Including a Module with append_features
module MyMod
def MyMod.append_features(someClass) def someClass.modmeth puts "Module (class) method" end super # This call is necessary! end
def meth1 puts "Method 1" end
class MyClass
include MyMod
def MyClass.classmeth puts "Class method" end
def meth2 puts "Method 2" end
x =
# Output: MyClass.classmeth # Class method x.meth1 # Method 1 MyClass.modmeth # Module (class) method x.meth2 # Method 2
This example is worth examining in detail. First, we should understand that append_features isn't just a hook that is called when an include happens; it actually does the work of the include operation. That's why the call to super is needed; without it, the rest of the module (in this case, meth1) wouldn't be included at all.
Also note that within the append_features call, there is a method definition. This looks unusual, but it works because the inner method definition is a singleton method (class-level or module-level). An attempt to define an instance method in the same way would result in a Nested method error.
Conceivably a module might want to determine the initiator of a mixin. The append_features method can also be used for this because the class is passed in as a parameter.
It is also possible to mix in the instance methods of a module as class methods.
module MyMod
def meth3 puts "Module instance method meth3" puts "can become a class method." end
class MyClass
class << self # Here, self is MyClass include MyMod end
# Output: # Module instance method meth3 # can become a class method.
The extend method is useful here. This example simply becomes:
class MyClass
extend MyMod
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