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Modal dialog windows are a great way to show quick information to your users, but to also alert them of errors, warnings, prompts for information and more.  When you bring jQuery into the mix, you know you’re going to end up with a slick dialog that really makes the application or website come alive.  The following is a list of 15+ jQuery Popup Modal Dialog Plugins and Tutorials.

There are a couple towards the bottom that you’ll want to pay attention to.  On one the original is in Italian, but I’ve included a link to an English translation.  The other is more on a backend, but I’ve included a link to the zip file for downloading the files.

Let the fun begin!  If you know of any that are missing but should be included, drop a comment!

qModal is a plugin for jQuery to help you display notices, dialogs, and modal windows in a web browser. It is flexible and tiny, akin to a “Swiss Army Knife”, and makes a great base as a general purpose windowing framework.

Modal popup windows provide a quick way to show data without reloading the entire page. One of the big problems with jQuery Popup Modal Dialog window plugins is the customization. This plugin tries to solve those problems. The default CSS contains only optional rules. Without it, the plugin will works perfectly —but will also looks very sad. Regarding the animations, you can simply redefine them from A to Z.

Simple jQuery Modal Window Tutorial
In this tutorial, I’m going to share how to create a simple modal window with jQuery. It selects all the anchor tags with name attribute set to “modal” and grab the DIV #id defined in the href and displays it as a modal window. jQuery has made everything so simple, be sure to check out the demonstrations, examples I made.

jQuery UI Dialog
The jQuery UI framework offers up a functional Dialog widget that allows resizing and also the ability to display forms. The basic dialog window is an overlay positioned within the viewport and is protected from page content (like select elements) shining through with an iframe. It has a title bar and a content area, and can be moved, resized and closed with the ‘x’ icon by default.

SimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery Plugin which provides a powerful interface for modal dialog development. Think of it as a modal dialog framework. SimpleModal gives you the flexibility to build whatever you can envision, while shielding you from related cross-browser issues inherent with UI development.

Boxy is a flexible, Facebook-style dialog box for jQuery with support for dragging and size tweening. It differs from other overlays I’ve seen by providing an object interface to control dialogs after they’ve been created. And for simple usage scenarios, boxy also provides a jQuery plugin for automatically hooking up links and forms, as well as an ask() helper for presenting multiple choices to the user.

ThickBox is a webpage UI dialog widget written in JavaScript on top of the jQuery library. Its function is to show a single image, multiple images, inline content, iframed content, or content served through AJAX in a hybrid modal.

jQuery BlockUI Plugin
The jQuery BlockUI Plugin lets you simulate synchronous behavior when using AJAX, without locking the browser. When activated, it will prevent user activity with the page (or part of the page) until it is deactivated. BlockUI adds elements to the DOM to give it both the appearance and behavior of blocking user interaction.

jQuery Impromptu
jQuery Impromptu is an extension to help provide a more pleasant way to spontaneously prompt a user for input. More or less this is a great replacement for an alert, prompt, and confirm. Not only does it replace these but it also allows for creating forms within these controls. This is not intended to be a modal replacement, just a quick tool to prompt user input in a fashionable way.

jQuery Alert Dialogs (Alert, Confirm & Prompt Replacements)
This jQuery plugin aims to replace the basic functionality provided by the standard JavaScript alert(), confirm(), and prompt() functions. What’s the benefit of using custom methods? These are completely customizable via CSS. You can set a custom title for each dialog. IE7 users get an ugly warning and usually have to reload the page if you use a regular prompt(). These methods simulate a true modal dialog box. They will automatically re-position themselves if you resize the browser window (unlike many existing dialog/lightbox-style plugins). If you include the jQuery UI Draggable plugin, the dialogs can be moved by dragging their title bars.

How to Create a Stunning and Smooth Popup Using jQuery
Nowadays, websites are more and more rich and interactive and users are becoming more and more critical with all things in websites. Using windows popup to show important information are in the air and We are going to learn how to create a stunning and great window popup from the scratch using jQuery in a simple and clean tutorial.

jQuery Ajax Validation Contact Form with Modal + Slide-in Transition
Due to popular demand, here is a tutorial on how I created one of the more complicated pieces of machinery on my new site: the contact form. All you need is jQuery. No plugins are necessary for this to work, and it is only 2kb of extra code in addition to the jQuery library. This also works on all browsers, IE6 and up.

Creating an Exit Modal Box using jQuery
Do you need to show a specific message to the visitors that leave your website? You can do that by initiating a modal box before they close the browser window. To do this we need to include 2 JQuery files (the actual library and a plugin written by Eric Martin), the modal box’s CSS and the file that triggers the modal box based on the user’s action.

Upload in Modal Window and Pass Values with jQuery
Do you publish your blogs with Wordpress? If yes, you know the inline popup window which opens if you like to upload / insert an image into your article. This tutorial shows you how-to use the jQuery Plugin ThickBox and some jQuery code to upload a file and pass a value to the parent page. You can use this kind of feature in your custom CMS or maybe you like use it as a basic for your own file upload plugin or gadget?

jQuery Modal Choose Component
This original article is written in Italian, but here is the translated English version. I wanted to be sure and include this in the rundown because it gives another option on how to allow users to choose values for a form field. It’s designed as an alternative to the combo box, or select dropdown menu. It’s not perfect, but it’s an interesting take on a common UI component and I believe deserves to be on the list.

jQuery Modal Dialog Plugin
This plugin link goes to the working example and documenation page that shows off some real nice jQuery modal dialogs for errors, warnings, prompts and more. Getting to the download is a little tricky unless you follow this link to download.

ColorBox is a lightweight, customizable lightbox plugin that simulates some things that you would like to accomplish with a jQuery popup modal dialog window. It can allow you to show popup ajax, inline and iframed content as well as photos and other media. It’s writting in jQuery plugin format and can be chained with other jQuery commands.

作者:David.xu 文章出处:yl加油吧 (http://www.yl918.com/17584.aspx)





    当我们谈论"jquery弹出窗口"时,通常指的是使用jQuery实现的对话框或模态窗口,这些窗口可以在用户与网页交互时提供额外的信息或者功能。 在网页设计中,弹出窗口可以是警告消息、确认对话框,或者如登录窗口这样的...


    "jquery实现弹出窗口"是一个常见的需求,尤其在用户交互和信息提示时。这里我们将深入探讨如何使用 jQuery 来创建具有良好兼容性的弹出窗口,并结合实例 "ModalDIV_jquery" 进行讲解。 首先,jQuery 弹出窗口通常被...

    JQUERY 弹出窗口

    在"JQUERY 弹出窗口"这个主题中,我们主要探讨的是如何利用jQuery实现弹出对话框或者弹出层的功能,这些功能通常用于显示提示信息、用户确认、表单填写等多种场景。 首先,jQuery 提供的 `.show()`, `.hide()`, 和 ...


    jQuery提供了一些方便的插件和方法来实现这种功能,使得创建动态、自定义的弹出窗口变得轻而易举。 ### jQuery弹出窗口的基本概念 jQuery弹出窗口通常被称为模态对话框或模态窗口,因为它们在页面上呈现为一个独立...


    在"jQuery原创 弹出窗口"的实现中,开发者可能使用了自定义的jQuery插件来封装这个功能。这类插件通常包含以下部分: 1. **选择器与元素创建**:通过jQuery选择器找到特定元素,例如按钮或链接,当这些元素被点击时...


    本文将详细讲解如何使用jQuery实现自定义弹出窗口,以替代原生的`window.open`方法,并且能返回参数,增强用户体验。 ### 1. jQuery弹出窗口基础 jQuery自定义弹出窗口的核心是通过CSS和JavaScript来创建一个新的...



    jquery_dialog 弹出窗口

    在本实例中,我们关注的是`jquery_dialog`,这是一个jQuery插件,专门用于实现弹出窗口效果。这个插件使得在网页中创建各种形式的对话框变得简单而高效,比如警告消息、确认框或者自定义内容的弹窗。 首先,我们来...

    jquery 弹出窗口的插件

    **jQuery弹出窗口插件——artDialog** 在Web开发中,弹出窗口是一种常见的交互设计,用于显示警告、确认信息或者进行复杂的用户交互。jQuery,作为JavaScript库的翘楚,有许多优秀的插件来实现弹出窗口功能。其中,...


    "漂亮的JQUERY弹出窗口"这个主题聚焦于jQuery中的弹出窗口功能,这通常指的是模态对话框或提示框,它们在用户界面上提供了一种吸引用户注意力并进行交互的方式。以下是对这个主题的详细讲解: 首先,jQuery弹出窗口...


    接下来,我们需要编写jQuery代码来控制弹出窗口的显示与隐藏。这通常涉及到`.show()`和`.hide()`方法。例如,我们可以用一个按钮触发弹出窗口: ```html 打开弹出窗口 $(document).ready(function() { $('#open_...


    本文将深入探讨如何使用jQuery实现一个弹出窗口,并基于提供的标题和描述来构建相关知识点。 首先,我们要了解jQuery弹出窗口的基本概念。这种弹出窗口通常被称为模态对话框或模态窗口,它会在用户与网页其他部分...

    jquery 弹出模式窗口

    **jQuery弹出模式窗口** 在Web开发中,有时我们需要在用户与页面交互时显示一个临时的对话框,例如用户登录、确认操作或显示警告信息。jQuery插件提供了一种便捷的方式来实现这种弹出模式窗口,使得用户体验更加...

    Jquery弹出窗口,带例子参数说明 非常好用

    例如,我们可能想在弹出窗口中显示某个用户的详细信息: ```javascript $("#showPopup").click(function() { $.ajax({ url: "/api/user/info", // 服务器端接口 type: "GET", success: function(data) { $("#...

    jquery 弹出窗口简单例子

    在这个"jquery 弹出窗口简单例子"中,我们将探讨如何使用jQuery和JavaScript来创建一个基础的弹出窗口。 首先,让我们理解jQuery Popup的基本概念。Popup或模态对话框是一种在主页面之上打开的浮动窗口,它阻止用户...


    为了增强用户体验,我们可以添加一些额外的功能,比如在弹出窗口关闭时禁用背景的点击,或者添加一个关闭按钮。这可以通过添加CSS类来实现,并在jQuery中添加相应的逻辑: ```css .popup-overlay { position: ...

    jQuery 弹出窗口 模式窗口 模式层


    jquery弹出窗口效果 比较全 兼容所有浏览器

    本资源"jquery弹出窗口效果 比较全 兼容所有浏览器"聚焦于jQuery实现的弹出窗口效果,旨在为开发者提供一套全面且兼容性良好的解决方案。 首先,弹出窗口在网页交互中扮演着重要角色,常用于提示信息、用户确认、...

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