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generating artifacts oracle

    eclipse3.4+myeclipse6.0+flexbuilder3  struts2 hibernate3.5 spring2.5
    生成映射文件报generating artifacts  oracle错误
  一是你eclipse上安装了jboss公司的hibernate tools plugin for eclipse,这些插件与myEclipse发生冲突,解决方法是删除这些插件。
  二是你在没有卸载以前myEclipse版本的情况下安装了新的 myEclipse版本,解决方法是把myEclipse卸载后重新安装,我遇到的情况就属于每二种情况,重装myEclipse后问题解决了。
    jdk1.4及更高版本   用ojdbc14.jar  
    jkd1.3   用classes12.jar     

  一、the network adapter could not establish the connection oracle
  解决:连接字符串有问题    校正连接字符串即可
  二、Oracle 10G 报ORA-00604: 和ORA-12705:错误
  解决:一开始以为是驱动程序的问题,其实不是,只需在eclipse目录下找到   eclipse.ini文件,把Duser.language=en  改成 Duser.language=zh,连接成功



    Generating Artifacts问题解决.doc

    ### Generating Artifacts问题解决知识点详解 #### 一、问题背景及概述 在使用MyEclipse进行Web开发过程中,特别是利用Hibernate框架进行数据库反向工程(Hibernate Reverse Engineering)时,可能会遇到名为...

    错误:使用MyEclipse Database Exp

    描述中提到了具体的错误信息:"Problem Occurred Generating Artifacts",这个错误发生在2009年11月8日下午6:54:39(GMT+08:00),原因是"Could not get list of suggested identity strategies from database....

    Oracle 19C+13.4EMCC-oem部署和配置(含脚本)

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    Herbert S. Wilf - Generating Functions.pdf

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    Generating Functionology

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    adv Generating a Map Application源码

    adv Generating a Map Application 题目

    adv Generating a Map Application 题目

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    母函数(Generating function)详解


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    Modelling and Generating Ajax Applications A Model-Driven Approach

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    Apress - Oracle SQL Recipes A Problem Solution Approach (November 2009) (ATTiCA).pdf

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    Generating Sequences With Recurrent Neural Networks(英文原版)

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    Deep Visual-Semantic Alignments for Generating Image Descriptions

    We present a model that generates natural language descriptions of images and their regions. Our approach leverages datasets of images and their sentence descriptions to learn about the inter-modal ...

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