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Activiti User Guide -- Activit 用户指南 Part06 -
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Chapter 1. Introduction
第一章 简介
Table of Contents
Activiti is distributed under the Apache V2 license.
Activiti是依据the Apache V2 license进行发布的。
The distribution contains most of the sources as jar files. To find and build the full source codebase, please read the 'Building the distribution' wiki page
Activiti的发布包中以jar的方式包含了大部分的源码。在 'Building the distribution' wiki page 找到全部代码和如何进行编译。
- JVM 5+
- Ant 1.7.1+
Every self respecting developer should have read How to ask questions the smart way
每一个开发人员都应该阅读How to ask questions the smart way
After you've done that you can post questions and comments on the Users forum and create issues in our JIRA issue tracker
当你阅读后你就可以在 the Users forum中发布你的问题和意见,同时可以在our JIRA issue tracker中创建相应的报告。
第二章 启航
Table of Contents
Setup is an ant script located in directory setup that helps you get up and running with Activiti quickly.
To run the script, you'll need a working Java runtime and Ant installation. Also make sure that the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME system variables are correctly set. The way to do this depends on your operating system, but the manual of ant gives a description on how to do this. The demo setup script is tested with Ant 1.7.1.
为了运行该脚本,你必须正确安装了Java和Ant运行环境。同时你也必须确认JAVA_HOME和ANT_HOME系统变量设置正确。具体如何进行设置依赖于你的操作系统,具体可以参考manual of ant 。本示例脚本在Ant1.7.1下测试通过。
To configure setup for your environment, update property files build.properties and build.{your-database}.properties . Check those files for more information on configurable properties and potential values.
然后修改 build.properties 和 build.{your-database}.properties 属性文件。检查这些属性配置文件的属性项及相应的配置的值。
The easiest target to get started is demo.setup. That target will
- Fetch the library dependencies for the examples
- 获取示例所依赖的包
- Install the H2 in ${activiti.home}/apps/h2
- 安装H2到${activiti.home}/apps/h2目录
- Start the H2 database
- 启动H2数据库
- Create the Activiti tables in the database
- 在数据库中创建Activiti的表
- Download Tomcat if not available in the ${downloads.dir}
- 如果在${downloads.dir}目录不存在Tomcat安装文件,则进行下载
- Install Tomcat in ${activiti.home}/apps/apache-tomcat-${tomcat.version}
- 安装Tomcat到${activiti.home}/apps/apache-tomcat-${tomcat.version}目录
- Create an Activiti configuration jar
- 创建Activiti配置jar
- Install Activiti Engine into Tomcat, which includes libraries and configurations
- 安装Activiti引擎到Tomcat,包含了相应的包机配置信息
- Insert the demo users and groups in the Activiti identity tables (see below)
- 在Activiti identity表中插入示例用户和岗位(参考下面)
- Deploy the example processes to the Activiti Engine DB
- 部署示例流程到Activiti 引擎数据库
- Deploy the REST interface webapp into tomcat
- 部署REST应用接口到tomcat中
- Download the Activiti Modeler webapp to ${activiti.home}/webapps
- 下载Activiti建模工具到${activiti.home}/webapps中
- Deploy the Probe, Explorer and Modeler webapps into tomcat.
- 部署Probe、Explorer和Modeler应用到tomcat中
- Start tomcat
- 启动tomcat
After running this target H2 and Tomcat will be running in the background. To stop those processes run ant demo.teardown. Note that if you start Tomcat manually with the startup and shutdown scripts in tomcats bin directory, on some platforms Activiti Cycle will currently store configuration files in the working directory (which is the directory you start the script in).
当运行该target后,H2和Tomcat将会在后台运行。你可以通过运行ant demo.teardown来停止。注意,如果你是通过手工启动tomcat bin目录下的startup和shutdown时,在某些平台中Activiti Cycle将会把配置文件存放在相应的工作目录下(也就是你启动脚本的那个目录)。
The other targets in that build script can also be called individually and they will take the configurable properties into account. Run ant -pfor more details.
构建脚本中的其它target可以单独的调用,它们将获取相应的配置文件信息。运行ant –p 来查看详细的信息。
These are the demo users:
UserId |
Password |
Security roles |
kermit |
Kermit |
admin |
gonzo |
Gonzo |
manager |
fozzie |
Fozzie |
user |
Now you can access following web applications:
Webapp Name |
Description |
Activiti Probe |
The admin management console. Use this tool to see if the configured process engine is correctly initialized, DB tables contents. 管理控制台。通过该工具可以查看流程引擎配置是否正确被安装,数据库中表的内容。 |
Activiti Explorer |
The process engine user console. Use this tool to view your personal and candidate task lists and to complete tasks. 用户控制台。使用该工具可以查看个人任务、待确定任务列表,也可以完成任务。 |
Activiti Cycle |
The process cycle layer. Use this to browse repositories, execute transformations between model formats. 流程循环层。使用该工具可以查看流程定义?? |
Activiti Modeler powered by Signavio |
The web based process designer tool. Use this tool to graphically author BPMN 2.0 compliant process definitions files. 基于Web的流程定义工具。使用该工具可以生成符合BPMN2.0的流程定义文件。 |
The distribution contains example source code that show different types of usages of Activiti and their library dependencies. The examples are grouped according to their dependencies.
The distribution doesn't contain the library dependencies out-of-the-box, but the next section shows how the setup script can automatically download and organize the library dependencies. The examples directory in the root of the distribution contains these types of examples:
- activiti-engine: This set of examples show the most common usage of Activiti: BPMN process definitions and process executions are stored in a DB and the examples make use of the persistent API.
- activiti-engine: 该系列的示例展示了Activiti:BPMN的常规用法,流程定义和流程实例都将存储在数据库中。示例还使用了持久化API。
- activiti-spring: These examples show how you can use the Activiti Engine in a Spring environment.
- activiti-spring: 该示例展示了如何在Spring环境中使用Activiti引擎。
- activiti-pvm These examples show the bare bones Process Virtual Machine. No persistence, no process language. This is the basis for building your own process language and engine.
- activiti-pvm : 该示例展示了最核心的流程虚拟机。没有持久化,没有流程语言。使用该基础你可以构建自己的流程语言和引擎。
Activiti takes great care in minimizing library dependencies. The 3rd party library dependencies are not included in the Activiti download to reduce the download size, but the setup script can download and organize the library dependencies for those examples that you want to explore.
Fetching the library dependencies is included in the demo.setup
依赖包的获取已经包含在demo.setup target中。
To download the library dependencies, use one of these targets in the ant setup/build.xml file:
- examples.get.libs.all
- examples.get.libs.engine
- examples.get.libs.spring
- exam
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赠送jar包:activiti-json-converter-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-json-converter-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-json-converter-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-...
这个“activiti-userguide-5-16”压缩包文件包含了 Activiti 5.16 版本的用户指南,帮助我们深入理解并有效使用这个流程管理工具。 1. **BPMN 2.0 规范**:Business Process Model and Notation 2.0(业务流程模型...
赠送jar包:activiti-engine-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-engine-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-engine-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-engine-5.21.0.pom; 包含...
赠送jar包:activiti-json-converter-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-json-converter-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-json-converter-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-...
赠送jar包:activiti-image-generator-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-image-generator-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-image-generator-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-...
赠送jar包:activiti-common-rest-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-common-rest-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-common-rest-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-common-rest-...
赠送jar包:activiti-bpmn-model-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-bpmn-model-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-bpmn-model-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-bpmn-model-...
赠送jar包:activiti-image-generator-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-image-generator-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-image-generator-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-...
赠送jar包:activiti-process-validation-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-process-validation-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-process-validation-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:...
赠送jar包:activiti-bpmn-converter-5.21.0.jar; 赠送原API文档:activiti-bpmn-converter-5.21.0-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:activiti-bpmn-converter-5.21.0-sources.jar; 赠送Maven依赖信息文件:activiti-...
本文将详细介绍如何在SpringBoot项目中整合Activiti,并通过提供的"springboot-activiti-test-master.zip"压缩包进行实战演练。 首先,我们需要了解SpringBoot与Activiti的基本概念。SpringBoot旨在简化Spring应用...
1、将以下四个文件(见附件Activiti Designer 5.18.1插件补丁)拷贝到自己的eclipse的plugin文件夹下面,重启eclipse ...2、将activiti-designer-5.18.0文件夹copy到eclipse\dropins目录下; 3、重启eclipse即可
【 activiti-explorer-eclipse项目 】是一个基于Activiti工作流引擎的Eclipse插件项目。 Activiti 是一个开源的业务流程管理系统(BPMN 2.0)和工作流引擎,它允许开发者轻松地在应用程序中集成业务流程管理功能。这...
eclipse 安装activiti activiti-designer-5.18.0.zip 附带eclipse 以及activiti-designer-5.18.0.zip 安装包 eclipse下载链接https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/luna/sr2
《深入理解Activiti:基于activiti-test-master.zip的实践探索》 Activiti是一个开源的工作流引擎,它提供了强大的业务流程管理(BPM)能力。在我们的示例中,"activiti-test-master.zip"是一个包含与Activiti相关...