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[转载]可重用的AJAX 控件(AJAX Widgets)列表



Downloadable Web 2.0 and AJAX Widgets

image It seems as though every other day a new web 2.0 or AJAX widget comes to the attention of del.icio.us or Google. Many user interface elements lend themselves to being "ajaxified". Calendars, image galleries, contact forms and auto-complete search functions are currently very popular. The problem is how to find working and downloadable examples. This post is an attempt to provide a list of the current best of the best web 2.0 and AJAX widgets that can be downloaded and integrated into your website.

I've been looking at AJAX widgets for about six months now through my own site mHub so these are ones 've downloaded and installed so I've made sure they are understandable by the average designer or developer.

Before you use the following widgets, it would be a good idea to read the following articles. These articles will guide you on what to do and what not to do with AJAX. Have fun. : )

Jeffrey Veen posts: Designing for the subtlety of Ajax

Increasing the Strength of Ajax
Alex Bosworth posts Ajax Mistakes

AJAX: Image Galleries
Zen Photo
One of the nicest and most complete image gallery with AJAX functions. Features include uploading, comments, AJAX-powered edit-while-you-browse, and a theme engine.

AJAX Image Gallery Example - Alpha Release
Both of these are extreme alpha developer releases. These two examples are really mash-ups of existing code to show what is possible.

AJAX Calendars
Monket Calendar
An Ajax enabled online calendar. Drag and drop events to change dates, drag the start/end of an event to create multi-day events, create and edit events without refreshing the page, all with an iCal style interface.The current release works in all major browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, and Internet Explorer). IE support still has a few bugs, namely the previous/next month links not working, and the need to click on a multi-day event before you can resize it.

AJAX Contact Forms
Dustin's Ajax Contact Form
At this point this is probably the most used AJAX contact form on the web. I first found it right after he first made one for himself and announced it but had no download or documentation. Now he has a nice page devoted to his easy to use AJAX contact form with a download and documentation.

AJAX and PHP Form Processing
This is a nice tutorial, with example file that shows you how to make a php contact form with some easy to understand AJAX effects from Scriptaculous.

The Zapatec AJAX Forms
Very nicely executed forms with a stripped down free download. These forms, "perform validation, provide feedback, and display error messages that enrich the user's experience while reducing the communications with the server behind the scenes." The paid versions have some amazing functionality.

Ajax Keyword Suggest
Ajax Keyword Suggest Demo
Want to add Keyword Suggest functionality into your site without installing new software? No Problem. Simply Login to ajaxed.com and create and customize your own Keyword Suggest List. All you have to do is copy and paste a small piece of code into your html page and you'll have the feature running instantly.

Ajax Suggest box for HTML Forms
Tutorial explaining how to use Ajax (Asynchronous Javascript and XML) to create a drop-down 'suggest' box for form fields which updates as you type by querying the server in the background. Similar to the 'Google Suggest' application. Full tutorial, code snippets and further reources.

AJAX Login Systems
Creating a secure login system using XMLHttpRequest
This is an example of a login system that does not require page refreshes, but is still very secure.

AJAX Slideshows
AJAX Slideshow
It resizes, it transitions, it fades in and out and it's not flash! The new AJAX slideshow on the homepage of my site comes to you courtesy of Scott Upton at Uptonic.

AJAX Surveys
Asynchronous Polling
This example shows how you can use AJAX to do server-side polling without to update page data without a page refresh.

Tabbed AJAX Websites
Make an AJAX Website in Less than 10 Minutes
I've been toying around with AJAX apps and XMLHttpRequest but have wanted to put up a site that loads all of its content asynchronously. If you're like me and you learn best from working with examples you're only 10 minutes away from your first AJAX website.

Ajax Project - Tabbed Page Interface

There are quite a few Javascript implementations of tabbed interfaces out there on the web. How much better, though, to be able to change from pagetab to pagetab without a page refresh? Here's an example of a tabbed interface using Ajax to load the new pages.

一餐三碗 2006-02-09 09:24 发表评论




    本文将深入探讨一个名为"Gaia_Ajax_Widgets"的CRM系统,它利用Ajax技术提供高效、动态的用户体验。Ajax,全称为"Asynchronous JavaScript and XML",是一种在不刷新整个页面的情况下更新部分网页的技术,为Web应用...


    通过深入研究这个"Qt常用的控件widgets-例程",你不仅能掌握控件的基本用法,还能了解到如何在C++中组织和编写Qt应用程序,进一步提升你的界面开发能力。这个例程是学习Qt Widgets的好起点,建议逐个尝试每个控件的...

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    Qt widgets-基本控件使用示例

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    **SVG(可缩放矢量图形)是一种基于XML的图形标准,用于在Web上创建和显示高质量的图形。本文将深入探讨"widgets"这个JavaScript包,它利用SVG技术仿制了Windows控件,为Web应用提供了类似桌面环境的交互体验。** #...




    4. **桌面应用模式**:通过Ajax技术,可以构建类似桌面应用的Web应用,如Yahoo Widgets或Google Gears。 **Ajax的技术要点** 1. **JavaScript简介**:JavaScript是一种轻量级的脚本语言,由Netscape公司开发,用于...


    3. **丰富的控件集**: 提供了如按钮、文本框、列表视图、表格、滑块、进度条等大量标准的GUI控件,可以满足大多数应用需求。 4. **信号与槽机制**: Qt5Widgets的核心特性之一,通过信号与槽的连接,可以轻松实现...

    New UI Widgets.rar

    New UI Widgets中的下拉列表框可能具有更流畅的动画效果,更好的可定制性,例如自定义字体、颜色、大小以及选项的显示方式。这使得开发者可以创建出符合项目风格的个性化界面。 2. **输入框** (Input Field) ...


    总的来说,“Laravel Widgets”为Laravel开发者提供了一种强大的工具,可以帮助他们更好地组织和重用代码,提高项目的可维护性。通过利用这个包,我们可以将复杂的视图逻辑分解为可管理的小部件,从而实现更加清晰、...


    ### QT添加自定义控件 #### 一、引言 在使用QT进行界面设计时,开发者往往会遇到标准控件库无法完全满足特定需求的情况。此时,实现自定义控件成为解决问题的有效途径之一。本文旨在详细介绍如何在QT环境中快速...




    "qt-material-widgets-master" 是一个基于Qt框架的用户界面(UI)开发项目,它提供了Material Design风格的控件库。这个库使得Qt开发者能够轻松地在他们的应用中实现Google的Material Design设计规范,从而获得现代...

    python GUI库图形界面开发之PyQt5动态(可拖动控件大小)布局控件QSplitter详细使用方法与实例

    例如,`splitter.setSizes([size1, size2, ...])`将分配给每个子控件的初始大小设置为给定的列表值。 4. **获取子控件信息**:`indexOf()`方法返回指定控件在QSplitter中的索引,而`count()`方法则返回QSplitter...


    《Unity UI控件工具集:UIWidgets_2.zip详览》 Unity引擎是全球开发者广泛使用的强大游戏开发平台,尤其在构建交互式3D应用程序方面表现出色。在UI设计上,Unity提供了丰富的工具和资源,其中之一便是“UIWidgets_2...


    ### PyQt5根据控件Id获取控件对象的方法 在PyQt5中,有时我们需要通过控件的ID来访问特定的控件对象。这通常在处理复杂的界面时非常有用,特别是当我们需要动态地与用户界面交互时。本文将详细介绍如何利用`...

    Sheridan Data Widgets 3.1

    Sheridan Data Widgets 3.1 是一款专门针对数据可视化和处理的软件工具,它提供了丰富的控件和功能,帮助用户高效地管理和展示数据。这款软件的注册版意味着用户可以无限制地使用全部功能,不再受试用期或功能限制。...

    SWT widgets基本教程

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    控件(Widgets)是构成Qt界面的基本元素,如按钮(QPushButton)、文本框(QLineEdit)、标签(QLabel)等。这些控件可以通过Qt Designer图形化工具预先设计,也可以在C++或Python代码中动态创建。 动态添加控件...

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