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图片上传插件 Paperclip




以前大家可能一直在用attachment_fu上传文件,现在有一个非常方便上传图片的插件Paperclip, 该插件和ImageRmagick结合使用可以设定图片大小等多种功能,同时使用起来也非常方便。下面是具体的使用步骤:

  1. 安装插件


ruby script/plugin install git://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip.git


   你也可以在GitHub 下载到该插件


     2.   下载ImageMagick

          ImageMagick :  http://www.imagemagick.org/script/binary-releases.php#windows

          Rmagick.gem :  http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=12&release_id=26026


Discarding an uploaded image

When an image file is uploaded Paperclip stores it using the original style name. While it isn’t possible to tell Paperclip to simply discard the original image, it is possible to define your own original style which Paperclip will then use. As an example, if your model contains the following:

has_attached_file :photo, 
                  :styles => { :original => '250x250>', 
                               :small => '50x50' }


Then even if a huge photo (say 1600x1600) is uploaded, it won’t be stored on your server (or S3 bucket). You will however still have an original file but it will have been resized to 250x250, helping to reduce the amount of storage space needed for attachments.


Styles can be Procs too

Most of the time you’ll probably be passing geometry strings for the has_attached_file :styles option, but a very nice feature is the ability to also pass a Proc to provide dynamic geometry string generation. For example, you might have a model that has photo_width and photo_height attributes that can be specified by the user and you want to generate a ‘custom’ thumbnail that uses these dimensions. Paperclip allows you to do this easily:

has_attached_file :photo, 
                  :styles => { :original => '250x250>', 
                               :small => '50x50', 
                               :custom => Proc.new { |instance| "#{instance.photo_width}x#{instance.photo_height}>" } }


As you can see the Proc receives the object that the attachment is part of as a parameter and returns a geometry string generated using the photo_width and photo_height attributes. Adding a call to the reprocess! method of the attachment object in your model’s before_save callback also allows you to regenerate the thumbnails if either of these attributes are updated.

Rename files on upload

The has_attached_file :url and :path options can be used to customise the name of your attachments: :url defines the URL that will be used by things like image_tag to access your image and allows you to either provide direct access to the image or to route access through a controller (to provide permission checking for example) and :path determines where the image file is stored either on your server (for file system storage) or in an S3 bucket.

Both options use interpolation, allowing you to use special tags that will be replaced with actual values at runtime (just like regular Ruby string interpolation). The default interpolations provided by the plugin are:

The path to the Rails application.
The current environment (e.g. development, production)
The class name of the model that the attachment is part of, underscored and pluralised for your convenience.
The name of the originally uploaded file without its extension.
The file extension of the originally uploaded file.
The ID of the model that the attachment is part of.
The same as :id but formatted as a string using ID partitioning.
The name of the attachment attribute (defined in the call to has_attached_file) downcased and pluralised for your enjoyment.
The current style of the attachment file being processed (e.g. in the ‘discarding an uploaded image‘ example above the :style would be one of ‘original’ or ‘small’)

The default :url and :path options for has_attached_file are:


:url => "/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension"
:path => ":rails_root/public/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension"


Let’s say you’d prefer your users’ photos to be stored in a single ‘photos’ subdirectory of the public/images folder on your server using the user ID and style as the base file name. Your model would need to contain something like this:

has_attached_file :photo,
                  :url => "/images/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension",
                  :path => ":rails_root/public/images/:attachment/:id_:style.:extension"


If you want to hide images behind a controller do something like this:

has_attached_file :photo,
                  :url => "/:class/:id/:attachment/:style.:extension",
                  :path => ":rails_root/attachments/:class/:id/:attachment/:style.:extension"

 In this example the URL points to a PhotosController nested within the User resource (an example URL would be /users/2/photos/small.png) and the attachment files are stored outside of the public root in a subdirectory of an attachments folder (e.g. RAILS_ROOT/attachments/users/2/photos/small.png). The show action of the PhotosController would be responsible for returning the binary data of the appropriate file using the :style, :extension and :user_id parameters.

Custom interpolations

In addition to the predefined interpolations described above, Paperclip makes it very easy to define your own. For example one of my models has a symbol attribute that I want to use in the file name of images attached to it, so in a Rails initializer I add the following code:

Paperclip::Attachment.interpolations[:symbol] = proc do |attachment, style|


Interpolations are Procs that take two parameters, the attachment object and the current style, and it is possible to access the model that the attachment is part of using the instance attribute of the attachment object.

After adding my custom interpolation I can then use it like this:

has_attached_file :logo,
                  :url => '/:attachment/:symbol/:style/:basename.:extension',
                  :path => ':rails_root/public/:attachment/:symbol/:style/:basename.:extension '


Deleting an existing attachment

Deleting an existing attachment from a model is as simple as setting the attachment attribute to nil. In a RESTful world you could do this from the destroy action of a controller that maps to the attachment (for example using a DELETE request on /users/1/photos).

You can also quite easily replace an existing attachment by POSTing a new file to your update action. Things get a little trickier if you want to be able to delete an existing attachment without replacing it using an update action.

The approach I’ve used is to add a checkbox to the edit form that when checked causes any existing attachment to be removed unless a new file has also been selected in the file upload box. Here’s the view code:

<% form_for(user, :html => { :multipart => true }) do |f| %>
  <%# lots of exciting form fields %>
    <%= f.label(:photo, 'Upload photo') %>
    <%= f.file_field(:photo) %>
  <%- unless user.new_record? || !user.photo? -%>
      <%= f.label(:delete_photo, 'Delete photo') %>
      <%= image_tag(user.photo.url, :alt => 'Photo', :title => 'Current photo') %>
      <%= f.check_box(:delete_photo) %>
  <%- end -%>
  <%# lots more exciting form fields %>
<% end %>


This adds a checkbox, using an instance variable to track its value, if the user isn’t new and already has a photo. The instance variable is added to the model like this:

 def delete_photo=(value)
    @delete_photo = !value.to_i.zero?
  def delete_photo
  alias_method :delete_photo?, :delete_photo


before_validation :clear_photo

# Later in the model
def clear_photo
  self.photo = nil if delete_photo? && !photo.dirty?


def update
  if @user.update_attributes(params[:user])
    flash_and_redirect_to('User profile was saved successfully.', :notice, users_path(@user))
    page_title.unshift('Edit user')
    render(:action => 'edit')


When I was trawling the interwebs to see if anybody else had some code to do this I didn’t find anything, so please let me know if you’ve come up with a better idea but haven’t yet had chance to share it with the world!

Getting clever with validations

I’ve added this section thanks to DMitry’s comment.

Paperclip allows you to validate the presence, content type and size of an attachment file using the validates_attachment_presence, validates_attachment_content_type and validates_attachment_size methods.

But what if you want to do something more advanced? For example let’s say we have a Track model that represents uploaded MP3 files and, because we want to preserve the musical integrity of our site, we want to prevent files from certain ‘artists’ being uploaded. To do this we can use a custom validation method:

class Track < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_attached_file :mp3

  validates_attachment_presence :mp3
  validates_attachment_content_type :mp3, :content_type => [ 'application/mp3', 'application/x-mp3', 'audio/mpeg', 'audio/mp3' ]
  validates_attachment_size :mp3, :less_than => 10.megabytes

  validate :must_have_valid_artist_tag


    def must_have_valid_artist_tag
      Mp3Info.open(mp3.to_file.path) do |mp3info|
        errors.add(:mp3, 'must not be a Michael Bolton song (what are you thinking?!)') if mp3info.tag.artist == 'Michael Bolton'
      end if mp3?
    rescue Mp3InfoError => e
      errors.add(:mp3, "unable to process file (#{e.message})")



This model makes use of the gem to access the ID3 tags: you’ll need to install it and set up the necessary config.gem line in your environment.rb file to get this example working.

The first four lines of the model are straight calls to Paperclip methods: they setup the attachment and ensure it is validated for presence, content type and size. The model then contains a validate callback for the must_have_valid_artist_tag method: this is where the good stuff happens.

Here’s a line-by-line breakdown:

  1. If a new MP3 file has been attached then at the time of validation it won’t have been written to the correct location on the server (or S3 bucket). Fortunately the to_file method means we don’t have to worry about this: it returns a File object that will either refer to an existing attachment file or the new, temporary, uploaded file. The first line of the validation method passes the path name of this file to the Mp3Info class so that it can process it.

  2. In this simple example the validation checks if the artist tag of the MP3 file is set to a particular artist and flags an error as appropriate.

  3. Before doing any of the above it’s a good idea to check that a file was actually attached: Paperclip provides a simple way to do this by calling the mp3? method which returns true if a file has been attached. The name of this method is based on the name of your attachment, so for example if your model contains has_attached_file :photo then the photo? method will be used check for an attached file.

  4. The Mp3Info class will raise an Mp3InfoException if something goes wrong. We need to rescue it in case an invalid MP3 file is uploaded.

  5. To keep this example simple, if an exception occurs an error is added to the mp3 attribute containing the exception message: you could naturally do something more impressive here.

By providing you with direct access to the attachment file using the to_file method, Paperclip enables you to do pretty much anything with the attachment, either in a validation like the one shown above or in a different model callback such as before_save.




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