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How to use wine in slackware 13.0 ( to run team viewer 5)

On Fri, Oct 29, 2010 at 4:14 AM, Ing. Simone Giustetti <studiosg@giustetti.net> wrote:

    Hi Shen,

    Wine packages specifically compiled for Slackware 13.0 range from wine-1.1.39-i486-1sg.txz to wine-1.1.44-i486-1sg.txz. Latest stable / development releases are wine-1.2.1-i486-1sg.txz and wine-1.3.5-i486-1sg.txz respectively. Those were compiled for Slackware 13.1, but are likely to work on previous releases as well since not much changes in between minor releases (in short what works for 13.1 should work for 13,0 and hopefully will for 13.2 as well).

    I'm not familiar with TeamViewer myself, but release 5.0.x is rated Platinum in the Appdb:
    The reviewer tested Wine release 1.1.43 so my best bet would be to download and try package wine-1.1.43-i486-1sg.txz or later wine-1.1.44-i486-1sg.txz. Package wine-1.2.1-i486-1sg.txz being the stable release derived from the 1.1.x development branch is supposed to work too, but probably a regression bug was introduced during the code freeze.

    By the way I checked the TeamViewer web site and they are offering a linux package for the program. The package contains a Windows release that uses Wine 1.1.41 behind the curtains so probably package wine-1.1.41-i486-1sg.txz is another safe bet if you prefer not to use the TeamViewer package.

    From what I read in the attached shell prompt the problem seems to be heap related. There are some heap related bugs concerning TeamViewer into the bug database:
    The suggested workaround is to set Windows emulation to WinNT40 in order for Wine to use a more conservative heap allocation strategy.

    Please try this one last tip first and if this doesn't work report a bug into the regression list for 1.2.X (http://bugs.winehq.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&product=Wine&target_milestone=1.2.0&order=bugs.bug_severity) this will help improve the general Wine usability (that's if you have same spare time of course ;) ).


        Hi Simone,
         Thanks for you work on the Wine installation on slackware. I notice that there are many packages in the download page for slackware (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6241&package_id=6301 <http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=6241&package_id=6301> ), and I know the lastest txz file is for

        slack13.1, however I am using 13.0, which file should I choose to download?
          I have downloaded this file: (from the download page on sourceforge )
        Slackware packages -> 1.2.1 -> i486 ->  wine-1.2.1-i486-1.sg.txz
          and made it installed on my machine.
          However It doesn't work well with Teamviewer5.
        # wine TeamViewer_Setup.exe
          and got this error:

           Did I downloaded wrong package?  If so, could you please give me a tip?  :-)
        thanks very much,



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