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各种排序算法的实现及其比较 -
Ext.QuickTips.init(); //开启浮动汽泡提示功能 var xg = Ext.grid; //简化 // shared reader var reader = new Ext.data.ArrayReader({}, [ {name: 'company'}, {name: 'price', type: 'float'}, {name: 'change', type: 'float'}, {name: 'pctChange', type: 'float'}, {name: 'lastChange', type: 'date', dateFormat: 'n/j h:ia'}, {name: 'industry'}, {name: 'desc'} ]); var store = new Ext.data.GroupingStore({ //记住下面的定义格式 reader: reader, data: xg.dummyData, //下面定义的数据 sortInfo:{field: 'company', direction: "ASC"}, groupField:'industry' //看一下最下面给的Array数据就可以知道,这边的industry就是最后一列,用来划分类别(组) }); var grid = new xg.GridPanel({ store: store, columns: [ {id:'company',header: "Company", width: 60, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'company'}, {header: "Price", width: 20, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney, dataIndex: 'price'}, {header: "Change", width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'change', renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney}, {header: "Industry", width: 20, sortable: true, dataIndex: 'industry'}, {header: "Last Updated", width: 20, sortable: true, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'} ], view: new Ext.grid.GroupingView({ //与GroupingStore对应 forceFit:true, /*forceFi:Defaults to false. Specify true to have the column widths re-proportioned at all times. The initially configured width of each column will be adjusted to fit the grid width and prevent horizontal scrolling. If columns are later resized (manually or programmatically), the other columns in the grid will be resized to fit the grid width. */ groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "Items" : "Item"]})' }), /*groupTextTpl:The template used to render the group header (defaults to '{text}'). This is used to format an object which contains the following properties: group : String The rendered value of the group field. By default this is the unchanged value of the group field. If a groupRenderer is specified, it is the result of a call to that function. gvalue : Object The raw value of the group field. text : String The configured header (as described in showGroupName) if showGroupName is true) plus the rendered group field value. groupId : String A unique, generated ID which is applied to the View Element which contains the group. startRow : Number The row index of the Record which caused group change. rs : Array Contains a single element: The Record providing the data for the row which caused group change. cls : String The generated class name string to apply to the group header Element. style : String The inline style rules to apply to the group header Element. See Ext.XTemplate for information on how to format data using a template. Possible usage: var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ ... view: new Ext.grid.GroupingView({ groupTextTpl: '{text} ({[values.rs.length]} {[values.rs.length > 1 ? "Items" : "Item"]})' }), });*/ frame:true, width: 700, height: 450, collapsible: true, //最右上角那个三角号,点击 可收缩 animCollapse: false, //收缩时没有慢慢缩进去的效果,一般这个属性是不设置成false的,这里面只是展示一下有这个设置 title: 'Grouping Example', iconCls: 'icon-grid', fbar : ['->', { text:'Clear Grouping', iconCls: 'icon-clear-group', handler : function(){ store.clearGrouping(); //GroupingStore自带的一个函数,可以清除分组状态 } }], renderTo: document.body //相当于Ext.get("body"); }); }); // Array data for the grids Ext.grid.dummyData = [ ['3m Co',71.72,0.02,0.03,'4/2 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['Alcoa Inc',29.01,0.42,1.47,'4/1 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['Altria Group Inc',83.81,0.28,0.34,'4/3 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['American Express Company',52.55,0.01,0.02,'4/8 12:00am', 'Finance'], ['American International Group, Inc.',64.13,0.31,0.49,'4/1 12:00am', 'Services'], ['AT&T Inc.',31.61,-0.48,-1.54,'4/8 12:00am', 'Services'], ['Boeing Co.',75.43,0.53,0.71,'4/8 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['Caterpillar Inc.',67.27,0.92,1.39,'4/1 12:00am', 'Services'], ['Citigroup, Inc.',49.37,0.02,0.04,'4/4 12:00am', 'Finance'], ['E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company',40.48,0.51,1.28,'4/1 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['Exxon Mobil Corp',68.1,-0.43,-0.64,'4/3 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['General Electric Company',34.14,-0.08,-0.23,'4/3 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['General Motors Corporation',30.27,1.09,3.74,'4/3 12:00am', 'Automotive'], ['Hewlett-Packard Co.',36.53,-0.03,-0.08,'4/3 12:00am', 'Computer'], ['Honeywell Intl Inc',38.77,0.05,0.13,'4/3 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['Intel Corporation',19.88,0.31,1.58,'4/2 12:00am', 'Computer'], ['International Business Machines',81.41,0.44,0.54,'4/1 12:00am', 'Computer'], ['Johnson & Johnson',64.72,0.06,0.09,'4/2 12:00am', 'Medical'], ['JP Morgan & Chase & Co',45.73,0.07,0.15,'4/2 12:00am', 'Finance'], ['McDonald\'s Corporation',36.76,0.86,2.40,'4/2 12:00am', 'Food'], ['Merck & Co., Inc.',40.96,0.41,1.01,'4/2 12:00am', 'Medical'], ['Microsoft Corporation',25.84,0.14,0.54,'4/2 12:00am', 'Computer'], ['Pfizer Inc',27.96,0.4,1.45,'4/8 12:00am', 'Services', 'Medical'], ['The Coca-Cola Company',45.07,0.26,0.58,'4/1 12:00am', 'Food'], ['The Home Depot, Inc.',34.64,0.35,1.02,'4/8 12:00am', 'Retail'], ['The Procter & Gamble Company',61.91,0.01,0.02,'4/1 12:00am', 'Manufacturing'], ['United Technologies Corporation',63.26,0.55,0.88,'4/1 12:00am', 'Computer'], ['Verizon Communications',35.57,0.39,1.11,'4/3 12:00am', 'Services'], ['Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.',45.45,0.73,1.63,'4/3 12:00am', 'Retail'], ['Walt Disney Company (The) (Holding Company)',29.89,0.24,0.81,'4/1 12:00am', 'Services'] ];
Ext js面向对象的特性
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Extjs复习笔记(二十)-- tree和grid结合
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Extjs复习笔记(十九)-- XML作为tree的数据源
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Extjs复习笔记(十八)-- TreePanel
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Extjs复习笔记(十六)-- 可编辑的grid
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Extjs复习笔记(十五)-- JsonReader
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Extjs复习笔记(十四)-- XmlReader
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Extjs复习笔记(十三)-- GridPanel
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Extjs复习笔记(七)-- ComboBox的添加、修改
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这篇“ExtJS笔记——Grid实现后台分页”探讨了如何在ExtJS的Grid组件中实现高效的后台分页功能。 后台分页是一种常见的数据处理策略,特别是在大数据量的情况下,它将数据分批加载,避免一次性加载所有记录导致的...
在"Extjs复习笔记(二十)-- tree和grid结合"这篇博文中,博主探讨了如何在EXTJS中实现树形视图(Tree)与网格视图(Grid)的融合。 Tree组件在EXTJS中通常用于显示具有层级关系的数据,例如文件系统、组织架构等。...
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NULL 博文链接:https://lucky16.iteye.com/blog/1490278
url: 'user-grid-data.action', // Struts2 action调用 reader: 'json' }, autoLoad: true }); // 定义Grid var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { store: store, columns: [ {header: 'ID', dataIndex...
在EXTJS框架中,换肤是一项重要的功能,它允许开发者根据用户需求或品牌风格改变应用程序的外观和感觉。本文将深入探讨EXTJS的换肤机制,以及如何利用提供的主题CSS文件实现这一特性。 EXTJS是一个强大的JavaScript...
4. **数据绑定**:阐述ExtJS的数据模型(Store)和数据显示组件(Grid、Tree)之间的数据绑定机制,包括XML、JSON数据源的加载。 5. **表单元素**:深入探讨表单(Form)的创建,包括各种表单字段(TextField、...
在“Extjs复习笔记(十五)-- JsonReader”这篇博文中,博主探讨了ExtJS中的JsonReader,这是数据绑定和JSON数据解析的关键部分。 JsonReader是ExtJS数据包(Ext.data)的一部分,用于从服务器获取JSON格式的数据,...
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Extjs6.2 生成的admin-dashboard官方模板