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* @(#)GIFEncoder.java 0.90 4/21/96 Adam Doppelt
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
* GIFEncoder is a class which takes an image and saves it to a stream
* using the GIF file format (<A
* HREF="http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/%7Emxr/gfx/">Graphics Interchange
* Format</A>). A GIFEncoder
* is constructed with either an AWT Image (which must be fully
* loaded) or a set of RGB arrays. The image can be written out with a
* call to <CODE>Write</CODE>.<P>
* Three caveats:
* <UL>
* <LI>GIFEncoder will convert the image to indexed color upon
* construction. This will take some time, depending on the size of
* the image. Also, actually writing the image out (Write) will take
* time.<P>
* <LI>The image cannot have more than 256 colors, since GIF is an 8
* bit format. For a 24 bit to 8 bit quantization algorithm, see
* Graphics Gems II III.2 by Xialoin Wu. Or check out his <A
* HREF="http://www.csd.uwo.ca/faculty/wu/cq.c">C source</A>.<P>
* <LI>Since the image must be completely loaded into memory,
* GIFEncoder may have problems with large images. Attempting to
* encode an image which will not fit into memory will probably
* result in the following exception:<P>
* <CODE>java.awt.AWTException: Grabber returned false: 192</CODE><P>
* </UL><P>
* GIFEncoder is based upon gifsave.c, which was written and released
* by:<P>
* Sverre H. Huseby<BR>
* Bjoelsengt. 17<BR>
* N-0468 Oslo<BR>
* Norway<P>
* Phone: +47 2 230539<BR>
* sverrehu@ifi.uio.no<P>
* @version 0.90 21 Apr 1996
* @author <A HREF="http://www.cs.brown.edu/people/amd/">Adam Doppelt</A> */
public class GIFEncoder {
short width_, height_;
int numColors_;
byte pixels_[], colors_[];
ScreenDescriptor sd_;
ImageDescriptor id_;
* Construct a GIFEncoder. The constructor will convert the image to
* an indexed color array. <B>This may take some time.</B><P>
* @param image The image to encode. The image <B>must</B> be
* completely loaded.
* @exception AWTException Will be thrown if the pixel grab fails. This
* can happen if Java runs out of memory. It may also indicate that the image
* contains more than 256 colors.
* */
public GIFEncoder(Image image) throws AWTException {
width_ = (short)image.getWidth(null);
height_ = (short)image.getHeight(null);
int values[] = new int[width_ * height_];
PixelGrabber grabber = new PixelGrabber(
image, 0, 0, width_, height_, values, 0, width_);
try {
if(grabber.grabPixels() != true)
throw new AWTException("Grabber returned false: " +
catch (InterruptedException e) { ; }
byte r[][] = new byte[width_][height_];
byte g[][] = new byte[width_][height_];
byte b[][] = new byte[width_][height_];
int index = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < height_; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < width_; ++x) {
r[x][y] = (byte)((values[index] >> 16) & 0xFF);
g[x][y] = (byte)((values[index] >> 8) & 0xFF);
b[x][y] = (byte)((values[index]) & 0xFF);
ToIndexedColor(r, g, b);
* Construct a GIFEncoder. The constructor will convert the image to
* an indexed color array. <B>This may take some time.</B><P>
* Each array stores intensity values for the image. In other words,
* r[x][y] refers to the red intensity of the pixel at column x, row
* y.<P>
* @param r An array containing the red intensity values.
* @param g An array containing the green intensity values.
* @param b An array containing the blue intensity values.
* @exception AWTException Will be thrown if the image contains more than
* 256 colors.
* */
public GIFEncoder(byte r[][], byte g[][], byte b[][]) throws AWTException {
width_ = (short)(r.length);
height_ = (short)(r[0].length);
ToIndexedColor(r, g, b);
* Writes the image out to a stream in the GIF file format. This will
* be a single GIF87a image, non-interlaced, with no background color.
* <B>This may take some time.</B><P>
* @param output The stream to output to. This should probably be a
* buffered stream.
* @exception IOException Will be thrown if a write operation fails.
* */
public void Write(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
BitUtils.WriteString(output, "GIF87a");
ScreenDescriptor sd = new ScreenDescriptor(width_, height_,
output.write(colors_, 0, colors_.length);
ImageDescriptor id = new ImageDescriptor(width_, height_, ',');
byte codesize = BitUtils.BitsNeeded(numColors_);
if (codesize == 1)
LZWCompressor.LZWCompress(output, codesize, pixels_);
id = new ImageDescriptor((byte)0, (byte)0, ';');
void ToIndexedColor(byte r[][], byte g[][],
byte b[][]) throws AWTException {
pixels_ = new byte[width_ * height_];
colors_ = new byte[256 * 3];
int colornum = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < width_; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < height_; ++y) {
int search;
for (search = 0; search < colornum; ++search)
if (colors_[search * 3] == r[x][y] &&
colors_[search * 3 + 1] == g[x][y] &&
colors_[search * 3 + 2] == b[x][y])
if (search > 255)
throw new AWTException("Too many colors.");
pixels_[y * width_ + x] = (byte)search;
if (search == colornum) {
colors_[search * 3] = r[x][y];
colors_[search * 3 + 1] = g[x][y];
colors_[search * 3 + 2] = b[x][y];
numColors_ = 1 << BitUtils.BitsNeeded(colornum);
byte copy[] = new byte[numColors_ * 3];
System.arraycopy(colors_, 0, copy, 0, numColors_ * 3);
colors_ = copy;
class BitFile {
OutputStream output_;
byte buffer_[];
int index_, bitsLeft_;
public BitFile(OutputStream output) {
output_ = output;
buffer_ = new byte[256];
index_ = 0;
bitsLeft_ = 8;
public void Flush() throws IOException {
int numBytes = index_ + (bitsLeft_ == 8 ? 0 : 1);
if (numBytes > 0) {
output_.write(buffer_, 0, numBytes);
buffer_[0] = 0;
index_ = 0;
bitsLeft_ = 8;
public void WriteBits(int bits, int numbits) throws IOException {
int bitsWritten = 0;
int numBytes = 255;
do {
if ((index_ == 254 && bitsLeft_ == 0) || index_ > 254) {
output_.write(buffer_, 0, numBytes);
buffer_[0] = 0;
index_ = 0;
bitsLeft_ = 8;
if (numbits <= bitsLeft_) {
buffer_[index_] |= (bits & ((1 << numbits) - 1)) <<
(8 - bitsLeft_);
bitsWritten += numbits;
bitsLeft_ -= numbits;
numbits = 0;
else {
buffer_[index_] |= (bits & ((1 << bitsLeft_) - 1)) <<
(8 - bitsLeft_);
bitsWritten += bitsLeft_;
bits >>= bitsLeft_;
numbits -= bitsLeft_;
buffer_[++index_] = 0;
bitsLeft_ = 8;
} while (numbits != 0);
class LZWStringTable {
private final static int RES_CODES = 2;
private final static short HASH_FREE = (short)0xFFFF;
private final static short NEXT_FIRST = (short)0xFFFF;
private final static int MAXBITS = 12;
private final static int MAXSTR = (1 << MAXBITS);
private final static short HASHSIZE = 9973;
private final static short HASHSTEP = 2039;
byte strChr_[];
short strNxt_[];
short strHsh_[];
short numStrings_;
public LZWStringTable() {
strChr_ = new byte[MAXSTR];
strNxt_ = new short[MAXSTR];
strHsh_ = new short[HASHSIZE];
public int AddCharString(short index, byte b) {
int hshidx;
if (numStrings_ >= MAXSTR)
return 0xFFFF;
hshidx = Hash(index, b);
while (strHsh_[hshidx] != HASH_FREE)
hshidx = (hshidx + HASHSTEP) % HASHSIZE;
strHsh_[hshidx] = numStrings_;
strChr_[numStrings_] = b;
strNxt_[numStrings_] = (index != HASH_FREE) ? index : NEXT_FIRST;
return numStrings_++;
public short FindCharString(short index, byte b) {
int hshidx, nxtidx;
if (index == HASH_FREE)
return b;
hshidx = Hash(index, b);
while ((nxtidx = strHsh_[hshidx]) != HASH_FREE) {
if (strNxt_[nxtidx] == index && strChr_[nxtidx] == b)
return (short)nxtidx;
hshidx = (hshidx + HASHSTEP) % HASHSIZE;
return (short)0xFFFF;
public void ClearTable(int codesize) {
numStrings_ = 0;
for (int q = 0; q < HASHSIZE; q++) {
strHsh_[q] = HASH_FREE;
int w = (1 << codesize) + RES_CODES;
for (int q = 0; q < w; q++)
AddCharString((short)0xFFFF, (byte)q);
static public int Hash(short index, byte lastbyte) {
return ((int)((short)(lastbyte << 8) ^ index) & 0xFFFF) % HASHSIZE;
class LZWCompressor {
public static void LZWCompress(OutputStream output, int codesize,
byte toCompress[]) throws IOException {
byte c;
short index;
int clearcode, endofinfo, numbits, limit, errcode;
short prefix = (short)0xFFFF;
BitFile bitFile = new BitFile(output);
LZWStringTable strings = new LZWStringTable();
clearcode = 1 << codesize;
endofinfo = clearcode + 1;
numbits = codesize + 1;
limit = (1 << numbits) - 1;
bitFile.WriteBits(clearcode, numbits);
for (int loop = 0; loop < toCompress.length; ++loop) {
c = toCompress[loop];
if ((index = strings.FindCharString(prefix, c)) != -1)
prefix = index;
else {
bitFile.WriteBits(prefix, numbits);
if (strings.AddCharString(prefix, c) > limit) {
if (++numbits > 12) {
bitFile.WriteBits(clearcode, numbits - 1);
numbits = codesize + 1;
limit = (1 << numbits) - 1;
prefix = (short)((short)c & 0xFF);
if (prefix != -1)
bitFile.WriteBits(prefix, numbits);
bitFile.WriteBits(endofinfo, numbits);
class ScreenDescriptor {
public short localScreenWidth_, localScreenHeight_;
private byte byte_;
public byte backgroundColorIndex_, pixelAspectRatio_;
public ScreenDescriptor(short width, short height, int numColors) {
localScreenWidth_ = width;
localScreenHeight_ = height;
SetGlobalColorTableSize((byte)(BitUtils.BitsNeeded(numColors) - 1));
backgroundColorIndex_ = 0;
pixelAspectRatio_ = 0;
public void Write(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
BitUtils.WriteWord(output, localScreenWidth_);
BitUtils.WriteWord(output, localScreenHeight_);
public void SetGlobalColorTableSize(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 7);
public void SetSortFlag(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 1) << 3;
public void SetColorResolution(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 7) << 4;
public void SetGlobalColorTableFlag(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 1) << 7;
class ImageDescriptor {
public byte separator_;
public short leftPosition_, topPosition_, width_, height_;
private byte byte_;
public ImageDescriptor(short width, short height, char separator) {
separator_ = (byte)separator;
leftPosition_ = 0;
topPosition_ = 0;
width_ = width;
height_ = height;
public void Write(OutputStream output) throws IOException {
BitUtils.WriteWord(output, leftPosition_);
BitUtils.WriteWord(output, topPosition_);
BitUtils.WriteWord(output, width_);
BitUtils.WriteWord(output, height_);
public void SetLocalColorTableSize(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 7);
public void SetReserved(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 3) << 3;
public void SetSortFlag(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 1) << 5;
public void SetInterlaceFlag(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 1) << 6;
public void SetLocalColorTableFlag(byte num) {
byte_ |= (num & 1) << 7;
class BitUtils {
public static byte BitsNeeded(int n) {
byte ret = 1;
if (n-- == 0)
return 0;
while ((n >>= 1) != 0)
return ret;
public static void WriteWord(OutputStream output,
short w) throws IOException {
output.write(w & 0xFF);
output.write((w >> 8) & 0xFF);
static void WriteString(OutputStream output,
String string) throws IOException {
for (int loop = 0; loop < string.length(); ++loop)
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在Java中,`GifEncoder.java`文件可能包含一个类或多个类,这些类提供了将像素数据编码为GIF文件的逻辑。编码过程通常包括以下步骤: 1. **颜色表创建**:GIF支持最多256种颜色,编码器需要根据输入图像的颜色选择...
本话题聚焦于使用纯Java实现GIF图片的压缩,不依赖任何第三方类库。这样的实现方式对于那些需要在资源有限或者对性能有特殊要求的环境中工作的开发者来说非常有价值。 GIF(Graphics Interchange Format)是一种...
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gifencoder是实现的纯Java库。 它不使用AWT的BufferedImage ,因此可以在Android和其他缺少AWT的平台上使用。 当前不支持透明度。 量化和抖动 GIF图像限制为256色。 如果您提供颜色更多的图像,则gifencoder的默认...
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