
Spring Batch and other uncharted water

Spring's new module - Spring Batch, a much needed module.

Besides the usual web container, ejb container, there are other ways to deploy apps. Batch, Grid, and JMS, besides a simple main() or an ANT task, are other common options. There are several concerns together, one is the deployment, another is the messaging, and the third one, not the last one, is the error handling.

  • Deployment: There are just so much similarities in batches, and yet, not until now, someone takes the charge on abstracting this out to a container. Good job, Spring. Even just the batch abstraction is surely a big improvement. If Spring guys can unite the front with GRID, it's even better.
  • Messaging: Most of the batch processes have a different way to communicate with callers, could be an asynchronous call, could leave the results in a file, than ordinary API calls. However, from the caller's perspective, it's just a plain call - get the result. This is common for all messagings. How can we abstract the common behaviors? What are they specifically?
  • Error handling: I personally think this is the hardest part because JDK lacks of support on this. The basic scenario is that in certain cases when errors happen, the batch should record the errors somewhere and keeps going. A twist is how we could propagate the record errors  in different threads.

Spring 2.1 is near.


    SpringBatch+Spring+Mybatis+MySql (spring batch 使用jar)

    Spring Batch是一个轻量级的,完全面向Spring的批处理框架,可以应用于企业级大量的数据处理系统。Spring Batch以POJO和大家熟知的Spring框架为基础,使开发者更容易的访问和利用企业级服务。Spring Batch可以提供...

    Spring Batch in Action英文pdf版

    Spring Batch通过批次作业(Batch Jobs)来组织和控制大规模数据处理任务,其中每个批次作业由一系列步骤(Steps)组成,每个步骤又可以包含多个任务(Tasklets)和读写操作(Readers and Writers)。 知识点二:...

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    在Java开发领域,Spring Boot和Spring Batch的整合是构建高效批处理系统的一种常见方式。Spring Boot以其简洁的配置和快速的启动能力深受开发者喜爱,而Spring Batch作为Spring框架的一部分,专注于批量处理任务,...

    The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch, 2nd Edition.epub

    Additionally, you’ll discover how Spring Batch 4 takes advantage of Java 9, Spring Framework 5, and the new Spring Boot 2 micro-framework. After reading this book, you’ll be able to use Spring Boot ...

    springbatch 详解PDF附加 全书源码 压缩包

    **Spring Batch 深度解析** Spring Batch 是一个强大的、全面的批处理框架,由 Spring 社区开发,旨在简化企业级应用中的批量数据处理任务。这个框架提供了一种标准的方式来处理大量的数据输入和输出,使得开发者...


    Quartz和Spring Batch是两种非常重要的Java开源框架,它们在企业级应用开发中扮演着重要角色。Quartz主要用于任务调度,而Spring Batch则专注于批量处理。在这个“quartz_springbatch_dynamic”项目中,我们将看到...

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    Spring Batch API(Spring Batch 开发文档).CHM

    Spring Batch API(Spring Batch 开发文档).CHM。 官网 Spring Batch API,Spring Batch 开发文档




    Spring Batch 是一个强大的、全面的批处理框架,用于处理大量数据的处理任务。它由 Spring 框架提供支持,因此具有高度的可配置性和可扩展性,适用于各种企业级应用。Spring Batch 4.0.0 版本是该框架的一个重要版本...

    Spring batch in action

    Spring Batch是一本介绍如何使用Spring Batch框架来构建批处理应用程序的专业书籍。在软件行业中,随着各种趋势的发展,例如基于Web的应用、面向服务的架构(SOA)以及事件驱动的应用,批处理应用程序虽然存在已久,...

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    Spring Batch 是一个强大的Java框架,专门用于处理批量数据处理任务。在Spring Batch中,分区处理是一种优化策略,它将大型工作负载分解成多个较小、独立的任务,这些任务可以在不同的线程或甚至不同的节点上并行...

    [原创]Spring Batch 示例程序

    Spring Batch 是一个强大的Java框架,专门用于处理批量数据处理任务。在给定的"Spring Batch 示例程序"中,我们可以深入探讨这个框架的核心概念和在实际应用中的使用方式。该示例程序采用的是Spring 3作为基础框架,...

    spring batch in action

    Jointly developed by SpringSource and Accenture, Spring Batch fills this critical gap by providing a robust and convenient framework for writing batch applications that process large volumes of ...

    Spring Batch 参考文档中文版

    Spring Batch是一个轻量级、全面的批处理框架,用于开发生产级的批处理应用,尤其是那些需要高效、可靠地处理大量数据的应用。Spring Batch提供了可重复使用的功能,这些功能在处理大量记录时非常重要,例如事务管理...

    Spring Batch学习demo项目源码

    Spring Batch 是一个强大的、全面的批处理框架,用于处理大量数据。它被设计为高度可配置,能够处理各种批量处理任务,包括数据导入导出、日志分析、报表生成等。这个"Spring Batch学习demo项目源码"是针对Spring ...

    Spring Batch In Action

    ### Spring Batch In Action #### 知识点一:Spring Batch 的简介 - **Spring Batch** 是一个基于 Java 的强大框架,专门设计用于处理大规模数据批处理任务。 - 它为开发人员提供了一套完整的工具来构建高效、可靠...

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