Oracle metalink提供了一个脚本用于分析数据库数据字典不一致。
$ sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Mon Nov 11 12:00:06 2002
Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Enter user-name: / as sysdba
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> spool outputfile
SQL> execute hcheck.full
1. Connect as SYS schema in sqlplus
2. Create package hOut as described in Note:101468.1
3. Create package hcheck in SYS schema (Refer the attachment under SCRIPT to Create package hcheck
4. spool outputfile
5. execute hcheck.full
6. Output will go to the spool file and the session trace file.
The script will report various dictionary related issues
which may or may not be a problem - Any problems reported
should be reviewed by an experienced support analyst as some
reported "problems" may be normal and expected.
以下为oracle 9204 for linux输出结果
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> spool outputfile
SQL> execute hcheck.full
HCheck Version 8i-11/1.70
Problem: SOURCE$ for OBJ# not in OBJ$ - Bug:3532977 ?
SOURCE$ has 127 rows for 6 OBJ# values not in OBJ$
Warning: OBJECT name clashes with SCHEMA name - Bug:2894111 etc..
Found 1 potential problems and 1 warnings
Contact Oracle Support with the output
to check if the above needs attention or not
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
《Oracle数据库健康检查工具——hcheck详解》 在Oracle数据库管理中,确保系统的稳定性和高效运行至关重要。为了达到这一目标,Oracle提供了一系列的诊断和维护工具,其中就包括了我们今天要讨论的“hcheck”工具。...
`hcheck_interval=60`,定义硬件检查的间隔时间为60秒,适时进行健康状态检查。 #### 上线前检查脚本解析 提供的脚本主要检查了几个关键点: - **AIX版本和补丁级别**:确保当前运行的是AIX版本,并且已...
v(v1)(不建议使用) 搜索学校 { schulList : [ { orgCode : '학교 코드' , kraOrgNm : '학교 한글 이름' , engOrgNm : '학교 영어 이름' , insttClsfCode : '5' , lctnScCode : '10' , lctnScNm : '경기...
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