:rPr><w:rStyle w:val='Hyperlink'/><w:lang w:val='EN-US'/></w:rPr><w:t>%s</w:t></w:r></w:hlink>";
String hrefStr = element.getAttributeValue("href");
paragraphContent.append(" " + String.format(wLink, hrefStr,hrefStr));
} else {
String word = source.substring(begin, end);
paragraphContent.append(write(word, styles, true));
// Close paragraph
// ----------------------------
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("p") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("li") ){
out.append("<w:p><w:pPr><w:jc w:val='left'/></w:pPr>\n");
// Add paragraph styles
if (pStyle.size() > 0){
for (String style : pStyle) {
out.append(style + "\n");
// Write p content
// Close tag
if (!pTagClose) out.append("</w:p>");
return out.toString();
return paragraphContent.toString();
* Apply style for tagName
* @param out
private static void applyStyle(StringBuffer out, Element element, List<String> paragraphStyle, List<String> styles, int level){
String tagName = element.getStartTag().getName();
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("li")){
paragraphStyle.add(" <w:listPr>");
paragraphStyle.add(String.format(" <w:ilvl w:val='%s'/>", level));
paragraphStyle.add(" <w:ilfo w:val='12'/>");
paragraphStyle.add(" </w:listPr>");
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("b") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("strong")){
styles.add(" <w:b />");
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("i") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("em")){
styles.add(" <w:i />");
if (element.getAttributes().size() > 0){
String styleAttribute = element.getAttributeValue("style");
if (styleAttribute == null) styleAttribute = "";
// Text souligné
if (styleAttribute.indexOf("underline") > 0) styles.add(" <w:u w:val='single'/>");
// Couleur de texte
if (styleAttribute.indexOf("color") > -1){
int beginIndex = styleAttribute.indexOf("color");
boolean isColor = true;
// Check this is not the background-color property
if (beginIndex > 0){
if (styleAttribute.charAt(beginIndex-1) == '-') isColor = false;
int beginColor = styleAttribute.indexOf("#", beginIndex);
if (beginColor > 0 && isColor){
int endColor = styleAttribute.indexOf(";", beginColor);
String color = styleAttribute.substring(beginColor, (endColor > 0 ? endColor : styleAttribute.length()));
styles.add(String.format(" <w:color w:val='%s'/>", color));
String bgColor = styleAttribute.toLowerCase();
if (bgColor.indexOf("background-color") > -1){
int beginIndex = bgColor.indexOf("background-color");
int beginColor = styleAttribute.indexOf("#", beginIndex);
if (beginColor > 0){
int endColor = styleAttribute.indexOf(";", beginColor);
String color = styleAttribute.substring(beginColor, (endColor > 0 ? endColor : styleAttribute.length()));
styles.add(String.format(" <w:shd w:val='clear' w:color='auto' w:fill='%s'/>", color.toUpperCase()));
if (bgColor.indexOf("font-size") > -1) {
String size = "20";
String[] tempArr = bgColor.substring(bgColor.indexOf("font-size")).split(":");
if(tempArr.length > 1) {
String temp = tempArr[1];
int len = 0;
String strSize = "";
while(temp.charAt(len) > '0' && temp.charAt(len) < '9' && len < temp.length()) {
strSize += String.valueOf(temp.charAt(len));
if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(strSize)) {
size = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(strSize) * 2);
if (bgColor.indexOf("small") > 0) size = "20";
if (bgColor.indexOf("x-small") > 0) size = "16.6";
if (bgColor.indexOf("xx-small") > 0) size = "13.8";
if (bgColor.indexOf("medium") > 0) size = "24";
if (bgColor.indexOf("large") > 0) size = "28.8";
if (bgColor.indexOf("x-large") > 0) size = "34.56";
if (bgColor.indexOf("xx-large") > 0) size = "41.4";
styles.add(String.format(" <w:sz w:val='%s'/><w:sz-cs w:val='%s'/>", size, size));
if (bgColor.indexOf("text-align") > -1){
String align = "both";
if (bgColor.indexOf("center") > 0) align = "center";
if (bgColor.indexOf("right") > 0) align = "right";
paragraphStyle.add(String.format(" <w:jc w:val='%s'/>", align));
* Write word with styles
* @param word
* @param styles
* @return
public static String write(String word, List<String> styles, boolean escape){
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(word)) return "";
out.append(" <w:rPr>\n");
for (String style : styles) {
out.append(String.format("\t%s\n", style));
out.append(" </w:rPr>\n");
String tempStr = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(word);
if (escape){
out.append(String.format(" <w:t><![CDATA[%s]]></w:t>\n", tempStr));
out.append(String.format(" <w:t>%s</w:t>\n", tempStr));
return out.toString();
* total the tag count
* @param tagName String
* @param source String
* @return int
private static int getTagCount(String tagName, String source) {
int count = 0;
int beginIndex = source.indexOf(tagName,0);
while(beginIndex != -1) {
beginIndex = source.indexOf(tagName,beginIndex+1);
return count;
* @param args
private static String getOneLevelPTag(String strHtml) {
Source source = new Source(strHtml);
List tagsList = source.findAllTags();
ArrayList<Integer> startReplaceList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> endReplaceList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<tagsList.size(); i++) {
if( tagsList.get(i) instanceof Tag) {
Tag tempTag = (Tag)tagsList.get(i);
if( tempTag.getName().equals("p")) {
int beginIndex = tempTag.getBegin();
String startStr = strHtml.substring(0,beginIndex);
int startCount = getTagCount("<p",startStr);
int endCount = getTagCount("</p>",startStr);
if( tempTag instanceof StartTag) {
if( startCount != endCount) {
startReplaceList.add(new Integer(beginIndex));
} else if( tempTag instanceof EndTag) {
if( startCount != endCount + 1) {
endReplaceList.add(new Integer(beginIndex));
int size = startReplaceList.size();
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
int begin = startReplaceList.get(i).intValue();
strHtml = strHtml.substring(0,begin) + "<x" + strHtml.substring(begin+2);
size = endReplaceList.size();
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
int begin = endReplaceList.get(i).intValue();
strHtml = strHtml.substring(0,begin) + "</x>" + strHtml.substring(begin+4);
strHtml = strHtml.replaceAll("<x", "<span");
strHtml = strHtml.replaceAll("</x>", "</span>");
return strHtml;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
public class HTML2WordML {
* need jericho-html-2.4.jar
* Convert HTML code to WordML code
* @param src
* @return
public static String convert(String src){
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(src)) return "";
if (!src.startsWith("<p")) src = String.format("<p>%s</p>", src);
src = getOneLevelPTag(src);
Source source = new Source(src);
List<Element> elementList = source.findAllElements();
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
for (Element element : elementList) {
if (element.getDepth() == 0)
out.append(walkElement(src, element, new ArrayList<String>(), new ArrayList<String>(), -1));
String outStr = out.toString();
if (!outStr.startsWith("<w:p")) outStr = String.format("<w:p>%s</w:p>", outStr);
int index = outStr.indexOf("</w:p>");
while(index != -1) {
//<w:br /><w:r><w:rPr><w:sz w:val='13.8'/><w:sz-cs w:val='13.8'/><w:i /></w:rPr><w:t></w:t></w:r></w:p>
//no have <w:p>
if( outStr.substring(index+6).startsWith("<w:br />")) {
index += 8;
if( outStr.substring(index+6).startsWith("<w:r>")) {
outStr = outStr.substring(0,index+6) + "<w:p>" + outStr.substring(index+6);
index = outStr.indexOf("</w:p>",index+6);
index = outStr.indexOf("<w:p>");
while(index != -1) {
if( index != 0 && outStr.substring(index-6,index).endsWith("w:r>")) {
outStr = outStr.substring(0,index) + "</w:p>" + outStr.substring(index);
index = outStr.indexOf("<w:p>",index+5);
if( !outStr.endsWith("</w:p>")) {
outStr += "</w:p>";
return outStr;
* Visit all element and apply conversion with current context
* @param str
* @param element
* @param context
* @param level
* @return
public static String walkElement(String source, Element element, List<String> pStyle, List<String> context, int level) {
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer paragraphContent = new StringBuffer();
List<String> styles = new ArrayList<String>(context);
String tagName = element.getStartTag().getName();
boolean pTagClose = false;
// Add Paragraph
// ----------------------------
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("p") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("li") ){
// ==> Particularité : Les ul>li imbriqués necessitent la fermeture prematuré du paragraphe (ils ont leur propre paragraphe avec un niveau différent..)
if (level > 0) {
pTagClose = true;
pStyle = new ArrayList<String>();
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("ul")){
// Apply styles
// ----------------------------
applyStyle(out, element, pStyle, styles, level);
// Recurse into child element
// ----------------------------
int begin = element.getContent().getBegin();
int end = element.getContent().getEnd();
for (Element child : (List<Element>) element.getChildElements()) {
end = child.getStartTag().getBegin();
if (end > begin){
// Get word and write it
String word = source.substring(begin, end);
paragraphContent.append(write(word, styles, true));
if (child.isEmptyElementTag()){
begin = child.getStartTag().getEnd();
}else if (child.getEndTag() != null){
begin = child.getEndTag().getEnd();
// walk child
if (child.getStartTag().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("br")) {
paragraphContent.append("<w:br />");
paragraphContent.append(walkElement(source, child, pStyle, styles, level));
end = element.getContent().getEnd();
if (end > begin){
if( tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("a")) {
paragraphContent.append(" <w:rPr>\n");
for (String style : styles) {
out.append(String.format("\t%s\n", style));
paragraphContent.append(" </w:rPr>\n");
paragraphContent.append(" <w:t></w:t>\n");
String wLink = "<w:hlink w:dest='%s'><w:r><w:rPr><w:rStyle w:val='Hyperlink'/><w:lang w:val='EN-US'/></w:rPr><w:t>%s</w:t></w:r></w:hlink>";
String hrefStr = element.getAttributeValue("href");
paragraphContent.append(" " + String.format(wLink, hrefStr,hrefStr));
} else {
String word = source.substring(begin, end);
paragraphContent.append(write(word, styles, true));
// Close paragraph
// ----------------------------
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("p") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("li") ){
out.append("<w:p><w:pPr><w:jc w:val='left'/></w:pPr>\n");
// Add paragraph styles
if (pStyle.size() > 0){
for (String style : pStyle) {
out.append(style + "\n");
// Write p content
// Close tag
if (!pTagClose) out.append("</w:p>");
return out.toString();
return paragraphContent.toString();
* Apply style for tagName
* @param out
private static void applyStyle(StringBuffer out, Element element, List<String> paragraphStyle, List<String> styles, int level){
String tagName = element.getStartTag().getName();
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("li")){
paragraphStyle.add(" <w:listPr>");
paragraphStyle.add(String.format(" <w:ilvl w:val='%s'/>", level));
paragraphStyle.add(" <w:ilfo w:val='12'/>");
paragraphStyle.add(" </w:listPr>");
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("b") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("strong")){
styles.add(" <w:b />");
if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("i") || tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("em")){
styles.add(" <w:i />");
if (element.getAttributes().size() > 0){
String styleAttribute = element.getAttributeValue("style");
if (styleAttribute == null) styleAttribute = "";
// Text souligné
if (styleAttribute.indexOf("underline") > 0) styles.add(" <w:u w:val='single'/>");
// Couleur de texte
if (styleAttribute.indexOf("color") > -1){
int beginIndex = styleAttribute.indexOf("color");
boolean isColor = true;
// Check this is not the background-color property
if (beginIndex > 0){
if (styleAttribute.charAt(beginIndex-1) == '-') isColor = false;
int beginColor = styleAttribute.indexOf("#", beginIndex);
if (beginColor > 0 && isColor){
int endColor = styleAttribute.indexOf(";", beginColor);
String color = styleAttribute.substring(beginColor, (endColor > 0 ? endColor : styleAttribute.length()));
styles.add(String.format(" <w:color w:val='%s'/>", color));
String bgColor = styleAttribute.toLowerCase();
if (bgColor.indexOf("background-color") > -1){
int beginIndex = bgColor.indexOf("background-color");
int beginColor = styleAttribute.indexOf("#", beginIndex);
if (beginColor > 0){
int endColor = styleAttribute.indexOf(";", beginColor);
String color = styleAttribute.substring(beginColor, (endColor > 0 ? endColor : styleAttribute.length()));
styles.add(String.format(" <w:shd w:val='clear' w:color='auto' w:fill='%s'/>", color.toUpperCase()));
if (bgColor.indexOf("font-size") > -1) {
String size = "20";
String[] tempArr = bgColor.substring(bgColor.indexOf("font-size")).split(":");
if(tempArr.length > 1) {
String temp = tempArr[1];
int len = 0;
String strSize = "";
while(temp.charAt(len) > '0' && temp.charAt(len) < '9' && len < temp.length()) {
strSize += String.valueOf(temp.charAt(len));
if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(strSize)) {
size = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(strSize) * 2);
if (bgColor.indexOf("small") > 0) size = "20";
if (bgColor.indexOf("x-small") > 0) size = "16.6";
if (bgColor.indexOf("xx-small") > 0) size = "13.8";
if (bgColor.indexOf("medium") > 0) size = "24";
if (bgColor.indexOf("large") > 0) size = "28.8";
if (bgColor.indexOf("x-large") > 0) size = "34.56";
if (bgColor.indexOf("xx-large") > 0) size = "41.4";
styles.add(String.format(" <w:sz w:val='%s'/><w:sz-cs w:val='%s'/>", size, size));
if (bgColor.indexOf("text-align") > -1){
String align = "both";
if (bgColor.indexOf("center") > 0) align = "center";
if (bgColor.indexOf("right") > 0) align = "right";
paragraphStyle.add(String.format(" <w:jc w:val='%s'/>", align));
* Write word with styles
* @param word
* @param styles
* @return
public static String write(String word, List<String> styles, boolean escape){
StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(word)) return "";
out.append(" <w:rPr>\n");
for (String style : styles) {
out.append(String.format("\t%s\n", style));
out.append(" </w:rPr>\n");
String tempStr = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(word);
if (escape){
out.append(String.format(" <w:t><![CDATA[%s]]></w:t>\n", tempStr));
out.append(String.format(" <w:t>%s</w:t>\n", tempStr));
return out.toString();
* total the tag count
* @param tagName String
* @param source String
* @return int
private static int getTagCount(String tagName, String source) {
int count = 0;
int beginIndex = source.indexOf(tagName,0);
while(beginIndex != -1) {
beginIndex = source.indexOf(tagName,beginIndex+1);
return count;
* @param args
private static String getOneLevelPTag(String strHtml) {
Source source = new Source(strHtml);
List tagsList = source.findAllTags();
ArrayList<Integer> startReplaceList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
ArrayList<Integer> endReplaceList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for(int i=0; i<tagsList.size(); i++) {
if( tagsList.get(i) instanceof Tag) {
Tag tempTag = (Tag)tagsList.get(i);
if( tempTag.getName().equals("p")) {
int beginIndex = tempTag.getBegin();
String startStr = strHtml.substring(0,beginIndex);
int startCount = getTagCount("<p",startStr);
int endCount = getTagCount("</p>",startStr);
if( tempTag instanceof StartTag) {
if( startCount != endCount) {
startReplaceList.add(new Integer(beginIndex));
} else if( tempTag instanceof EndTag) {
if( startCount != endCount + 1) {
endReplaceList.add(new Integer(beginIndex));
int size = startReplaceList.size();
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
int begin = startReplaceList.get(i).intValue();
strHtml = strHtml.substring(0,begin) + "<x" + strHtml.substring(begin+2);
size = endReplaceList.size();
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) {
int begin = endReplaceList.get(i).intValue();
strHtml = strHtml.substring(0,begin) + "</x>" + strHtml.substring(begin+4);
strHtml = strHtml.replaceAll("<x", "<span");
strHtml = strHtml.replaceAll("</x>", "</span>");
return strHtml;
大白菜叶子的健康和潜在感染图片的原始图像。 该数据集包含大白菜叶子的健康和潜在感染图片,目的是将其用于由拉古纳马来亚大学学生进行的有关机器学习和疾病检测的本科论文研究。参与的学生是 Giane Apuada、...
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【大白菜U盘启动盘制作教程】 大白菜是一款广受欢迎的U盘启动盘制作软件,其功能在于将普通U盘转化为具有系统安装、系统修复等多功能的启动盘。本教程将详细讲解如何使用大白菜v6版本制作U盘启动盘。 1. **准备...
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大白菜超级U盘启动盘制作工具V4.1. 第二部分
【大白菜装系统最详细版】教程主要涵盖了如何使用大白菜PE工具来通过U盘安装电脑操作系统,包括XP和Win7两个系统版本。以下是详细的知识点解析: 1. **大白菜PE启动盘制作**: - 首先,你需要下载大白菜PE启动盘...
### 大白菜万能U盘启动装系统:详解与注意事项 #### 一、背景与需求分析 在现代科技生活中,随着轻薄本和平板电脑的普及,越来越多的电子设备取消了传统的光驱设计,这为那些需要重装系统或者进行系统维护的用户...
"大白菜超级U盘启动制作工具制作U盘启动盘教程" 本教程旨在指导读者使用大白菜超级U盘启动制作工具制作U盘启动盘,帮助读者快速制作U盘启动盘,以便装系统。下面是详细的制作步骤和相关知识点。 U盘系统制作的重要...