
move the Preset from one repository to another


The steps below are a workaround that can be used: 

1.    Archive the Presets from the /Resources/Registry/Presets/Webtop/Preset Packages folder in source repository.   For example: Create a new Docapp and select insert--> Object from Docbase -->Document and select the Preset to add.

2.  Set the Target Docbase Installation Options correctly for your objects.

The following settings were used in an out-of-box webtop:

        Permission set alias: dmc_wdk_presets_acl

        Location alias: /Resources/Registry/Presets/Webtop/Preset Packages

        Owner alias: dmc_wdk_presets_owner  

3. Install the presets Docapp to the target repository.

4. Ensure the global registry in the dfc.properties is correct in the application.

5. Clear the Presets cache in the application server.

6. Restart the application server.




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