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esx 驱动更新方法--From Readme


ESX 3.5 Driver CD for driver "igb" version

The VMware ESX Server Driver CD allows installation of new/updated
drivers on new or existing ESX Server installations.

Specifically, this Driver CD includes version of the Intel igb driver
which enables support for products based on the Intel(R) 82575 and 82576 Gigabit
Ethernet Controllers.

Installation procedures

The Driver CD can be used in two different ways: as a boot CD (option A) for
new ESX Server installations, or as a driver update CD (option B) for existing
ESX Server installations. These two options are mutually exclusive.

A) To use the driver CD as a Boot CD to enable device for new ESX Server
   installations only:

   The Driver CD should be used as a Boot CD when the new driver is required
   to enable the target device on which the ESX Server will be installed.

1. Place the Driver CD in the CD drive of the server.
2. Boot the server.
3. When prompted for an upgrade or installation method, press Enter
   for graphical mode.
4. Choose your language.
5. Select a keyboard type.
6. If the Driver CD loads successfully, you will be prompted to swap the
   Driver CD with the ESX Server CD.
7. Continue with ESX 3.5 Update 4 or greater installation. (For detailed
   instructions, please refer to the "ESX Server 3 Installation Guide".)
   Note: If prompted to choose between an Install or Upgrade installation method,
         choose Install
8. After the ESX Server is installed and the system reboots, log into the
   ESX server and verify that the driver has been installed successfully
   a. Run "esxupdate query" command and observe that information about
      the driver is mentioned in the resulting message.
   b. View the PCI ID XML file
      The driver information should be included in the file.
   c. Check for the latest version of the driver module in
9. Verify that the driver is loaded and running:
   a. Run the vmkload_mod command
      vmkload_mod -l
      You should see the driver listed.

B) To use the driver CD as an update CD to update/add driver on existing ESX
installations only:

   Follow the steps below to use the Driver CD to update the driver on an existing
   ESX 3.5 Update 4 or greater Server (For detailed instructions, please refer to
   the "Patch Management for ESX Server 3" Tech Note.)

1. Power on the ESX server and log into the ESX Server with administrator capability.
2. Place the Driver CD in the CD drive of the server.
3. Mount the Driver CD.
4. Change directory to  VMupdates/RPMS/ directory inside the Driver CD.
5. Run the esxupdate command by typing "esxupdate update"
   Note: If the hardware is not already installed on the system, run esxupdate
   with the --noreboot option, shut down the server manually, install the
   hardware and then boot the server. This allows you to install with a single reboot.
6. The driver update will cause a server reboot. Remove the Driver CD from the CD
   ROM tray before it boots into the CD. Then, wait for the system to boot up.
7. Log into the ESX server and verify that the driver has been installed successfully
   a. Run "esxupdate query" command and observe that information about
      the driver is mentioned in the resulting message.
   b. View the PCI ID XML file
      The driver information should be included in the file.
   c. Check for the latest version of the driver module in
8. Verify that the driver is loaded and running:
   a. Run the vmkload_mod command
      vmkload_mod -l
      You should see the driver listed.




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